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MW3, why you no more consistent????

V8 Beast

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Says the Guy that bitches as much as the rest of us in game lol




I just got my 3rd update for MW3 when I turned my xbox on.. Are the people that made the game on CR? Using me as a test subject? Fucking me over with no lube and not cuddling me just to offer this patch as an apology? Anyone else getting updates?


Damn, now I have to test it out to see if it fixed anything.

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Yeah, but I don't create a thread to bitch about it :p


If I was on early enough to join a party I wouldnt have to resort to bitching on CR. I could do it with a group of my peers like a normal video game junky. You can blame Verizon and my family for that!

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I FUCKIN HATE CAMPERS. How can you enjoy a game when you are sitting prone in one corner of the map just looking ahead. soo fucking lame. I wish I could pay money to join non camping games. This comming from a guy who rushes 99% of the time.


exactly, the kicker is that they usually end up with a 1:4 K/D at the end of it. :dumb:


I fuckin love camping, it makes people incredibly angry. I love hearing grown men yell at me in full surround sound after they come looking for me just to find I switched corners in the same room and killed them again. Boner points for getting a camping kill-cam, then leave the room after you win so nobody can get revenge.


Eat my fuck faggots


I will end you

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or your internet sucks and you have to compensate for the lag.


Actually, in this game, you get punished for having a good connection. If your internet is shitty you benefit from the lag compensation programmed into the game. Like Spankis said, it's a very, very poorly implemented part of the game which was intended to lessen host advantage. What it did was create a brand new shitty connection advantage.


Noticed it within a few days of the game's release when a guy who was lagging like crazy was raping everyone. Then saw a video where a guy played normal and got raped then added a certain amount of ping to his connection to basically simulate a shitty connection and he was destroying people. It's a cool feature.

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I've been trying to reduce the lag in game by trying to get into only <50ms ping games. It seems lately though that those games still have noticeable lag, instant deaths, shit like that.


hardcore was even worse, I was dead before I even saw anyone turn the corner.

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You're actually better off getting into a game where your ping is high. I read up some more on the lag compensation this morning and how it works exactly. Basically the game reads everyone's ping and takes the average then somehow simulates yours up or down depending on the average to get everyone around the same. So say your ping to the host is 20ms and the worst guy's ping is 200ms and the room average is 90ms. You're going to get downgraded 70ms and they're going to be upgraded 110ms through the lag compensation programming. It's just that the game does such a shitty job of this (no idea how it even works but that's what it's trying to do) that the guy with the 200ms ping being upgraded to 90ms gets a nice advantage whereas you, the responsible, respectable human being with a real internet connection, gets put at a disadvantage.


I messed around with QoS settings on my router a week or so ago to try and make my Xbox have very limited bandwidth but didn't follow through. Going to mess with it more tonight after I prestige again.

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Battlefield 3. End thread.

I have both games, my opinion is Battlefield 3 is for campers and people who like slow paced games, you cant run and gun in Battlefield 3, MW3 is a faster pace game for the run and gun people, but if you are playing at a peek time you'll get pwnd often, play during an off peek time and you'll have a high kill death ratio, so yes MW3 is inconsitant

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