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How old were you when you had your first fight ?


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So my 8 year old son who is a completely non-violent kid got in his first fight. He's in the last week of summer camp at a private school prior to starting the 3rd grade. Evidently there's been a kid from Olentangy district that has been causing trouble and in general acting like an idiot. Yesterday he decided to pick on my son and actually punched him in the stomach.


My son who was hunched over, stood back up, but before the kid could hit him again, swept the kids legs out from under him causing him to fall pretty hard. (yeah, he learned that from me :gabe: ) He's not hurt but has a case of bruised ego. Especially since he's about 15lbs heavier and taller than my son. Beautiful thing is it was all caught on in classroom security cameras. The kid clearly was cocking his arm back for another punch too. I wish I could post it.


Fuck the parents of the other kid who are trying to "threaten us" with legal BS. Their kid has a recorded history at this school and his primary school of such shitty behavior. I'm looking forward to their bullshit. My son's never even been sent to the office and avoids trouble by walking away. This event had my son backed into the locker area where there was no way out.


So how old were you when you had your first fight. I was 9-10yrs old. I remember not really knowing what to do other than swing. It wasn't until I saw the class geek whip the snot out of someone picking on him that I buddied up with him and went to his martial arts class. We were friends through college thanks to that.

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I was in kindergarten. Some kid in the neighborhood took my Bigfoot truck that I got from my b-day and would not give it back. He was 3 years older than me and when I went home crying my dad and uncle laughed at me for crying and made me go fight him for it. He punched me in the nose and busted my nose and gave me my truck back. I went home crying and played with my truck.
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I got in too many fights to remember as a kid, I remember in about 1st or 2nd grade some kid thought he would try out some wrestling moves on me that he saw on TV. I just remember kicking him and trying to get my belt off to whip him, lol. I was a senior in high school before I straightened out, I spent lots of time in in-school suspension before that. I met my wife after my junior year and I had better things to think about.
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3rd grade, kid kept picking on me everyday. I punched him in the face and then rubbed his face into the mud untill he apologized for picking on me..


Another one i can remember at a young age was a few older kids took my bike when i was about 8. I walked home, picked up a baseball bat as my dads grilling he sees this and asked what was doing. my repsonse " going to get my bike back."

I got my bike back :fuckyeah:



Lol at legal matters.

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Never been in a fight, I have always been taller than everyone and they leave me alone


Same here.


I consider a fight an exchange of hostilities, which I've never had.


I've been hit in the face once and punched two people in the face, all separate occasions.


Fuck the parents of the other kid who are trying to "threaten us" with legal BS.


Do they know that your wife is a lawyer? :dumb:

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I would guess about same age 7-9 range. Guy was picking on my best friend. I jumped on his back and put him in a headlock. He was 2 years older and twice my size. he fell back on me knocked wind out of me. I just held on till teacher split us up. Wrestling was king back then.
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Never been in a fight, I have always been taller than everyone and they leave me alone


Never been in one eathier. Meh and I'm not tall or anything. I guess I'm just so goofy looking that they might think it bwould be a hate crime or something :lol:

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4 years old, kid kept pushing me off my bike so I got even with a whiffle ball bat. Better question is when was your last fight cause its been a while, I try avoiding drama at all cost these days.


As for your son, kudos to him for standing up for himself. To the other kids parents, FU lol

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We had a fight club in 4th grade. We only got caught and in trouble when I knocked some kid's front tooth out



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No idea. I was a pretty short tempered kid and quick to swing. I don't recall getting in a fight in Kindergarten, but I know I attacked a teacher because I thought the strawberries my mother sent with me were for my lunch. Shoulda known that bitch would never make me lunch. I really loved strawberries. Still do, just not enough to attack someone for it. ;) I know I was constantly in trouble for fighting even in elementary right thru high school. Many of my fights were against older kids simply because I was never one to be pushed around, no matter the "rank". I won some, I loss some. But I will never fear a man. A woman, on the other hand... Whew, can't live with 'em... What? That's it. Can't live with 'em.


I started teaching my daughter to fight before she ever went to school. Of course, this caused some problems when she finally went to a day care. Let's just say, you didn't piss her off if you were another kid and it cost me a couple daycares. I had to teach her to dial it back and not to be physical unless she had no choice and was being physically assaulted. It worked, but that's another story. :)

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