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Mount Everest would you...?


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What's funny is ever since the 70s, no one really "climbs" Everest anymore anyhow. They put ladders near the top so you don't even have to climb the rocks. There was one guy a few years back who tried to climb the mountain in the gear that George Mallory would have used in the 1920s. Many people believe he was the first to make it to the top and died on the way back down.
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There's nothing up there.


You, when you get there. Look, if you wanna make it worth it, befriend your worst enemy. Then, take them on the trip and when you get to the top, push them off. Trick them into wearing a bell so you can still hear them once you lose sight.


Try turning it into a game! How many jingles does it take to get to the bottom or try to guess how far he has to go by the sound!

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And triple to help explain it to some of you. For some people, there doesn't have to be a tangible, physical reward at the end of a struggle or hard journey to make it rewarding. It's the challenge itself and within yourself to push harder than you would, to strive further than you thought possible and to conquer something so grand you've set your mind and body to. Some of us thrive on testing ourselves.
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And triple to help explain it to some of you. For some people, there doesn't have to be a tangible, physical reward at the end of a struggle or hard journey to make it rewarding. It's the challenge itself and within yourself to push harder than you would, to strive further than you thought possible and to conquer something so grand you've set your mind and body to. Some of us thrive on testing ourselves.


Cliff notes: The journey is half the fun

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