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86 Day Meet (on 8/6 duh)


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Seeing as this upcoming Saturday is the semi-official AE86 day worldwide, I wanted to see if any nearby owners wanted to meet up, hang out, talk about our shitboxes, and in general have a good time. The enthusiasm for this car is very spread out in the mid-west, with very few owners being near one another (3 or 4 in Cincy, 1 or 2 in Toledo, a handful in Indiana, 4 in Cbus, 2 or 3 in Cleveland, etc.), so I thought a meet was in order. This will be a very polite piggy-backing of the Saturday Cup o' Joe meet, so Saturday at 8 am (maybe 9 since it is a weekend and we all love sleep) at the Cup o' Joe in the Lennox Town Center.


What we will have:

- Fellow enthusiasts, others interested in the model, and lots of knowledge between fellow gearheads

- Coffee available for those who need a bit of a kick in the morning (or for those who are like me there's a gas station down the street with smokes and Dew, the breakfast of champions)

- Possibly a tow truck standing by due to the famously reliable nature of our cars :dumb:


What will we not have:

- Excessive revving or racing in front of, or in, the lot

- Serious haterade being served piping hot

- Bigotry or being a dick



What do you guys think? And for those of you who started the Cup o' Joe meet, would this be acceptable? Think of it as your own personal clown circus, complete with funny cars and people with absolutely zero common sense.

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Even if this gets no AE86 traction on here, please keep us updated on if you are going to do this, if you are going to get a bunch of AE86's to come out. I know a few people who would be interested despite not currently owning AE86's.


While I can't 100% directly speak for "those of you who started the Cup o' Joe meet", I'm sure it would be fine as long as you aren't doing the things you said you will not have. Hell, I usually use it as an excuse to get some exercise and ride my bicycle down there and I'm accepted. I'm sure you will be fine.


Straight from the website. http://columbuscarsandcoffee.net/


Start your weekend off the right way with like-minded car nuts over a cup of coffee and great conversation about everything automotive!


I drive a(n) [iNSERT VEHICLE YEAR,MAKE, AND MODEL HERE]. Is it OK for me to come by?

Absolutely. We only ask that you have pride in your ride, and respect others as well. As true automotive enthusiasts, we understand and appreciate that the choice of vehicle, and customization, is unique to the owner…and you cannot fake passion. While someone’s choice may not be the same as yours, you can learn a lot from someone else when you’re open to talking with them about their passion as well.


I'm sure Clay will chime in.

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I'm going to be there if I can make it.


Good! We need to bring back the Weber's to the world! Especially since D may be abandoning them. I'm putting in the E85 Wednesday I believe, I'll send you a text as to whether or not I'm successful. If I am, we're going 44 degrees timing advance :megusta:


Voted best corolla ever. :fuckyeah:


I'll be in the opposite camp for sure :dumb:


This is the AE86 swap I would love VID


Too overdone and the results aren't worth it. For the same 5-7k that you'd spend on that you could do a 1uz, make loads more power, and only weigh 35 pounds more than the stock 4age. There's also a decent aftermarket for the engine. Either that or spend the 7k wisely and make a very very nice 4age, don't need a ton of power for these cars really, they're light enough to get out of their own way nicely with even 140 hp, much less 200+

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So far the response to this meet hasn't even been lukewarm, its been colder than an Eskimos ass in the winter. Looks like it may only be me and Farkas, so it'll be a study in how to build a car and how to be a complete jackass and ruin a chassis.
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You're just looking for a timing belt tensioner right?


Here's the OEM part #, call up the Toyota dealer on Scarborough and they'll have it in by tomorrow: 13505-16020


If its just the pin that's bent and not anything else you can save a fair amount of dosh and just get that instead: 90249‑06006


All parts are listed here for part #s and pricing (not current but close):




Send me a text if its the other tensioner (ps/ac), I've got one laying around in my garage in perfect shape; my memory is shot since I had to put my dog down yesterday and drive her home to Cincinnati for burial.



EDIT: either that or go to a JY and find a Prizm gsi, all it is is a redblock 4ag, grab tensioner, spend a tenner, roll hard.

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So far the response to this meet hasn't even been lukewarm, its been colder than an Eskimos ass in the winter. Looks like it may only be me and Farkas, so it'll be a study in how to build a car and how to be a complete jackass and ruin a chassis.


Being on Farkas's side of almost any argument or endeavor can be a very lonely experience. :(

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