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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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P.S. none of you are my real friends because I met you on CR and not face to face.. especially you Yenner.


I know, I know. You meet all of your "friends" on XBL.















































...ya big baby.

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But you have to see both sides I would imagine. Hey mom and dad how did you two meet? Well we met on a online dating site we both paid to be on.........


"Well son, we met on a free website. Your mother was in vet school and working internships, and I was running a company and getting my MBA."

By the time he cares, I bet the amount of relationships that start online will be quite significant (not that it isn't already)

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I never said that.



It just seems like that is a complete last resort and from the people I know that have tried it I wasn't shocked.....


Wasn't a last resort for my wife and I at all. We were just both really busy and didn't want to waste time with all the scumbags you meet out. We both valued our free time more than that.


That's how it goes for most couples I know that met online. This isn't 1997.

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Wasn't a last resort for my wife and I at all. We were just both really busy and didn't want to waste time with all the scumbags you meet out. We both valued our free time more than that.


That's how it goes for most couples I know that met online. This isn't 1997.


I'm not trying to take stabs at anyone. I just don't see how it could be that hard to meet decent people.

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I'm not trying to take stabs at anyone. I just don't see how it could be that hard to meet decent people.


It's not "hard", but I don't just jump at marrying the first girl I meet that I deem "decent".

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Triple because wiggs' car is no longer relevant in this thread.


It became irrelevant the day his Dad’s trust fund money purchased it.



I had to meet her in person eventually didn't I? The initial contact changes nothing. I had no problem meeting women, I just wanted to try something different, and it out great.


Just as show of hands- how did LJ, Nighthawk, and the others who are pro online dating meet there significant others?


As for the comments about “facebook” and “myspace”, those are social networking forums. The people you are “friends’ with on there, at least in my experience, are people I know in person first. That’s 120% different then actively listing, and PAYING FOR an active posting on an internet based dating site “looking for love”. Again, if it works for you I am glad you’re happy, but this goes even against Darwinism. If the internet did not exist, the fittest males would copulate with the fittest females, and create the best possible additions to the gene pool. Internet dating circumvents that- and gives less desirable humans the ability to procreate, passing on less desirable genes and traits for future generations. People are quick to claim “Darwinism at work” when people suffer the consequences of dumb decisions, but it does work on both end, or is supposed to. That’s an archaic way to look at it, but the shortest way to state my viewpoint.

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It became irrelevant the day his Dad’s trust fund money purchased it.





Just as show of hands- how did LJ, Nighthawk, and the others who are pro online dating meet there significant others?


As for the comments about “facebook” and “myspace”, those are social networking forums. The people you are “friends’ with on there, at least in my experience, are people I know in person first. That’s 120% different then actively listing, and PAYING FOR an active posting on an internet based dating site “looking for love”. Again, if it works for you I am glad you’re happy, but this goes even against Darwinism. If the internet did not exist, the fittest males would copulate with the fittest females, and create the best possible additions to the gene pool. Internet dating circumvents that- and gives less desirable humans the ability to procreate, passing on less desirable genes and traits for future generations. People are quick to claim “Darwinism at work” when people suffer the consequences of dumb decisions, but it does work on both end, or is supposed to. That’s an archaic way to look at it, but the shortest way to state my viewpoint.


I "copulated" with many females I met not online. Quite a few actually. So let's just toss that one out the window.


I also never paid for a dating website, throw that one out too. There are lots of decent free ones.


I did meet my wife online.


Your whole viewpoint is that of a retarded person.

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If the internet did not exist, the fittest males would copulate with the fittest females, and create the best possible additions to the gene pool. Internet dating circumvents that- and gives less desirable humans the ability to procreate, passing on less desirable genes and traits for future generations.


Are you mildly retarded?


To completely trump that.... ever notice its the trash in the ghetto and trailerparks that breed the most? Or are you suggesting Shaniqua and her 8 kids she uses for government checks are the best possible additions to the gene pool? GTFO...



And as I said, my one friend, in particular, who met his wife online, scored quite a bit of quality ass in college (he was a fucking model for christ's sake, and now does body building competitions (LOL)).


I met my wife the old fashioned way, in a bar (our first date was a week later, and lasted 3 days, lol).... but I have no issue with how other people meet other people..


And lastly, as i said, dating services (where you pay to find a 'match' for a date) has been around A LONG time. My mom, met my dad using a "computer dating" service in the late 70s! (you filled out a profile on a punch card, turned it in, and you would get a letter in the mail with names/profiles of 'matching' candidates).



I understand that you are using this issue to make yourself feel more Alpha than Wiggles (oh yea? you got a lot of money, fancy cars, hot wife that you needed to meet online, but I am more attractive and can score chicks easier than you!!!) Just seems childish..


This is hte last post I will make on this matter, as it is a stupid e-battle, I was just trying to weigh in on something that I (and several others) find kind of silly.... that's all.

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Your whole viewpoint is that of a retarded person.


Enlightening! LOL


Are you mildly retarded?

To completely trump that.... ever notice its the trash in the ghetto and trailerparks that breed the most? Or are you suggesting Shaniqua and her 8 kids she uses for government checks are the best possible additions to the gene pool? GTFO...



No, not at all. Further, I think people need to able to at pass an aptitude test in order to be legally able to have children and be eligible to receive a dime of any government assistance (only because temporarily sterilization would never work in the US) and have a minimum level of taxable income. Having children should be licensed like driving-fuck I think it’s more important!


Like I said-I know my analogy would be taken the wrong way-but it is a very deconstructed version on my viewpoint. It is what it is.

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Again, if it works for you I am glad you’re happy, but this goes even against Darwinism. If the internet did not exist, the fittest males would copulate with the fittest females, and create the best possible additions to the gene pool. Internet dating circumvents that- and gives less desirable humans the ability to procreate, passing on less desirable genes and traits for future generations. People are quick to claim “Darwinism at work” when people suffer the consequences of dumb decisions, but it does work on both end, or is supposed to. That’s an archaic way to look at it, but the shortest way to state my viewpoint.





No, not at all. Further, I think people need to able to at pass an aptitude test in order to be legally able to have children and be eligible to receive a dime of any government assistance (only because temporarily sterilization would never work in the US) and have a minimum level of taxable income. Having children should be licensed like driving-fuck I think it’s more important!


Like I said-I know my analogy would be taken the wrong way-but it is a very deconstructed version on my viewpoint. It is what it is.


For once I agree with you!
























































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Yahoo! chat.


Actually yes, does that matter?


We met online, decided we enjoyed talking to eachother, decided to meet in person and it took off from there. Been together 8 years now and we're happy as can be.


I'm a very introverted person (hence my original post on this subject, personal expirence) and it was easier for me to talk to people online. I had other friends and stuff to do outside the internet, but at the time, it was a good way to kill time as I wasn't (and still am not) interested in going to bars and other social places.

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Is this thread done yet




Actually yes, does that matter?


We met online, decided we enjoyed talking to eachother, decided to meet in person and it took off from there. Been together 8 years now and we're happy as can be.


I'm a very introverted person (hence my original post on this subject, personal expirence) and it was easier for me to talk to people online. I had other friends and stuff to do outside the internet, but at the time, it was a good way to kill time as I wasn't (and still am not) interested in going to bars and other social places.


Congrats. TBH I could care less how anyone meets their spouse.


Got at least one more view.









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