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Are Cyclists Riding on the Street a Nuisance?

Guest Hal

Are bicyclers a nuisance?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Are bicyclers a nuisance?

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I get a funny feeling that the people complaining about bikers on the road are the same people who would complain about using tax dollars to pave a bike path on the shoulder too.


You sir win the internet for today. +100000000000

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Hilliard has bike lanes on the major roads I use so I dont have a problem with them. Having that available to most of them leads to them making that part of their route and staying off of the other roads where they could block people.
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Im going to try and wrap this up quickly for me



:dumb:mfw nothing ever happens but bitching on this site. cyclist have a legal right, anyone who is annoyed is just bleeding out their vag. Deal with it or change the law. I mean are you that annoyed that you want to take someones life? /'Merica=getoutofmywayimmoreimportant


as far as riding in parks ive maintained that riding the olentangy river trail is 10times more dangerous to the cycler than anywhere else. Im bebopping along at 20mph coming up on dog on extenda leashes and owner on a cell, little kids running around as little kids do or people just not paying attention. Ive had many more close calls on "exersize trails"


cliffs; deal with it

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I get a funny feeling that the people complaining about bikers on the road are the same people who would complain about using tax dollars to pave a bike path on the shoulder too.


Im going to try and wrap this up quickly for me



:dumb:mfw nothing ever happens but bitching on this site. cyclist have a legal right, anyone who is annoyed is just bleeding out their vag. Deal with it or change the law. I mean are you that annoyed that you want to take someones life? /'Merica=getoutofmywayimmoreimportant



untill cyclist have to pay registration fees just liek cars trucks an motorcycles to drive on the road no i dont see how they have "rights" so untill then stay the fuck off the road and out my way


nothing like flying by a biker screaming the bike at 13000 Rpm.. or being a ricer an letting the blow off valve go off on tghe srt or lighting the tires up near them.... nothing like seeing them shit there selves.



oh an before you all get all pisssy an butthurt i used to not mind them untill one hit my side mirror trying to get by me when i was at a stop light.



:finger: get sum :finger:

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untill cyclist have to pay registration fees just liek cars trucks an motorcycles to drive on the road no i dont see how they have "rights" so untill then stay the fuck off the road and out my way


nothing like flying by a biker screaming the bike at 13000 Rpm.. or being a ricer an letting the blow off valve go off on tghe srt or lighting the tires up near them.... nothing like seeing them shit there selves.



oh an before you all get all pisssy an butthurt i used to not mind them untill one hit my side mirror trying to get by me when i was at a stop light.



:finger: get sum :finger:


not to get finikey, but cyclist do negligible damage to roads or produce polution. were just using whats there. What pisses me off is dirving on 70 and seeing these crazy big trucks hauling things that are the oversized load that tear the fuck up of the roads i drive on weekly


When it comes to someone jacking your mirror while your standing still, on behalf of all cyclists we apologize. Moral person would have stopped and seen if there was damage. Guy what probably an asshole that just happened to be riding a bike, dont lump us all into that category.

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51 more votes against the evil cyclists and we can ban their leader for a week! Keep things moving guys.


$50 says when I'm at campus today I see one of these upstanding citizens cut across all lanes of traffic, ignore traffic signals, and make me drive all the way down lane at 7 mph.

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Ill run redlights all day erry day. As long as im not interfering with others. Im sure Hal's pristine example has never crossed the street not in a cross walk or entered a crosswalk when the do not walk hand is up


I submit to the court exhibit V


:nws: http://img534.imageshack.us/i/tampon.gif/

Edited by V8 Beast
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Ill run redlights all day erry day. As long as im not interfering with others. Im sure Hal's pristine example has never crossed the street not in a cross walk or entered a crosswalk when the do not walk hand is up


I submit to the court exhibit V


:nws: http://img534.imageshack.us/i/tampon.gif


ever had anyone shoot you with a paintball gun while riding your bike?



Edited by V8 Beast
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I think they are a nuisance mainly because we complain about being stuck behind someone going 5 under the speed limit, then you have a "vehicle" traveling like 15-20+ mph under the speed limit it's annoying. Especially in rush hour. That's my opinion....it's annoying.


Doesn't mean I run them off the road or hate them as a person. It would be great if they had their own lane, hell I would probably start to ride if there was a designated lane. I don't ride due to the dangers in involved.

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I say we add a poll.


The bet:


If 75 people vote that cyclists are a nuisance before 75 people vote they are not, we ban Evan for a week. If the opposite happens, we ban the person Evan nominates, after winning, for one week (we need to keep things fair in the poll).


75 people is alot.... better keep this thread at the top for a while.

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Ill run redlights all day erry day. As long as im not interfering with others. Im sure Hal's pristine example has never crossed the street not in a cross walk or entered a crosswalk when the do not walk hand is up


I submit to the court exhibit V


Did I say I've never done anything wrong? No? Oh.


It's not my fault you cyclists are such elitist pricks. If you want to ride, fine. Don't complain when you get annihilated by a 3500lb car though.


While I'm at it, why do all the fat ass cyclists wear spandex shorts? Why do all of you have mirrors on your helmets but you completely ignore the giant car coming up behind you while you swerve into the middle of the road? Why do you talk about the laws surrounding cycling, then violate them almost constantly? Why are so many cyclists fat? Do you think you're fast pedaling along a country road at 19mph? How do you always time your rides so that you are infront of me on blind turns and hills so that I can't pass?

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Don't mind me, I'm just going out for a quick ride...



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Did I say I've never done anything wrong? No? Oh.


It's not my fault you cyclists are such elitist pricks. If you want to ride, fine. Don't complain when you get annihilated by a 3500lb car though.


While I'm at it, why do all the fat ass cyclists wear spandex shorts? Why do all of you have mirrors on your helmets but you completely ignore the giant car coming up behind you while you swerve into the middle of the road? Why do you talk about the laws surrounding cycling, then violate them almost constantly? Why are so many cyclists fat? Do you think you're fast pedaling along a country road at 19mph? How do you always time your rides so that you are infront of me on blind turns and hills so that I can't pass?


With all of the complaining I see you do on here, you most likely have high blood pressure (or will soon), which may result in you having a heart attack and dying in your 40's.


I've heard exercise lowers blood pressure. Ever thought about riding a bike?

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