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Where can I get cases of Yuengling in Columbus?


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Explain how you get drunk off a "beer" that has the alcohol content of water? Yuengling isnt a fancy beer, and you can get drunk off half as much as you would need of nasty light...or get yourself a 6 or 12 pack of molson xxx and be set


I'm not saying that I don't like a tasty brew when I'm just chillaxin with some hoes or bros, bruh. But when I want to get drunk, natty is some cheap pre game to get me all hyphy before the jager bombs while im fist pumpin at da' club, stay solid brotato.

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It's not the best. Not even close. But I enjoy it, and it's a nice change because they don't sell it here and I despise bud light. Inexpesnive, pleaseing to my taste buds, and can't find it down here ='s me buying some there.


Other beers I enjoy:




Sam Adams (various varieties)

Stella Artois


blah blah blah

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I'm not a huge fan of the Black and tan. I see they have other varieties, so I'll try those too. I'm not a connoisseur by any means. I drink Miller or Budwieser because that's esually what people have at parties and such. All in all to each his own.
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Natty light is only for when you are under 21. Any time after that and you are just gay for drinking it. And by gay I don't mean you are a douche I mean you like gay sex with random homosexuals. Not that there is ever anything wrong with being a homosexual.
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