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Suck on that loss Lebron!


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Oh hey guys, I'm super mad at someone I have never met for doing something that really doesn't affect me at all. How dare he not stay in a shitty city to appease dumbass fans.
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No...it isnt over yet.


What I would like to say though is that I love seeing Lebron struggle year after year. I understand why he left Cleveland...cant even say I blame him. Though I wouldnt say that the way he did it was the most honorable.


I like the Heat... I like what they tried to do with bringing in Bosh and James. Watching them play is pretty enjoyable. What I like even more though is seeing Lebron humbled time after time because he took what he thought was the easy way out.

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Oh...and no matter the outcome, I dont really care who makes it to the big game or who wins it all to be honest. Though it would tickle my jimmies to see Lebron lose it one more time.


This is exactly my thoughts. I don't give two shit about basketball, couldn't care less. However seeing Lebron James and the Miami Heat lose out always makes me, and a lot of people in Ohio, happy. So fuck him... :)

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don't care who wins any NBA game/championship as long as its not the heat. sure, cleveland didn't work out for le-fail. he can argue that the city sucks, gm didn't give him enough supporting staff, etc etc. but he has absolutely no excuse for the classless way in which he left (one hour 'anouncement' special on nat'l tv). claiming he woke up that day, and made his decision. fuck him. while i would never wish physical harm on someone, i hope he ultimately never wins a ring, gets traded several more times, etc.
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I have heard some ESPN experts predicting that if the Heat lose this series that they may blow the whole thing up and call it a loss. They are saying that Bosh and Wade would most likely be shipped off to free up cap space. Thats the problem, they paid 3 guys multi millions and then had to settle for whatever scrubs they could get to fill the role of well, role players and depth. Both of these things the Heat are lacking. FWIW I am pulling for the Thunder as I think Durant is a top 2-3 player in the league and doesnt appear to be a cocky prick
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The best for 3 quarters I will give you that, however I would take Kobe or Durant over LBJ in the 4th quarter/OT. Lebron is a freak athlete and has the ability to be the most dominant player that the game has ever seen, he just fails to show up late in games. I thought back in the day that it was because he was young and all that now I am with the crowd that thinks he has no clutch gene.


The Heat will never shut anyone up, even if they win 1-7 championships. People hated the Bulls back in he 90s, hated the Lakers in the early 2000s ect...

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