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So What If....


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I am trying to prepare myself better for the things that come at you fast in life. I was talking with some people on this and wanted to get some soild ideas.


What if there is total civil unrest in this country, like really bad stuff. What should I be collecting now to be ready?


I have currently a Mossberg 500, what ammo should I get?


What else should I collect incase there is a total or partial breakdown? Any good survial guide type books (shows you how to live off the land in a practical way) ideas?

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I am trying to prepare myself better for the things that come at you fast in life. I was talking with some people on this and wanted to get some soild ideas.


What if there is total civil unrest in this country, like really bad stuff. What should I be collecting now to be ready?


I have currently a Mossberg 500, what ammo should I get?


What else should I collect incase there is a total or partial breakdown? Any good survial guide type books (shows you how to live off the land in a practical way) ideas?


There are a couple good forums out there about this kind of stuff. I frequent zombiehunters.org (actually check it out, the name is a joke metaphor "If you're prepared for zombies, you're prepared for anything) and survivalistboards.com. Both have a lot of really solid information. The biggest thing, IMO is having a 3 months supply of food and water. Then weapons and ammo.


If you've ever watched the TV show Dual Survival, Dave Canterbury has a class he teaches in Chilicothe that I've been looking at taking. He seems to know his shit when it comes to our environment.


The 12 gauge is a good choice, only thing with shotguns is the relatively low capacity and bulkiness of ammo. If you're on the run you won't want to haul around the Mossberg and 200 rnds of buckshot, it'll be heavy and take up a lot of space. Though the 12G does a lot of damage per round and it's a very common cartiridge.


There are tons of other options, of course I'm partial to the AR15. Reliable, accurate, and .223 is a very common caliber. Carrying 300-400 rounds of .223 isn't going to take up nearly the space that 12G is and your magazine holds 30rnds.



As far as books, are you looking for fiction or non-fiction? I like to read post-apocolyptical fiction. A few good ones; One Second After, Lights Out, Day by Day Armaggedon series. If you get on Amazon, they usually let you read the first chapter for free.

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I always start with the basic necessities. If shit were to hit the fan, I always say start with a plan. Do you stay or go? I'd always prepare to be on the move, so what you carry or have to load it out in is crucial. When I get some more time, I'll elaborate upon some more points in which I have planned for. There's a few Army field manuals like the 5-34 engineer bible, ranger handbook and basic survival. It's a good corner stone to any Plan A-Z.
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I am looking for non-fiction type books.


I know on the andriod market you can get the army survival guide as an app. It has some good information. There are also a lot of options on Amazon as far as edible and medicinial plant guides. Just make sure that you'd get one that is dealing with this part of the US.


Some fiction books, depending on author, have a lot of good information. If you enjoy good stories, I'd recommend you at least read One Second After. It definitely opens your eyes to possible situations that could very well happen. It's supposed to be made into a movie in the next year or two as well. I could hardly put it down the first time I read it.

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I'll supply the land, shelter and horses. Round me up Scotty and a few others here and we can farm, fish and hunt just fine. Well be outside zannyville but that's not a bad thing.


I'm in for a good read here too. We should start a list of items. What I need is a good AR like gun and ammo. I have other firearms and ammo square. I have acces to four 4x4 trucks and as our family comes together on the farm well also have several dirt bikes and four runner type vehicles.


Good thread.

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Well lots of ammo and food is always a good choice. I've thought about this before and figured out since I can't really hunt for new food I would trade my services or ammo for food. I have a few solar devices that will charge any type of USB device. If everything fell apart people will still want to charge their handheld GPS and maybe ipods. Come find me and if you feed me I will trickle charge all your electronics. ^_^
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Take classes. This weekend I took a level 2 Tactical class that teaches clearing houses, hand to hand defense/pistol protection (making sure your pistol stays with you under attack), small arms tactics, etc. Well worth the time and money. Reading is great too but you can't beat instructor training.
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I have a location that I'd move to, have access to a couple offroad capable vehicles, and am acquiring more guns/ammo. The biggest hurdle I have is building up a large enough food stock as I don't have proper storage for it.
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I have a location that I'd move to, have access to a couple offroad capable vehicles, and am acquiring more guns/ammo. The biggest hurdle I have is building up a large enough food stock as I don't have proper storage for it.


Live off the land. Our ancestors did it for years. Train and study their ways. You'll be fine.

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Live off the land. Our ancestors did it for years. Train and study their ways. You'll be fine.


While I understand and agree with this, I'm more talking about the immediate need for food if there is chaos and you aren't sure where you are safe/where to setup as well as the time needed to grow the food.

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I've been talking about building a zombie attack pack for a little bit now. Everything I need stored in a pack I can take with me that has everything I need ready to go.

- Gun and Ammo

- Knife

- Water Jug and a large can to cook in


- Lighters/ matches

- Seasonal Clothes

- Flashlight

- Rope


Those are just a few things I think I'd absolutely need to have sitting if I were forced to get up and go on the spot. The one thing I know I'm missing is a rifle.

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While I understand and agree with this, I'm more talking about the immediate need for food if there is chaos and you aren't sure where you are safe/where to setup as well as the time needed to grow the food.


Advantage to living in the country already. Plenty of squirrel, deer, rabbit, fox, frogs, and misc. other goodies running around just waiting to become dinner. :)


Understandable in the city though.

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I've been talking about building a zombie attack pack for a little bit now. Everything I need stored in a pack I can take with me that has everything I need ready to go.

- Gun and Ammo

- Knife

- Water Jug and a large can to cook in


- Lighters/ matches

- Seasonal Clothes

- Flashlight

- Rope


Those are just a few things I think I'd absolutely need to have sitting if I were forced to get up and go on the spot. The one thing I know I'm missing is a rifle.


Good list. I'd toss in some of the water purifying pills. Safe water made quick if need be. Also, another way to start fire. Matches and lighters only last so long and are worthless once wet.


EDIT: Here's a list a buddy and myself threw together for a capming trip this fall. We're only allowed to bring things off this list and NOTHING else.


• Pack

• Clothes

• Boots/Shoes

• Machete

• Guns/Ammo

• Flint

• Knife

• Flashlight

• Rope

• Sleeping Bag/Bed Roll/Blanket

• Canteen

• Cook Set

• Jerky

• Compass

• Spade

• Large Trash Bags

• Fishing Line/Hook


We have to be able to carry it for a mile hike back to where we're camping to with no vehicular assistance of any kind. I can't wait. :)

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I've been talking about building a zombie attack pack for a little bit now. Everything I need stored in a pack I can take with me that has everything I need ready to go.

- Gun and Ammo

- Knife

- Water Jug and a large can to cook in


- Lighters/ matches

- Seasonal Clothes

- Flashlight

- Rope


Those are just a few things I think I'd absolutely need to have sitting if I were forced to get up and go on the spot. The one thing I know I'm missing is a rifle.


I have a grab bag in both my car and home, since i carry on a daily basis a gun is no issue. I bought a survival kit to put in each one, a knife and a couple MRE's. Also a few boxes of ammo with some clothes and a first aid kit. both in cheep discreet bag to not draw attention if i have to grab and go. The AR is also beside my bag and can be grabbed very quick.

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I think a ruger 10/22 is also a long term survival weapon or even this Henry survival http://www.henryrepeating.com/rifle-survival-ar7.cfm


22 Rifle will put most common animals in ohio on the dinner table. Plus you can carry several thousand rounds with little to no effort.


38 Grain 22lr of 500 rounds = 4.3lbs on my digital scale lol.

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I'll supply the land, shelter and horses. Round me up Scotty and a few others here and we can farm, fish and hunt just fine. Well be outside zannyville but that's not a bad thing.


I'm in for a good read here too. We should start a list of items. What I need is a good AR like gun and ammo. I have other firearms and ammo square. I have acces to four 4x4 trucks and as our family comes together on the farm well also have several dirt bikes and four runner type vehicles.


Good thread.


When we go fishing we should discuss some things lol.


Oh and to add too the list. I have enough fishing stuff to catch fish for years.

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Secure 1.5+ million sq building. :dumb: Sure, I'll get right on that.


The mall cops did it in Dawn of the Dead.


Whose :dumb: now?



































































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