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How do you find out if you're being sue?

Forrest Gump 9

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Like the title said, how do you know if you're being sued? In this case, by the state.


This morning I went to a closing and just to find out the seller is being sued by the state for some tax. So the closing did not happen. The seller have no idea of being sued. I thought if you being sued they would send you at least a certified letter to let you know right? Well, I really don't know what to do. I guess just sit back and wait for the news.

Edited by Forrest Gump 9
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Hey let me fix your extremely annoying post for you.


I almost feel out of my chair laughing at your coment. Good thing I caught myself or I would have sued you.






Anyhow, I'm surprised nothing about that came up prior to closing. Hopefully it isn't too large of an amout and the seller can get it cleared up quickly so you can proceed.

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I typically look down to see if I still have a penis. If I find I do have a penis, chances are good I am not being Sue.


If they want to find out if they are being sued, and this is really random in a thread about being Sue, they can check with the clerk of courts. They should have received notice, but some people conveniently forget or they don't change their address.

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I typically look down to see if I still have a penis. If I find I do have a penis, chances are good I am not being Sue.


If they want to find out if they are being sued, and this is really random in a thread about being Sue, they can check with the clerk of courts. They should have received notice, but some people conveniently forget or they don't change their address.


Perhaps they recieved a letter and dismissed it as junk mail.

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My bad, English is not my strong point.


This info was found in the title search. I don't know why the title company didn't say anything until this morning.


Hmmm sounds to me like I would not be useing the title agency again.

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