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Do you river/creek fish? Please help me.


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I am writing a paper on river and creek fishing practices, etc. I would truly appreciate the answer to any of the questions I've listed below. You don't have to answer each of them, but do as many as you can or have time for, please.


Feel free to ask me any questions, as well. Thank you very much in advance.


Assume I'm speaking of local creeks and rivers such as the Olentangy, Scioto and their tributaries, for example.


1. How long have you river fished?


2. Who taught you? Have you taught anyone? Kids, friends, etc, for example.


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example?


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river?


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river.


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned?


7. What it means to you? Income, hobby, food, etc.

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All my input will be related to baitfishing, generally on bottom or floated up slightly off the bottom.


1. How long have you river fished?

10-15 years


2. Who taught you? Have you taught anyone? Kids, friends, etc, for example.

Grandpa, Dad, Friends. I have taught a lot of people, specifically with respect to carp fishing, which is unique.


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example?

Yes, often you must use a heavier sinker, depending on current. Sometimes you must cast out a good distance to find the depth you're looking for (generally riverbeds have channels, and often the best fishing is just up from the edge of a channel/shelf). Fish generally head downstream once they're hooked, so try not to fish upstream of snags or other potential debris. Also insure that you're far enough upstream of any fishing partner, so you don't end up tangling with eachother once a fish is on.


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river?

Carp, Catfish, Buffalo


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river.

Often live minnows/shad, cut bait, flavored baits fished with a hair rig (specifically for carp)


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned?

A lot from 3 above probably applies, but also when bottom fishing or any fishing where chumming is involved, river fishing requires greater amounts and more frequency as current spreads your bait downstream.


7. What it means to you? Income, hobby, food, etc.

Hobby only

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I am writing a paper on river and creek fishing practices, etc. I would truly appreciate the answer to any of the questions I've listed below. You don't have to answer each of them, but do as many as you can or have time for, please.


Feel free to ask me any questions, as well. Thank you very much in advance.


Assume I'm speaking of local creeks and rivers such as the Olentangy, Scioto and their tributaries, for example.


1. How long have you river fished?-26yrs. First fishing experience was when I was 2yrs old. Caught a small small mouth bass.


2. Who taught you? Have you taught anyone? Kids, friends, etc, for example. Mainly my dad. I introduced my best friend to that kind of fishing when we were like 16 or 17. Hope to introduce my son in a few years.


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example? Lake fishing is for old/lazy people. Kidding. I am sure there is a different skill set I am not aware of when it comes to lake fishing. I have just always enjoyed stream/small river fishing immensely due to the ability to get away from people and see all different kinds of landscape, wildlife, and the ability to read a stream and see the fish strike. I have lake fished in lake Erie before and it was just not my type of fun. Pretty boring IMHO.


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river? Bass and Trout. For bass I vastly prefer small mouth as they fight considerably harder than any large mouth I have ever caught. Brook and Brown trout are my favorites to catch, though I won't complain about a nice rainbow either as they can fight pretty hard.


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river. If I had to choose one lure type to use for the rest of my life, it would be spinners, one brand, Rooster Tails. (I think rooster tails are made by yakima maybe...?) Another essential is Rapala jointed floating lures. Rooster tails and Rapalas are two essentials IMHO to proper stream/river fishing. I know people that like Meps, I am not a fan, and I have had success with trout on Panther Martin spinners, but I still prefer rooster tails.


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned? Have more than one of your favorite lures, otherwise you will be extremely butthurt when you are many hours and miles up a stream and you lose a lure. You can walk down stream to river/stream fish but its always better to walk up stream when possible as the fish have less of a chance of seeing you and getting spooked.


7. What it means to you? Income, hobby, food, etc.Hobby. Used to keep a few here and there when I was a kid, but the last 15yrs or so I mostly throw back unless I am catching a ton of nice trout in PA, I may bring one or two back for the campfire. I say hobby, but it seems more important than that to me. Its a part of life. I don't know how to describe it. I don't depend on it to live, but I can't imagine life without it.



See above.

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I am writing a paper on river and creek fishing practices, etc. I would truly appreciate the answer to any of the questions I've listed below. You don't have to answer each of them, but do as many as you can or have time for, please.


Feel free to ask me any questions, as well. Thank you very much in advance.


Assume I'm speaking of local creeks and rivers such as the Olentangy, Scioto and their tributaries, for example.


1. How long have you river fished?


I have creek fished most of my life, having access to a creek right behind our neighborhood growing up i was there about everyday.


2. Who taught you? Have you taught anyone? Kids, friends, etc, for example.


My dad and grandpa played a large role in learning out to properly fish a creek. Since the passing of my grandpa my dad and i have taken the role of teaching my niece/nephew how to fish a creek.


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example?


The currents are completely different in a creek. The constant moving water creates a level of difficulty not found in a lake.


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river?


It depends on the creek, most creeks in central ohio are great for carp and cat fish.


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river.


Pink road runner, hands down is by far my favorite casting lure when it comes to sawkeye, bass or crappie.


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned?


Never set out to fish for one specific species. A day of fishing should be about relaxing and having a good time. Patience would be the best tip i could give anyone when creek fishing.


7. What it means to you? Income, hobby, food, etc.

Hobby, a way to spend time with my father.

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Here are some pics taken within the last week of the kinds of streams I like to fish and some smallmouth I pulled out of them.



















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I am writing a paper on river and creek fishing practices, etc. I would truly appreciate the answer to any of the questions I've listed below. You don't have to answer each of them, but do as many as you can or have time for, please.




1. How long have you river fished? 25 years


2. Who taught you? Father and Uncle Have you taught anyone? I take my son weekly


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example? Yes. Small mouth in central ohio are more common in streams then our local lakes


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river? Small mouth. Black Crappie. Largemouth bass


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river. Senko Worm. Spinner baits. Hair jigs


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned? Learn to read the water.


7. What it means to you? Hobby. Keeps me away from people.



There you go

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I am writing a paper on river and creek fishing practices, etc. I would truly appreciate the answer to any of the questions I've listed below. You don't have to answer each of them, but do as many as you can or have time for, please.


Feel free to ask me any questions, as well. Thank you very much in advance.


Assume I'm speaking of local creeks and rivers such as the Olentangy, Scioto and their tributaries, for example.


1. How long have you river fished?


18 years.


2. Who taught you? Have you taught anyone? Kids, friends, etc, for example.


Other old-skool river fisherman taught me, I usually pass on what I know to other guys I meet on the river


3. Any differences from fishing a lake, for example?


Current (as said before). Current provides an extra challenge while fishing, not only do you have to locate the fish but cast/present the lure in a way that will look natural while getting swept downstream.


4. Types of fish you fish for in the river?

Saugeye,Smallmouth,Flatheads,Crappie, whatever will hit a lure.


5. Types of lures, etc most often used for fishing the river.

Shadraps,Xraps and Tubes


6. Particular skills/tips you've learned?

Don't be afraid to crack a sweat/get poison ivy in order to locate some good holes.


7. What it means to you? Income, hobby, food, etc.

A chance to get away from all the day-to-day bullshit normal life offers and simply relax with nature (alot of people call fishing a form of therapy). Columbus guys we are lucky, there are very few big cites with such beautiful rivers/creeks within a 10min drive.



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