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What rhymes with Venus.... 2nd grade homework


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Tell me, I am missing some obvious word....

I can't believe a second grader is suppose to know "genus"... so I can't even figure out, of all the words that could be used..... why "Venus"



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I thought of genus, and that's what we used.

But it's a word he has never been taught, and the homework is all stuff that is suppose to be done on their own.

Genius doesn't really rhyme.

I was just kind of amazed of the thousands of words that could have been used, why "Venus" when the only real answe is a word that not one child in the class knows

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I got the whole -us thing.

Genus is the answer. I'm not questioning that.

Maybe I'm way off, but I would bet atleast 10% of the parents don't know the word genus, nor the meaning. Let alone the kids.


Not true... Thanks to Word Fued and Words with Friends half of America has a better vocabulary :gabe:

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