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For all of you Preppers...


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Yeah, I figured you wackos would be hanging out in the Gun Crew! :gabe:


So, while searching for camping stuff, I stumbled up THIS.


It is a 1 year Emergency Food Supply (for 1) with a 25 year shelf life!







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Am I the only one who is zero percent prepared for any kind of disaster.. and doesn't care


Not really. I just want to have 1 weeks food and water with no electricity. I figure if it is worse then that, we're all fucked...



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It is filled with sugar, salt, and soy. I wouldn't make a habit of eating this and sitting in front of a computer all day. In a disaster it wouldn't matter. I've seen mixed reviews on the flavor. Most people were okay with it and said it was filling. Other people really loved it. If you don't have a fire source you can make it with cold water but it takes longer. Only real negative I can think of is you need water to make it. Sometimes water is scarce.
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I'm on my way in stocking some extra food up. I'd say I'm theoretically good for upwards of 4 months give or take. If you look at MRE's they're designed for a good shot of calories to provide energy utilized during combat/training. Potable water isn't impossible to come by, but having a source of abundant water and a way to properly filter it is a good idea. I haven't taken anything to the extreme, nor do I plan on it. I do plan to have some shit as a just-in-case-this-place-goes-to-hell-in-a-hand-basket type scenario were to develop. It doesn't hurt having extra beans and bullets around. :D
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I'm reading more about scavengers in this thead than people stocking up. Stocking up is only good if you are safe to stay where your stock pile is. Otherwise, you're on the move to get some place safe. Take what you can with you and get all you can along the way. Unless you have a bunker type set up, anything over 30-60 days worth isn't worth it to me. That will get you through the bad storm that hit, which is the more likely event Vs shit hit the fan.
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I wouldn't say I'm a prepper exactly, but I think it's ignorant not so be prepared for long term power outages or similar shit, including defending your shit from the unprepared people in this thread...:gabe:


Also, totally agreed with Joe. I have enough to get through the little inconveniences for a few weeks but I do have a rough plan for when that runs out. It doesn't include waiting here with insane stockpiles of beans for some assholes to come and take my shit.

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I'm not prepared but like others I do have Guns and Ammo LOL, I knew a bunch of people who though the world was going to end @ y2k and bought all kinds of long storage food. LOL later when nothing happened.
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To be clear, for me it has nothing to do with the looming 2012 scare. It's just the way I am.


The Boy Scouts have preached "always be prepared" for like a hundred years. Those motherfuckers don't try and sell me some bullshit cookies and I know all of them carry a knife and can hang my ass from a properly tied noose if needed.

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I will say that last hurricane that came through ohio knocked out my power. I had no electricity for 5 straight days. Everything in my fridge spoiled. This is why I have a food cache. I wouldn't suggest attacking someone when SHTF if you know they have guns. Might not end well for you :dumb:
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I'm reading more about scavengers in this thead than people stocking up. Stocking up is only good if you are safe to stay where your stock pile is. Otherwise, you're on the move to get some place safe. Take what you can with you and get all you can along the way. Unless you have a bunker type set up, anything over 30-60 days worth isn't worth it to me. That will get you through the bad storm that hit, which is the more likely event Vs shit hit the fan.


Exactly, If I can fit it and maybe 2 others in a Medium SUV. I am not prepping it. I will get what I need on the way. I will have some food. Prob a 6-8 weeks worth of MREs and the what not.

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