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A few of the Audi


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This is the car I just picked up for my son. The deal was to good to pass up. Its not either of ours first choice for him, but like I said the deal was the decider. Its super clean with only a few minor imperfections. Came with a huge stack of receipts from MAG from one of the PO who had everything rebuilt. 4 day old battery, almost new tires ect... Oh and thanks Andy for telling me about it.







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Why is this not your first choice?


Seems like a nice first car.

He wanted a mustang. I woud have preferred something I could either fix myself and something the parts arent so expensive for. And we already had 2 white cars(this makes 3), and none of us like white cars. He is frustrated learning to drive a 5sp but hes only tried it for a total of 10mins with his mom in the passenger seat. He refuses to ride with me.

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He wanted a mustang... He is frustrated learning to drive a 5sp but hes only tried it for a total of 10mins with his mom in the passenger seat. He refuses to ride with me.

Manual, AWD, Nice shape, comfortable, safe, decent power, basically reliable... All of the things my first car (cars) were not. Congrats.


I'm not a parent, but somehow I'm certain he'll thank you for this later when he learns enough to know why.


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Manual, AWD, Nice shape, comfortable, safe, decent power, basically reliable... All of the things my first car (cars) were not. Congrats.


I'm not a parent, but somehow I'm certain he'll thank you for this later when he learns enough to know why.






I would have killed to something so nice as a first car!

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SO MUCH WIN in this thread I'm amazed that the word Mustang is still coming up. That's the perfect car for him. Quick, but not too fast, AWD, manual, reliable, good looking, clean, damn! Buy the kid some condoms and demand he get laid in it :)


Nice find!

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lol 10x nicer than my a4. That was my first car as well. Yours looks just as lifted though haha. :dumb:


I'm sure your son will love it, I still miss mine every now and again.:fa:


It does sit a bit high. Not sure if thats an easy fix or not. Will lower springs alone take car of this? It already looks like theres a control arm or something practically sitting on the rear tires, that and the black plastic below the bottom of the doors looks hideous against the white.

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way too nice for a first car.... my parents made me work and buy my first car thus I had a shit box.... wouldn't have traded that experience for the world. I will not be buying my kids cars... they will learn to work and earn them.
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way too nice for a first car.... my parents made me work and buy my first car thus I had a shit box.... wouldn't have traded that experience for the world. I will not be buying my kids cars... they will learn to work and earn them.

I also had to pay for all of my cars...and gas, upkeep, insurance, etc. You learn to respect it more when it is yours.

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way too nice for a first car.... my parents made me work and buy my first car thus I had a shit box.... wouldn't have traded that experience for the world. I will not be buying my kids cars... they will learn to work and earn them.

I was the same way, I had to buy my own stuff and had a great work ethic. But as I look back on the experience I dont know if it was best. I worked all the time to pay for my car and never really socialized. The few times I did make an attempt to hang out with others, it seemed like I never fit in. To this day you will really never see me coming out to hang as I never developed those social skills. If I can spend a few hundred dollars to help ensure my kids dont suffer the same fate, I am all about it. Life is socially hard for kids these days, I know they have so much but its hard to fit in. My parents werent aware enough of this issue when they moved us from the southend of columbus to pickerington in the middle of HS. We have always tried to be aware of this and address it.

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way too nice for a first car.... my parents made me work and buy my first car thus I had a shit box.... wouldn't have traded that experience for the world. I will not be buying my kids cars... they will learn to work and earn them.


I also had to pay for all of my cars...and gas, upkeep, insurance, etc. You learn to respect it more when it is yours.


I was given a 6 year old Taurus se when I turned 16. 5k car. It was my dads. I took excellent care of that car. Washed and waxed regularly, maintained it, put a stereo in it, etc.


I could not have taken better care of the car, and it was a gift. I took better care of my 3 to 5k cars in highschool than I do my 25 to 35k cars after, which I paid for.


It isn't like you can't take the car away or sell it to discourage bad behavior, or improper care of the car...


I will be buying my kids a car.

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I was the same way, I had to buy my own stuff and had a great work ethic. But as I look back on the experience I dont know if it was best. I worked all the time to pay for my car and never really socialized. The few times I did make an attempt to hang out with others, it seemed like I never fit in. To this day you will really never see me coming out to hang as I never developed those social skills. If I can spend a few hundred dollars to help ensure my kids dont suffer the same fate, I am all about it. Life is socially hard for kids these days, I know they have so much but its hard to fit in. My parents werent aware enough of this issue when they moved us from the southend of columbus to pickerington in the middle of HS. We have always tried to be aware of this and address it.


I think you fit in just fine, not sure where that comes from. I feel that way sometimes but as I got older I just decided "fuck it" if people don't like the way I am I'll find some people who do.

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