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What is everybody's fears?


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I believe in reincarnation and when I was smaller, I always had reocurring thoughts and dreams about drowning. I think I passed that way in a previous life. Not to get off topic, but kindergarten/preschool teachers somewhat frequently hear kids spouting off about their previous life, like who they were and how they passed, etc. I think there was a study on it with very shocking results.

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Heights and sharks. I can get on a roof no problem. But taller then that I start obsessing about the feeling of falling. I did go to the top of the Eiffel tower this winter. Once I was at the top I felt 100% fine. Just waiting to go up and the ride up had me freaked out. Sharks I don't know why the hell they scare me. I swam with nurse sharks when I was younger and had no problems. But when I go in the ocean I'll always have a few panicky moments where I think a shark is close by. It even happens in pools sometimes.
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The only thing I am scared of is something happening to my wife or kids I couldnt control. If one of my kids were kidnapped and I had no idea where they were it would devistate me. I am not one of those lovy dovy type of dads and my kids have alot of liberties but for me not knowing would be far worse than if something actually happened to them. I dont want them hurt, picked on or have to deal wit
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My fear? Never giving my wife the life she deserves. She's been wanting kids and we've been trying for years to no avail. We currently don't have insurance and not enough money to get everything checked out, but I'm afraid it's due to my little swimmers. I have no way of verifying this, and no CR (mainly chatbox), you can't help/investigate. ;)


As for darkness, heights, etc. I did a youth lesson once talking about crippling fear vs. solstice in knowing Christ is watching over us. I won't go full on preacher mode b/c I respect all your different beliefs, but the main point still applies.


NOBODY, in my opinion, is afriad of heights or darkness. If I walk you into a room with no windows and ask if your afraid likely you'll say "no". If I then tell you that room is 10,000 stories in the air a little nervousness may set in, but since you can't verify it you won't feel too different. If I walk you into a room with just rails that is 10K stories and make you walk to the edge and look over THEN the fear strikes. As someone said, the fear isn't of heights, but of falling and what will happen as a result. The pain, or as others have stated, the fear of death. It's natural.


As for darkness, it doesn't attack us. It does nothing good or bad. Darkness has no form. No life. Therefore, it is no threat. We're afraid of what may happen to us without us seeing it coming and beeing able to react accordingly. Walking down a country road at night and a car drives by at 80 mph doesn't scare you b/c you see the head lights in plenty of time and can adjust your path to ensure your safety. Same thing happens without the cars lights on, and although you might hear something, it's far more terrifying of a situation, especially if you can't decypher exactly which direction and speed to car is moving.


We're not afriad of heights, darkness, spiders, etc. We're afraid of the unknown. What happens if I fall from this height? Death? Paralysis? What happens if the lights go out and someone enters the place I'm in? Mugging? Death? What happens if the spider bites me? Is it poisonous? Will it lay eggs in my face? What will happen if I never find happiness in life? What does my future hold?


All natural human thoughs I believe. For me, while it'd be absolutely asinine to say I'm not afraid of anything or even that I don't have some of these same thoughts cross my mind, but they're not crippling for the most part.


Psalm 118:6 - "The Lord is on my side, I shall not fear..."


Worse case scenario? I die and go home. I understand that's not everyones belief or mindset though and I respect that. :)

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I believe in reincarnation and when I was smaller, I always had reocurring thoughts and dreams about drowning. I think I passed that way in a previous life. Not to get off topic, but kindergarten/preschool teachers somewhat frequently hear kids spouting off about their previous life, like who they were and how they passed, etc. I think there was a study on it with very shocking results.


Im interested in reading said study

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My fear? Never giving my wife the life she deserves. She's been wanting kids and we've been trying for years to no avail. We currently don't have insurance and not enough money to get everything checked out, but I'm afraid it's due to my little swimmers. I have no way of verifying this, and no CR (mainly chatbox), you can't help/investigate. ;)


Get off this forum and onto a fertility forum online. My wife and I had terrible luck/heartbreak/difficulty getting a successful pregnancy. Even involved two emergency surgeries. We got tons (and I mean tons) of helpful advice on how to get pregnant--seems like it always happens when you're not ready, and never happens whe you want it to.


On your end, there's tons you can do to improve your odds. Stay away from hot tubs, bike seats, briefs. Tons of foods you can eat to Improve your odds as well. Get online if you haven't already. If you know all this already, at least your wife can get some extra support--especially from women in the same boat

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I have a fear of being trapped in a pipe and not being able to move or breathe. I can handle heights all day long. I also have this irrational dream that my front two teeth are twice as long as they should be and get stuck behind the lower ones and snap off. It's completely fucked up, but it wakes me up every time in sheer panic. So I have a fear of metal or glass near my mouth if I'm in a crowd--afraid I'll get bumped and break my teeth
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I'm not saying I'm fearless, but I have a hard time coming up with stuff here. I'm thinking that maybe makes me stupid lol.


I can relate slightly to the water fear though. I don't love swimming in the ocean much anymore, or any murky water above chest deep really. It's not because I can't swim well, but I think just not knowing what's under the water.

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Get off this forum and onto a fertility forum online. My wife and I had terrible luck/heartbreak/difficulty getting a successful pregnancy. Even involved two emergency surgeries. We got tons (and I mean tons) of helpful advice on how to get pregnant--seems like it always happens when you're not ready, and never happens whe you want it to.


On your end, there's tons you can do to improve your odds. Stay away from hot tubs, bike seats, briefs. Tons of foods you can eat to Improve your odds as well. Get online if you haven't already. If you know all this already, at least your wife can get some extra support--especially from women in the same boat

This. Also, as much as I'm not a spiritual guy... I have seen these things drag out forever only to come at what is apparently just the right time. I hear patience is a virtue, but persistence is man's invention.



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Heights and wasps are the only "irrational" fears I have.


I don't fear mortality; my life is how I choose it. However, I often find myself in deep somber thought about my parents; they're older (dad is 61, mom is 58), and while they should have many years ahead of them, they're only human.


I suppose one could say I fear life without them and the companionship they provide me. It's hard not to take their presence for granted.

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Ovens. I keep having a reoccurring dream that I'm being burnt alive. And someone cutting my face with a carpet knife. The sounds of metal on bone creep me the fuck out every time I think about it.


Other than that I'm good.:no:

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Ovens. I keep having a reoccurring dream that I'm being burnt alive. And someone cutting my face with a carpet knife. The sounds of metal on bone creep me the fuck out every time I think about it.


Other than that I'm good.:no:


you jewish? :gabe:

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I have a fear of being trapped in a pipe and not being able to move or breathe. I can handle heights all day long.


This. Less specifically I just have issues with extremely small spaces. I don't know where it came from because I used to love hiding in the smallest spaces available. Now, I hate being in my crawlspace (it's tight enough that I have to carry a trowel to move dirt out of the way so I can go further in), which I had to be in for a while to do plumbing when I first got the house. I don't ever want to get stuck somewhere where I cannot move.


Heights, spiders, death, drowning, etc..., I am fine with all of those.

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Get off this forum and onto a fertility forum online. My wife and I had terrible luck/heartbreak/difficulty getting a successful pregnancy. Even involved two emergency surgeries. We got tons (and I mean tons) of helpful advice on how to get pregnant--seems like it always happens when you're not ready, and never happens whe you want it to.


On your end, there's tons you can do to improve your odds. Stay away from hot tubs, bike seats, briefs. Tons of foods you can eat to Improve your odds as well. Get online if you haven't already. If you know all this already, at least your wife can get some extra support--especially from women in the same boat


sounds like my plan to stay kid free will be to ride my bike in briefs, then come home and sit in a hot tub...damn this is going to be rough. Lol. Now i just need you to provide the list of shitty foods.

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