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Since Blue98Ls1 made a thread magically lock for no reason-


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theres also shops that tell you your bill will be 1500 and charge you 3 grand... and they are on this site.


Illegal, bruh. Cannot charge over 10% more than the written estimate (always get it in writing) without your approval. As far as I know, that hasn't changed.

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Illegal, bruh. Cannot charge over 10% more than the written estimate (always get it in writing) without your approval. As far as I know, that hasn't changed.


We are talking about performance shops here my man. Its not unheard of shops doing "illegal" things.

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Illegal, bruh. Cannot charge over 10% more than the written estimate (always get it in writing) without your approval. As far as I know, that hasn't changed.




When i worked at a independent shop the owner stressed this fact back and forth, he knew he'd gets his ass handed to him if he didnt do it by the book

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I know, but this was the only way to get Mark out of the closet, and easiest way to drum up races.


The men stepped up and will show up, and Mark went back in his closet to play WoW.


I'm not swinging off marks nuts but mark races the piss out of that car. He has come out with us and is not some geek that sits around and plays wow. He may not come to your event but if you and Jamie want mark go to Norwalk and fuck him up. He's there quite often.

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We are talking about performance shops here my man. Its not unheard of shops doing "illegal" things.


This is one of those things that you should press if the shop tries to do it. Other illegal things (e.g., removing cats) might just get ignored.

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Fuck off, little man.


PR guy, right here. You know you want to take the heat off yourself.


Compensation only needs to be one full order of magna fries per quarter.

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Fuck off, little man.


I underestimated your mental age, I'm giving you at least 13 after that witty comeback.


Let me go into the deeper context of my earlier post that you clearly missed due to your unfounded blind hatred of me. It's no wonder that Rob wouldn't want to come back here if that's your attitude. It sounds like he's had a shit storm happen in his life lately. I could care less about Rob or him being on here. I don't know anything of him firsthand, except for how he carried himself on here, which was not very well. But if what he's going to get when he came back here, if he even wants to, is you telling him "I told you so", like a child, then why would he want to come back here?

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Its bullshit. The whole "legal" this is a smokescreen of bullshit. A webmaster If it was an issue-it can be made more private-do a purge of all the trolls, the pigs, and anyone why was not an actual "contributor" to the racing scene.


Is facebook or myspace liable when someone kills themselves? Fuck no. Is the mother/father of the bullys them selves even liable? FUCK NO. Only those participation int he acts as per our own Supreme fucking court per


United States v. Lori Drew






Finkel v. Facebook





If there were "scared" about it-they could easily make all users click a no-fault waiver that cover's their ass. Further, they can not control the actions of its users nor the outcome of what they do. Anyone that thinks something near that would stand up in court is a fucking moron.


So, if Anthony, His wife, brother, or ANY of the MOD team think that CPD>The Supreme fucking court, then we indeed have an issue.


Don't see a single note in those cases about how much it costs to defend yourself brosef.


That is the beauty of america, I can bring a lawsuit against anybody and it will cost them money even if they win! That is how my company makes millions each year, the broken legal system of this country.

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I underestimated your mental age, I'm giving you at least 13 after that witty comeback.


Let me go into the deeper context of my earlier post that you clearly missed due to your unfounded blind hatred of me. It's no wonder that Rob wouldn't want to come back here if that's your attitude. It sounds like he's had a shit storm happen in his life lately. I could care less about Rob or him being on here. I don't know anything of him firsthand, except for how he carried himself on here, which was not very well. But if what he's going to get when he came back here, if he even wants to, is you telling him "I told you so", like a child, then why would he want to come back here?



I can see this thread brings out the pompous assholes right and left.


First off, as you stated, you could care less and don't know anything about the situation so you should probably stay out of it anyways.


Second, we never invited him back. But we also never told him he absolutely could not be here either. There are a lot of matters to discuss that are strictly between him and Anthony. Since you seem to be higher than thou and can't read basic normal human conversation, Anthony did at no point say he was going to tell him that, only suggested Rob probably would feel weird about approaching him regarding membership on here again after all of the BS that happened. Especially after he was warned about certain things. And after all said and done, we know everything was mostly Dana's fault but who wouldn't follow the lead of their significant other. No harsh feelings.


In closing, we wish Rob good luck. This thread may be the most worthless thread that has been created in recent months due to all the back peddling, subject changing, and flat out ignorance.



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I say we just use this thread to talk about aquarium fish. And best lighting for coral growth and the cost vs benefit of high end lighting.


Ok, our badass Smith's Fang Blenny got his ass kicked by a Flametail about half his size and died. :yuno:

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Don't mean to stir shit or anything. I don't know anthony nor do I know her. I have only met a few people on the board and while most of my activity here is reading, it seems like that's when it started to go. I know of all the legal issues and such, and understand Anthony's point but still....

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I'd hope not. I enjoy Cr and haven't created any trouble at all. It's not a personal jib at her. Just saying it seems that way from where I sit.


I'm sure alot of members feel the same as what you stated but props to you for actually saying it.


Now inb4 permaban lul

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It has nothing to do with her or anyone specific for that fact, except maybe Jon Linn :gabe:


The last 3-4 years have seen some major publicity concerning street racing and the "dangers" of anyone and everyone doing it.


It doesn't help now that when some random stupid ass (think Morse Road retards two years ago) does ANYTHING at high speeds, some witness is quick to point to street racing and the general public looks for an outlet to blame. Bring on CR.


Most of you run your day-to-day lives cruising around on here thinking of the good ole' days, with your wishful thinking, oblivious to the real world. I only wish we had it as good as we did five or ten years ago. Maybe in shithole Cleveland where the cops worry more about homicides and serial killers than street racers.


Face it, we are on the short end of the stick. If you don't like it, move somewhere else.

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