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anyone not use a cell phone at all?


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i've left my phone at home on accident a few times, and each time it gets me thinking, "would i be better off without a phone?"


it is oddly liberating knowing you don't have to talk to fucking anyone if you cancelled it. so does anyone here not have one?

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I've pondered getting rid of a smart phone, but I could not get rid of a cell phone. I work in IT, I am at a computer all day, and I have several to choose from at home, so its not like I would be disconnected from the internet.
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I have a family, so out of respect for those I'm responsible for I want to be available in case I'm needed. We don't have a land line at our house, but I can't imagine functioning without a cell phone.


Maybe if I was single, with a desk job...I could probably pull it off.

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i wanna see the look on my bosses face when i tell him that i cant be on call anymore. unless they send smoke signals.


i bet they provide me one when i am on call.


You should be able to claim your cell phone bill on your taxes if you're on-call

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My dad has a phone but sometimes goes months without taking it off the charger. Decades ago no one had a phone and if you broke down you would use a phone booth on the corner to call a house phone for help. Now there a hardly any phone booths around and more and more people are turning off thier land lines.
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recently switched from an android phone to a blackberry. I feel like im carrying a house phone around. Kind of nice and im not checking useless shit every 4 minutes.


My mother uses her cell phone for emergencies only. Its a prepaid phone from walmart.

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i've left my phone at home on accident a few times, and each time it gets me thinking, "would i be better off without a phone?"


it is oddly liberating knowing you don't have to talk to fucking anyone if you cancelled it. so does anyone here not have one?


Eh, doesn't really bother me. Then again, I'm old enough to remember living places with only 4 digit phone numbers and my girlfriend makes fun of me because I still use the term, "so and so just paged me" or something similar. haha (She's quite a bit younger than I.)


When I moved from Vegas to Texas some years ago, I went from having a home phone, two pagers, and a bulky shit cell phone. Threw it all in a box and said fuck it. Hated feeling tied to them. If I wanted to talk to someone, I'd call them before I left work. If I'm at home, it's because I wanted be at home by myself and didn't want to talk to you, anyway. It's not really an ideal situation, however, and given a choice, I'd rather have a phone than not have one these days.


Try to remember, you don't always have to answer your phone when someone calls. And with laws the way they are these days, you can even use the excuse you were in the car. haha

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I could probably get away with it. I hate that my work has my cell number and expects me to drop everything when they call. I would probably need a landline though.


Sounds like a reason to get a google number and use that as your "house" phone #, so you can not answer it. ;)

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Guest GMoney

I could live without a phone and text messaging but not all the other features my smart phone has. Internet and music, Yes please. I like having the ability of being out and can see if stores are open or have stuff that i need rather than driving or calling them and waiting on hold for ever while they checked.


I might make/receive 20 personal calls a month. I agree with damreds, 90% are the GF.

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