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Places in Marysville to live...


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So I may be taking a job at Honda up in Marysville as a Mech. Engineer. That being said, are there any areas up there to buy/build houses with some land? I would like at least an acre and a half, but probably no more than 10. I'd like to stay within ~30min or so of the plant, but would consider moving further. Where are some good places to check out?
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are you goin to be hireing in as a temp? i know for sure a couple years ago when you first started in honda you HAD to live in marysville, idk why, but i had a friend who worked there and i guess that was the rule


Nah, EDP (Engineering Development Program). My first 2 years, I'll cycle into different departments to become "well rounded" and then end up in my home department. I co-oped at the Anna facility in Engine Assembly last winter semester and drove back and forth from Dayton to Anna every morning at 4:30am

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Plenty of land that is on the cheaper side and more available on the west and North west side of marysville. Do a search for Bear Swamp Road and houses in Raymond. My Dad lives towards Ostrander and there are places out there but the prices go up higher.


Plain City is great but is very expensive to buy. You will pay a lot more to move to PC than you will places that are around the area. My ranch home sits on 4 acres and would have been 225k+ if I wouldnt have bought from my inlaws.

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Nah, EDP (Engineering Development Program). My first 2 years, I'll cycle into different departments to become "well rounded" and then end up in my home department. I co-oped at the Anna facility in Engine Assembly last winter semester and drove back and forth from Dayton to Anna every morning at 4:30am


Cool, you will like the program. I have 2 friends who have gone through the program and are doing quite well for themselves.


Their corp. apartments are in that complex behind Tuttle. Both of the guys I know who are engineers there live in Hilliard

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Who are they? Do you know what departments they work in?


Darren Stursa and Nathan Hay. Nathan is in Japan a lot. Engineering kind of bores me and finanlol shit bores them, so we really don't talk about work. It may be a few years since Darren and I have hung out. I dunno, life is busy

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I'd highly recommend NOT buying land in BFE and building. I know people that have done this and thought "I'll be there forever" only to move years later (shit changes) and get totally screwed selling. Buying on the edge of Dublin or Plain City is 100% correct, even though it may seem like more of a drive now it is MUCH nicer to live close to town than Marysville unless you're from there. There are plenty of cheap places and good deals to be had in the 33 corridor between 161 and Scottslawn.
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I'd highly recommend NOT buying land in BFE and building. I know people that have done this and thought "I'll be there forever" only to move years later (shit changes) and get totally screwed selling. Buying on the edge of Dublin or Plain City is 100% correct, even though it may seem like more of a drive now it is MUCH nicer to live close to town than Marysville unless you're from there. There are plenty of cheap places and good deals to be had in the 33 corridor between 161 and Scottslawn.


I don't agree. Some people love to live out in "BFE". First of all, one persons definition of this may differ from the other. Many have commented that my father lives way out in the country but in reality, he is 6 mins outside marysville city limits and the same to 33. I have lived in plain city for most of my life. I plan to stay in the area but one day would like to live further out. Some people like out in the country where you don't see traffic or year noises. If that's what someone likes, who are you to say its stupod to build a house out there? Besides, some of the most expensive houses in these areas are sold out in bum fucking nowhere. If the guy is going to be working at Honda, it is way more economical for him to live in the marysville area driving to work everyday and still be able to be 20 mins from Columbus one day a week.

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Just got another call from the Quality dept. at Marysville today offering another job, looks like I'll more than likely be ending up in the area.


Let me know if you have any questions about the area. Like I said, I have lived in the plain city area and my parents in the marysville area most of my life.

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why not rent a place for a while---condo/apartment. get an idea of where you want to live, and make it happen in 1-2 years. nothing worse than getting all excited about a new location and finding out


1--you don't like the job, or have moved on to another job and are stuck with a 'vacation house' in a shithole town


2--you'd rather live somewhere else in town, or on the outskirts of town

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why not rent a place for a while---condo/apartment. get an idea of where you want to live, and make it happen in 1-2 years. nothing worse than getting all excited about a new location and finding out


1--you don't like the job, or have moved on to another job and are stuck with a 'vacation house' in a shithole town


2--you'd rather live somewhere else in town, or on the outskirts of town


Marysville sucks and Honda is up and down the last few years. I bought a house in '05 and wish I wouldn't have. The market sucks out here, there is no social life and the service industry destroys every restaurant that comes to town. I work next to the R&D plant and live near the fairgrounds. That is a 13 minute commute in good weather/traffic. (Just a rough distance guide for you)

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why not rent a place for a while---condo/apartment. get an idea of where you want to live, and make it happen in 1-2 years. nothing worse than getting all excited about a new location and finding out


1--you don't like the job, or have moved on to another job and are stuck with a 'vacation house' in a shithole town


2--you'd rather live somewhere else in town, or on the outskirts of town



I've considered that, but I'm going to have a hard time justifying throwing away 10-14k over 2 years to walk away with nothing. Wouldn't be too bad if there are some cheaper places though. I'm definitely afraid of this because I'm almost certain that I will not be able to sell if need be.

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I've considered that, but I'm going to have a hard time justifying throwing away 10-14k over 2 years to walk away with nothing. Wouldn't be too bad if there are some cheaper places though. I'm definitely afraid of this because I'm almost certain that I will not be able to sell if need be.


You could very easily lose that on a home purchase as well. The interest is heavily front-loaded, so your principle will go down very slowly at first. Factor in closing costs, maintenance costs, market-fail, and you're bringing money to your closing instead of taking it away. Seen it happen in East liberty.


Also, if you're not used to a rural property pay attention to the heating/cooling/water/plumbing. Septic systems get super expensive if shit breaks, electric heating costs a fortune, Fuel-oil costs a fortune, and well-water has it's own set of potential problems as well.

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You could very easily lose that on a home purchase as well. The interest is heavily front-loaded, so your principle will go down very slowly at first. Factor in closing costs, maintenance costs, market-fail, and you're bringing money to your closing instead of taking it away. Seen it happen in East liberty.


Also, if you're not used to a rural property pay attention to the heating/cooling/water/plumbing. Septic systems get super expensive if shit breaks, electric heating costs a fortune, Fuel-oil costs a fortune, and well-water has it's own set of potential problems as well.





You'll lose your ass on a house if you have to move within two years. We've sank quite a bit into our well water system as well. My vote goes for renting for a year---you'll thank me later. We've moved a few times in the past 6 years and rented for just a bit first

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I've considered that, but I'm going to have a hard time justifying throwing away 10-14k over 2 years to walk away with nothing. Wouldn't be too bad if there are some cheaper places though. I'm definitely afraid of this because I'm almost certain that I will not be able to sell if need be.


Just for an idea of the Marysville market, I payed $115k and I am now valued at $70k. My parents house has been on the market for almost 7 months. They have only had one repeat viewing, have dropped the price $15k and that was after sinking $20k into getting it ready to sell (level concrete patio, finish kitchen remodel, repaint EVERY wall and ceiling basement and garage included, remodel 1.5 bath in to 2 bath, new carpet, etc).

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1--you don't like the job, or have moved on to another job and are stuck with a 'vacation house' in a shithole town


That's my biggest concern for him. Even if it's not a year down the road, what if 5-10 years down the road he decides he wants a different job, which is pretty normal. Well now he has to get a job in the area, which greatly limits his job search criteria unless he wants to drive over an hour to work. Or have to sell the house and buy somewhere else. At least if he's between Columbus and Marysville it's still not a bad drive out to Honda and most of Columbus is accessible.

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