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I realized I can never live in Columbus again (AZZTOBOGGAN)


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I was in Columbus for the last 2.5 days and it was aggravating from the moment I reached Delaware on US-23. In Michigan everyone drives 7-15 mph over the speed limit. In Columbus everyone drives 5 UNDER. Ugh. Everywhere I went I was stuck behind people holding up traffic. I love the city, but people need to learn how to drive.


As I was leaving for home I was on the 315 N entrance ramp on Bethel Rd and was following someone down the ramp. She would not accelerate to merge, then once able to merge she had a car next to her so she slammed on the brakes and came to a COMPLETE stop on the freeway!


Not to mention when driving in the rain on 270 about half the cars I passed were texting while driving.


I love Columbus as a city, but I don't know how you guys do it. I was ready to shoot people after just 2 days.

Edited by Mallard
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My blood pressure skyrockets twice a day driving to work. I can't bring myself to move out of state though.


This. People suck at driving anywhere, they just suck worse here.


All I can suggest is you move to a rural area. Little traffic, open roads, but close enough to the city that you can quickly get to somewhere.


Driving anywhere near 270 in rush hour would make a murderer out of a nun.

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mallard that is a cool story man. maybe we can get this thread merged with the other threads. or just start a stickied "traffic bitching" thread where you can all go bitch to eachother and not start really cool threads like this.


again i would just like to say this is a really good story bro. thank you.

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Go ahead and steal my idea. Buy a hummer h1 and put very bright light bar on it. Purposely grind your car against walls or whatever to give your paint scratches, dents, and sheit. Install a train horn. Now go drive it. When you get behind someone being a douche hit the horn and flash your lights. Maybe they will get the hint that you will run them over if they don't move.
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Or buy my truck.


Traffic kills kittens everywhere. I was in Philly this week for Christmas and was shocked at the idiots on the highway...they were driving fast, but didn't know/care where the lane lines are.


I do agree that HELLA off-road lights - multiple purrs on yo' front bumper - are the way to go. Ididoth drivers are clearly confused anyway, might as well push them to flat-out scared by blinding them from behind.

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As I was leaving for home I was on the 325 N entrance ramp on Bethel Rd and was following someone down the ramp. She would not accelerate to merge, then once able to merge she had a car next to her so she slammed on the brakes and came to a COMPLETE stop on the freeway!


I drive this enterance (Bethel to 315N) every day. I have no idea what's so confusing about it, but out of all of the regular entrances in the city, it's probably the worst for traffic. No one knows how to merge after the light. Everyone gets onto the highway doing 45mph. :fuuuu:


I do my best to be an dick there and get in front of people when I can. That way I can reasonable accelerate down the ramp, get up to a high way speed so I'm not risking my life behind some asshole merging at 45mph.

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Or buy my truck.


Traffic kills kittens everywhere. I was in Philly this week for Christmas and was shocked at the idiots on the highway...they were driving fast, but didn't know/care where the lane lines are.


Damn man, last time I was in philly traffic was backed up for 3 hours on the freeway because some fuck stopped his Jaguar in the middle lane.

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I drive to Columbus from Lancaster for 10 weeks once, the first week, I went insane.


The second week, I said fuck it and started passing on the right and darting in and out of traffic. Pro? The drive didn't suck anymore and I actually got to use the steering wheel.


Does anyone ever use their high beams to try to prompt people to move the FUCK over?

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I drive to Columbus from Lancaster for 10 weeks once, the first week, I went insane.


The second week, I said fuck it and started passing on the right and darting in and out of traffic. Pro? The drive didn't suck anymore and I actually got to use the steering wheel.


Does anyone ever use their high beams to try to prompt people to move the FUCK over?


People don't give a shit even when you try and get them to move over

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Does anyone ever use their high beams to try to prompt people to move the FUCK over?


Yes. Results vary. I absolutely LOVE the "Slower traffic keep right" signs but they need big flashing lights on them. I'd gladly give a cop a donut to stop ticketing for speeding and ticket for obstructing the flow of traffic, reckless op for slow mergers, etc.


CR traffic enforcement 2012.

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I was in Columbus for the last 2.5 days and it was aggravating from the moment I reached Delaware on US-23. In Michigan everyone drive 7-15 mph over the speed limit. In Columbus everyone drive 5 UNDER. Ugh. Everywhere I went I was stuck behind people holding up traffic. I love the city, but people need to learn how to drive.


As I was leaving for home I was on the 325 N entrance ramp on Bethel Rd and was following someone down the ramp. She would not accelerate to merge, then once able to merge she had a car next to her so she slammed on the brakes and came to a COMPLETE stop on the freeway!


Not to mention when driving in the rain on 270 about half the cars I passed were texting while driving.


I love Columbus as a city, but I don't know how you guys do it. I was ready to shoot people after just 2 days.



How do you think I feel.


I go from driving in MI for 10 years to this crap.

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Does anyone ever use their high beams to try to prompt people to move the FUCK over?


Yes...most understand and move over yet will give you shitty look....


Yeah, they brake check you.


Key is to without any hesitation blow past their ass at top speed and if they play catch up play lock-up right back. I had a lady once brake check me on Sawmill Parkway as she rolled at 40mph in near zero traffic. She forced me to pass on the right then tried to cock-block me. I thought the back of MS3 was going to hit me in the head as I brake checked her right back. Volvo's do stop well though. I just wonder if her seat came clean as I'm sure she shit herself. Bitch.

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Go ahead and steal my idea. Buy a hummer h1 and put very bright light bar on it. Purposely grind your car against walls or whatever to give your paint scratches, dents, and sheit. Install a train horn. Now go drive it. When you get behind someone being a douche hit the horn and flash your lights. Maybe they will get the hint that you will run them over if they don't move.


this is how i feel in the 87 k10. its dented, rusted, loud and has no grill. Ive noticed people tend to get over when they see it riding their ass.

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this is how i feel in the 87 k10. its dented, rusted, loud and has no grill. Ive noticed people tend to get over when they see it riding their ass.


You should make it backfire on purpose...very loudly. I can imagine the horror in their face when they see a dangling headlight, rusted, missing grille and backfiring loudly.


Oh yeah.

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