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MW3, why you no more consistent????

V8 Beast

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Blind Eye Pro

Assassin Pro

Sitrep Pro

M4A1 with anti-camping Heartbeat Sensor





I have a steadily increasing K/D now sitting at 1.60 in HC DM and almost every game get the accolades for Nomad (longest distance traveled) and Sprinter (most running).


It's about how you play, how you handle your classes, and knowing where people camp. Those of you bitching about lag this and bullets that obviously need another hobby.


Basically, some of you bitch too much.

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Blind Eye Pro

Assassin Pro

Sitrep Pro

M4A1 with I am a camping homo Heartbeat Sensor





I have a steadily increasing K/D now sitting at 1.60 in HC DM and almost every game get the accolades for Nomad (longest distance traveled) and Sprinter (most running).


It's about how you play, how you handle your classes, and knowing where people camp. Those of you bitching about lag this and bullets that obviously need another hobby.


Basically, some of you bitch too much.





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My problem is too many sit in corners in this game. I think much more than Black Ops or MW2.


this, fuckin noobs sittin in the corners or prone down a long hall. I mean I can understand this somewhat in defense type gamemodes when covering a flag etc, but team deathmatch wasnt made for you holding down a door by ADS'ing it all game.


hold a position yourself and quit running around so damn much


there is no "bling" in mw3


its called attachments or whatever, went from being a perk to part of the gun loadout.

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Every room has 2-3 entrances into it, there is no perfect hiding spot..


your face has 2-3 entrances to it.



doesnt mean I can see them crouching in the shadows. just sayin, i know campers gonna camp, just pisses me off. when I have to chock up 3-4 deaths a game to that shit.


most of the time they catch me they are in a very inconspicuous spot. not in the normal trafficked rooms.

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your face has 2-3 entrances to it.



doesnt mean I can see them crouching in the shadows. just sayin, i know campers gonna camp, just pisses me off. when I have to chock up 3-4 deaths a game to that shit.


most of the time they catch me they are in a very inconspicuous spot. not in the normal trafficked rooms.


I FUCKIN HATE CAMPERS. How can you enjoy a game when you are sitting prone in one corner of the map just looking ahead. soo fucking lame. I wish I could pay money to join non camping games. This comming from a guy who rushes 99% of the time.

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The only other thing about the game (especially in Kill confirmed) are the spawn points. I know the body has to be put somewhere, but damn.. There's multiple times where the enemy has spawned 2-3 feet from me or let alone behind me. Or spawn and take two steps (if that and die). Other than that I like the game and I deal with it.
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I fuckin love camping, it makes people incredibly angry. I love hearing grown men yell at me in full surround sound after they come looking for me just to find I switched corners in the same room and killed them again. Boner points for getting a camping kill-cam, then leave the room after you win so nobody can get revenge.


Eat my fuck faggots

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