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The next 6-8 weeks are going to suck ass for me and my wife.


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Hang in there Buck. If you need anything let me know. The family would be more than happy to help.


Find a way to give this vicodin to him. It's liquid but he won't take it (he HATES taking any medicine at all). I put it in his juice but he won't eat anything and takes very small sips of the drink.. like 1-2 in the past 3 hours. :fuuuu:

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make a popsicle with it and hope he has a speedy recovery


he hates popsicles :(


Does he respond to pictures that could tell him what has happened and remind him about the medicine/restrictions?


Good luck, man. 8 weeks from now you won't believe how fast things went.


Not really. He's pretty smart for being autistic, just doesn't understand real world type stuff. Pictures won't do much for him.


He's not doing TOO bad today. Just the occasional whimper here and there. The biggest issue that I think we have with him is that he's a mover. He can't sit in one space for long. He's constantly going from his bedroom to the family room playing back and forth and it's just pissing him off he can't do that. I'm going to bring his xbox into the family room tomorrow to give him something else to do and possibly get his mind off it.

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Little update. He's drinking a LOT more now. Problem is.. he thinks he's "sick".. and when he's sick he won't eat anything or drink anything. I made Lori a grilled cheese today and we were both shocked when he wanted half. So.. he ate that up. He's now drinking the juice mixed in with the liquid fun drug (vicodin) and last night was funny as hell. He kept on talking and talking and having a good old time.


We got him to finally sit up and get him to learn that he can move his other leg. He still gets pissed when we move him but it'll get better.


I also brought his xbox out so it gives him something else to do. He plays Tiger Woods 2004 like :fuckyeah:



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We're going to go to his school tomorrow so he can see all his friends and his teachers.


Hell his teach came to the house the last few days and she made a video on her ipad with the other kids in school telling how much they miss him. Then she turned around and made a video of HIM on the couch the other day to tell all his friends at school that he misses them. Almost put the wife and I in tears. Awesome teacher.

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Glad to hear things are starting to turn around a bit. As an idea to start planning ahead, you might want to think now about what you're going to do when his leg starts itching. As a kid I used a metal clothes hanger once and I scratched the skin pretty badly, I was just lucky it didn't get infected. It has to be a common problem, maybe the doctor has some ideas what you could use.
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As an idea to start planning ahead, you might want to think now about what you're going to do when his leg starts itching. As a kid I used a metal clothes hanger once and I scratched the skin pretty badly, I was just lucky it didn't get infected. It has to be a common problem, maybe the doctor has some ideas what you could use.


uh, yes, do NOT do this. benadryl works wonders for stopping 'cast itch'. also, a very light sprinkling of baby powder. you can also get 'mole skin' from the drug store if he's having irritation from the edges of the cast.


good luck. awesome teacher by the way, to come to your house and do the video. very few teachers who will do things like this anymore.

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We took him to school today.


HOLY SHIT he's the f'n king of that school. We went into the cafeteria and there was a swarm of kids that came over and either gave bump fists or high fives and asked how he was doing. Hell, we were strolling him down the hallway and random kids were just saying "Hi Ryan". It was a great feeling that he's so loved there at the school.


We got some people to write on his cast and he thought that was pretty cool.


It's amazing how many people (kids and teachers) care so much for him.

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That's gotta BLOW! I remember popping my knew out of place and had a similar thing(not a cast) and it SUCKED! Hope you guys get a routine down, it'll make it less stress-ful 6-8 wks


i remember my siblings always itching from casts...when i was in a hard cast (albeit only 2 days before surgery) and the 2.5 weeks after, itching wasnt even bad...idk if its materials they use now or that it just wasnt the same on me as others...i dont know that i ever took benadryl either

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We took him to school today.


HOLY SHIT he's the f'n king of that school. We went into the cafeteria and there was a swarm of kids that came over and either gave bump fists or high fives and asked how he was doing. Hell, we were strolling him down the hallway and random kids were just saying "Hi Ryan". It was a great feeling that he's so loved there at the school.


We got some people to write on his cast and he thought that was pretty cool.


It's amazing how many people (kids and teachers) care so much for him.


This must be cool as parrent to see.

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Little update. After one week and we went to the orthopedic doc and he says they might put him in a cast from past the knee down to his toes. Not the full cast. We have an appointment next Monday to take another x-ray to see if the bone set correctly. If so, they'll cut off the old cast and add a another one one.. Lighter and water proof.


For the first week it hasn't been that bad. The first few days sucked but he started drinking and eating later on in the week and he doesn't whimper or cry as much as the first few days.


He's doing A LOT better than we expected him to be.


Again.. thanks for all the kind wishes and get well stuff. I think we've gone through the hardest part. Well sorta. There's no f'n way in hell he'll let them take off the cast and put a new one on. He'll probably need to be put under to take it off and put the new one on.

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We took him to school today.


HOLY SHIT he's the f'n king of that school. We went into the cafeteria and there was a swarm of kids that came over and either gave bump fists or high fives and asked how he was doing. Hell, we were strolling him down the hallway and random kids were just saying "Hi Ryan". It was a great feeling that he's so loved there at the school.


We got some people to write on his cast and he thought that was pretty cool.


It's amazing how many people (kids and teachers) care so much for him.


This was awesome to read. Like Waggner said, that had to feel pretty good as a parent. Hope he gets through the cast change ok. Hang in there man. Sounds like you and the lady are doing well with him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well today was the day he got the full cast off and put the other "half cast" on. He did remarkably well. The doc gave us liquid valium and that tasted like shit (I put some on my finger to try it). It was f'n nasty. Even mixed with his drink it sucked. So we just sucked it up and took him to Childrens ortho place off Cleveland. Very cool guy was there and was playing with Ryan and a few of us held him down and in 1 minute and like 30 seconds the cast was off. He didn't really complain at all getting the new one on.


This one he can walk in and it's waterproof so he can get in the tub now. This will be on for another 4 weeks (right after Christmas) and it'll come off and we should be good to go.


Thanks for all the kind words. My wife and I didn't think it was NEARLY as bad as we thought it would be.

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