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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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Guys a douche



I'd take that truck in a heartbeat... to sell it. Unless it's pulling a big ass trailer, when I see a truck like that it just screams "LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE!!!" to me. :p

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Damn I can smell the jealousy in here. I personally think its a bad ass truck, and I have seen it in person also.



we still (for now) enjoy a democracy here in the u.s.. people can better their lives, and with hard work, enjoy nice things--even to excess, in many cases. we don't live in a communist state (yet), where everyone is given 'x' amount of resources from the government.


as such, its the 'american dream' to work your ass off, invent something, etc, and do better than your parents did.


that being said, its a lot easier to be happy for someone's wealth when they've earned it themselves. its also much easier to look up to someone or even envy them to some extent---when they're not such a condescending, arrogant fuck.


but when you get a condescending arrogant fuck, who has NOT earned the money they enjoy spending, it multiplies the reaction of disgust from us 'peons' here in the peanut gallery


i say fuck him. right in the ear hole.

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we still (for now) enjoy a democracy here in the u.s.. people can better their lives, and with hard work, enjoy nice things--even to excess, in many cases. we don't live in a communist state (yet), where everyone is given 'x' amount of resources from the government.


as such, its the 'american dream' to work your ass off, invent something, etc, and do better than your parents did.


that being said, its a lot easier to be happy for someone's wealth when they've earned it themselves. its also much easier to look up to someone or even envy them to some extent---when they're not such a condescending, arrogant fuck.


but when you get a condescending arrogant fuck, who has NOT earned the money they enjoy spending, it multiplies the reaction of disgust from us 'peons' here in the peanut gallery


i say fuck him. right in the ear hole.




TLDR.. :gabe:

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Quoted for posterity.


Anyone else want to speak out for the "small cock" segment of CR?


For the record, no woman I know shares your opinion.


I drive a corvette, so it's established I therefore have a small dick.



That being said.... My dick only has to please one person....



me. :gabe:

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Dick references are so old, guy drives big truck has small dick, guy drives Miata has no dick, guy drives flashy car has small dick. So let me guess guys who drive Toyota Camrys have the biggest dicks. or is it that guys with big dicks drive what they want and guys with small dicks talk shit.


I don't like the truck because lifting shit up into the bed is twice as hard as it would have been if it wasn't lifted. Never been a fan of working harder then I need to. Glad the guy drives whatever it is he feels like. No fucks given.

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Dick references are so old, guy drives big truck has small dick, guy drives Miata has no dick, guy drives flashy car has small dick. So let me guess guys who drive Toyota Camrys have the biggest dicks. or is it that guys with big dicks drive what they want and guys with small dicks talk shit.


I don't like the truck because lifting shit up into the bed is twice as hard as it would have been if it wasn't lifted. Never been a fan of working harder then I need to. Glad the guy drives whatever it is he feels like. No fucks given.


Truck isn't lifted much if at all.


Here's a stock CXT


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All i know is when the zombie apocalypse comes, you will all wish you had one!


No then I'd go steal one, because someone who owns one is bound to become a zombie. I'd rather have an Escalade with a plow on it instead.



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The Double Tap

Beware of Bathrooms

Wear Seat Belts

No Attachments

The “Skillet”

Travel Light

Get a Kick Ass Partner

With your Bare Hands

Don’t Swing Low

Use Your Foot

Bounty Paper Towels

Shake it Off

Always carry a change of underwear

Bowling Ball

Opportunity Knocks

Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)

Limber Up

Break it Up

It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint

Avoid Strip Clubs

When in doubt Know your way out


Use your thumbs

Shoot First

A little sun screen never hurt anybody


Double-Knot your Shoes

The Buddy System

Pack your stain stick

Check the back seat

Enjoy the little things

Swiss army Knife

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I'd take that truck in a heartbeat... to sell it. Unless it's pulling a big ass trailer, when I see a truck like that it just screams "LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE!!!" to me. :p


Not that I don't agree but does a Lambo not convey the same message?



That being said.... My dick only has to please one person....



me. :gabe:




I would take his truck.


But, only because it has a cash value, which I would quickly liquidate and go buy something less ridiculous and more useful.



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The guy is a complete assbag...but you cannot deny he has some cool shit. Lose the graphics and none of you would turn that truck down.



I would. I like useful trucks. If I wanted a big useful truck, I would drive one of these



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Dick references are so old, guy drives big truck has small dick, guy drives Miata has no dick, guy drives flashy car has small dick. So let me guess guys who drive Toyota Camrys have the biggest dicks. or is it that guys with big dicks drive what they want and guys with small dicks talk shit.


I don't like the truck because lifting shit up into the bed is twice as hard as it would have been if it wasn't lifted. Never been a fan of working harder then I need to. Glad the guy drives whatever it is he feels like. No fucks given.


Be a real man, try being proud you own an Eagle Summit.

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