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If you are going to try for single digits be ready to spend $15-20K. To go that fast and keep everything together is not cheap. It is not as hard as it used to be, but still not as cheap.



We got super lucky and had a motor hook up like you wouldn't believe. We are going to try and run on the same lines thAt erick was talking about. Pretty much low weight, great suspension, and a monster trans. The goal is single digits. I'm not saying we will hit that next yr, but it's the old reach for the moon fall in the stars deal. If we get it running and get it to the track, that's a success to me. It's our goal to run a single digit number under 10k. I think it can be done with their ability and my connections. We want to put our stamp that basically says you don't have to sell your left nut to have a fun car.

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We got super lucky and had a motor hook up like you wouldn't believe. We are going to try and run on the same lines thAt erick was talking about. Pretty much low weight, great suspension, and a monster trans. The goal is single digits. I'm not saying we will hit that next yr, but it's the old reach for the moon fall in the stars deal. If we get it running and get it to the track, that's a success to me. It's our goal to run a single digit number under 10k. I think it can be done with their ability and my connections. We want to put our stamp that basically says you don't have to sell your left nut to have a fun car.


If you have the motor hookup that is big. Trans is easy Power Glide or TH-350. Getting the girl down on weight should not be to big of an issue in theory. Nice thing about g-bodies is the amount of products out there for suspension.

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It's our goal to run a single digit number under 10k. I think it can be done with their ability and my connections. We want to put our stamp that basically says you don't have to sell your left nut to have a fun car.

Great goal for Joe Shmoe, awful business plan for a speed shop.

Where is the profitability in that? It's a sad fact that companies have to make money to stay in business. It's not always about being "the cheapest", look more for the "best value".

Value is really based on opinion though. Take care of people, and you will be able to charge double that (and stay in business). Really make people feel special, and then you can do 20k interior jobs....

Shops that do really well tend to find a niche they dominate.

Buschur - Evo

Switzer - porshe

Ams - gtr

Ips - c6


All of these shops existed before they grabbed ahold of a platform, but after they broke some platform records, it was a different game. New facilities, referals out the ass, co sponsorships.... You get the idea

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Theres 2 big mistakes i see, posting your building a grudge car to hustle with and telling the goals of what you want it to run. That bitch could go 12's and I would still say your a liar cuz its a 10 second car and your hustlin me. Not trying to knock the efforts or anything because you can go 10's and even 9's for 10k. The best way is to keep everything quiet, dont let people know your plans or when the car will even be out, just show up. The car can still travel to other parts of ohio because you dont have to have the fastest car just the best hustle. I think its good for you guys to try and get on the map and I think you guys can. Good Luck. Let me know when you guys take it to a test teack near your shop I would like to see how it works on the street I mean test track.
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I wouldn't let that freckle faced ass pirate within 50' of any internal combustion engine I own. He doesn't understand the danger of particles!


alex does good work, im just saying a 10 second car isn't "on the map" because every hillbilly fuck in all of ohio/indiana/kentucky has one.

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Theres 2 big mistakes i see, posting your building a grudge car to hustle with and telling the goals of what you want it to run. That bitch could go 12's and I would still say your a liar cuz its a 10 second car and your hustlin me. Not trying to knock the efforts or anything because you can go 10's and even 9's for 10k. The best way is to keep everything quiet, dont let people know your plans or when the car will even be out, just show up. The car can still travel to other parts of ohio because you dont have to have the fastest car just the best hustle. I think its good for you guys to try and get on the map and I think you guys can. Good Luck. Let me know when you guys take it to a test teack near your shop I would like to see how it works on the street I mean test track.


Like Mopar said it won't be enough to be a real grudge car so it's not a grudge car. It'll just be a beat dick slow ass Monte :) with high hopes

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Well if you don't have a product out there then no one will know what you are doing. We have 3\4 different projects we are going to test out the next few years and hopefully they will find their notch in somthing. Or maybe even just be an overall performance shop. But no one can come out charging ups/ buscher/ ppc prices until we get some clients. Gotta start somewhere and this is what we think will help us. If not then oh well we will have some fun cars. Honestly, minus the bad business moves rob made he had a ton of work coming in. Why? It wasn't his customer service, it wasn't his pretty shop, it was good work for low prices. I'm not saying we are taking over the world in racing but bpa can follow good practices and become a reputable shop.




Great goal for Joe Shmoe, awful business plan for a speed shop.

Where is the profitability in that? It's a sad fact that companies have to make money to stay in business. It's not always about being "the cheapest", look more for the "best value".

Value is really based on opinion though. Take care of people, and you will be able to charge double that (and stay in business). Really make people feel special, and then you can do 20k interior jobs....

Shops that do really well tend to find a niche they dominate.

Buschur - Evo

Switzer - porshe

Ams - gtr

Ips - c6

All of these shops existed before they grabbed ahold of a platform, but after they broke some platform records, it was a different game. New facilities, referals out the ass, co sponsorships.... You get the idea

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