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Haha the scout board is on meltdown, fire Fickell, fire Urban, hire the fired pizza boy, Curtis Grant sucks, fire anyone associated with OSU. I love when OSU wins close and people go ape shit. I do agree that the defense is terrible and probablly one of the worst if not the worst I have ever seen and that includes last years shitty d.


While it wasn't pretty by any means of the word, it is a win

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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First, refs kind of sucked.


They overturned everything on Ohio State. The overturned interception by Bryant was questionable. But, okay, I get it, whatever. Then, they took away a TD run by Hyde, saying he was down at the 1 or whatever. Uh, no he wasn't, call on the field was TD, and there wasn't anything close to indisputable evidence to overturn it - but somehow they did. Then, inexplicably, they somehow allow the onside kick debacle - where it's clear the guy was standing out of bounds when he tosses ball back in - to stand. WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK?


Okay, refs aside, Ohio State's defense just looks like they packed it in at about 10 minutes left in fourth quarter. Unfortunately, Indiana's offense didn't.

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WVU finally found out what happens when you play a good defense it turns out... That or the offense just slept today... And the defense still sucks.


Mythical Match-Up:


Ohio State versus West Virginia


Final score:


Ohio State - 135


West Virginia - 162


Battle of which defense sucks more.

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And I am worried about my bearcats against Toledo actually. UC played lazy and sloppy the first half against Fordham(?!?!). But thankfully an ass reaming at half time (I imagine) made them wake up. And I am REALLY concerned how they will look against lville/uconn/Rutgers if they don't shape it up on offense. We just don't have a caliber QB... I think if we did we would rival the 2009 team. The receivers are great, the o-line is great, but legeux just doesn't have the accuracy/consistency.
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I am just baffeled by the lack of push the D line has gotten most of this season. Sure theres been moments or a game here and there where Simon and Hankins go off, but tonight you heard nothing from either of them. The only time I heard Hankins name was when he got the personal foul call on him late in the game. The lack of solid d-line play is affecting the linebackers which in return affects the secondary. I truely believe that the talent we all thought was there, just simply isnt. I mean outside of Hankins and Roby no one on this team has played like a future NFL player. If anyone says John Simon I will say Mike Kudla. He is a tweener unfortunately, I love the way Simon plays but he is going to have a hard time finding a spot in the NFL unless he can magically play LB or something in a 3-4 style. Shazier has a ton of tackles but thats to be expected from a linebacker, he hasn't done anything that makes you stop and say "oh damn that dudes a beast"


The offense has pleasantly suprised me while the defense has taken huge steps backwards, thank god this season is basically a dress rehearsal for next year and 2014

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Didn't even know Fordham was a school/place/anything.


Yeah, Louisville and Rutgers will be challenges for Cincy.


It was crazy, but it was very obvious that Fordham came to play and UC hadn't. They looked more physical in the first half, were more aggressive on the ball on both sides of it; bullied the UC players, got under their skin. Half time was like 14-6... And our defense got one of those TDs on the opening drive, but only after Fordham had gotten the ball down to the 10 yard line before coughing it up. Then the second half, from the first snap it was like the bearcats punched back right in the mouth and the game was over for Fordham...


The bearcats CAN'T start like that against Toledo , let alone a BE foe...

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Maybe it has something to do with all the spread/pass-oriented offenses we've played? I think the quick pass neutralizes a pass rush - am I right in thinking this? Still, though, there's no way to excuse away 35+ points that you give up in consecutive weeks. Bottom line is that the numbers can't lie that much and this defense just isn't very good.


Side bar: every noticed that, when Ohio State has a good offense, the defense isn't as good? (Or is this just me thinking something that isn't true?) Kind of like - oh, it's cool, we don't have to be that good because we have Braxton Miller/Troy Smith and our offense can win in a shootout.

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The defenses were pretty decent during the Troy Smith era except 2004, but 05 and 06 were no joke. Look at some of the guys that played on those teams and players who were on them.


05: 14.4ppg given up by the D (10-2)

06: 12.5ppg (12-1) you take away 39 to michigan and 41 to Florida and that D was insane

07: 12.2ppg (11-2) take away the 38 to LSU in NC and again defense was insane

08: 10.6 (10-3)

09: 11.6ppg (11-2)

10: 13.3ppg (12-1)

11: 21.7ppg (6-6)

12: 23.1ppg (7-0)


Gotten progressively worse since 2008 lol


I just think this and last years defense are really that bad. The spread excuse is being tossed out a lot and at first I was like ok I might give you that one, but the more I watch this team, the more I have come to the conclusion that they are really just bad.

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Good news....my knee hurt enough that I was well into a nice beer/percocet mellow during the second half. I was still pissed.....haha. I also noticed that every single time OSU had a review it went against them.....even without the "indisputable" evidence that is supposed to be there to over turn a call.
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BTW Tilley, I think we may be headed for a SEC vs SEC rematch part 2 in the NCG. If LSU can somehow beat Alabama, I think we will see both teams in the NCG. I dont see any other team going undefeated with the exception of maybe Oregon but I still think they slip up at some point this season unfortunately.
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Oh, forgot to add, the reason we were playing Fordham, was they were the last minute fill-in to replace TCU after they backed out of the BE.



And another weird fact: Fordham and UC are the two oldest college football programs, Fordham being the oldest, though they stopped playing football for a few decades till 1989, lol

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OSU's defense is... interesting.


I think it's a combination of the spread thing (the quick passes really neutralize our DL then our back 7 outside of Roby and sometimes Howard is generally awful) and the defense kinda packing it in the last 10 minutes of the game. I mean, that game went on for a while. All the reviews and injuries and penalties... took a full 4 hours. You see you're up 2 TD's in the 4th with about 5 minutes left and the other team is sending in their freshmen just to get some experience and you relax a bit.


I think it's clear that Urban hates the Fickell/Heacock way of playing defense. And Fickell is not nearly as good at calling the defense as Heacock was. I don't think Urban can look at that defense and see anything but what he and his team were able to do to it in the national title game.

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Why does everyone say Fickell calls the defense? Everything I have read says Withers is the one calling the plays. Just curious as to why that guy gets no heat, yet Fickell and even Vrabel are having their heads called for. Trying to see it from the other perspective I guess, because I believe Withers who is also assistant head coach is equally to blame for the way this defense is playing. Also since everyone is being called out to get fired, can we fire the WR coach? He apparently can't coach as his WR's have dropped passes all year long haha.


Honestly I would not be that upset if this team lost a game, in fact it may be a good thing going into next year where shit really counts with a little chip on their shoulder. I fear if they go 12-0 they will come into next season thinking they are just gonna run the table, which they very well could but I would rather have a team that plays with a little chip rather then one that thinks they just have to show up in order to win.

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Rough game for sure, lots of mistakes and just plain bad calls(the onside kick was out of bounds and a blind man would see that). The screens and such really seem to shred our defense and as said we just don't seem to have the talent we thought we did.


Upward and onward I say. We have what should be another scrimmage with a bad Purdue team that we shouldn't have lost to the last 2 times next week and then we go to Happy Valley with PSU playing the kind of football they've been needing to play for a long time now.

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BTW Tilley, I think we may be headed for a SEC vs SEC rematch part 2 in the NCG. If LSU can somehow beat Alabama, I think we will see both teams in the NCG. I dont see any other team going undefeated with the exception of maybe Oregon but I still think they slip up at some point this season unfortunately.


It will be interesting to see what the BCS standings are. If there are two SEC teams up there - and I'm assuming there will be - then I will start sharpening my wrist razors now...

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