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Sky over Columbus/Worthington at apprx. 2:36am...


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Guys, I was driving home on Powell road and US 23 (headed west next to Meijer) at around 2:36am and look to my left as the sky's over Columbus/Worthington seem to explode with a light that took up most of the sky with a fire/orange color. It was brief and lasted for no more than 5-10 seconds. Here is a picture of what was left over at about 2:39am. It was so odd. It was huge and took up most of the southern sky that seemed to span the length of 270 across (east-west). It didn't move at all, just flashed bright enough for me to not need headlights and then was gone. Anyone know what it was? Never seen anything like it.



Cliffs - bright light/flash over Columbus. What was it?





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I am in Grandview and the sound, then the flash woke me. Startled the girlfriend, we could see the flames. (Ground floor window with a garage in front of it. ) she suggested we find out just what happened, so we immediately headed in that direction. All streets off of north 4th are blocked by staties or CPD. Took 17th to 11th then on the industrialish streets, there were tons of people out and it was so bright you didn't need headlights.


As I post this, I'm watching the flames from over three miles away, with a ton of trees and structures in the way. It's pretty incredible.


Edit: The flash was bright enough to light the bedroom like it was midday.

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So I'm Villian_Chillian/Bo$$_Pympin/Whathaveu up @ the hot tub (Westside, near Grandview) overlooking the lake/city when out of nowhere the ENTIRE FUCKING HORIZON lights up like the fucking sun. I don't like to use caps that often, but in this case i'll make an exception because the ENTIRE FUCKING HORIZON lit up, absolutely as bright as the sun for what appeared to be miles in either direction, insanity. Never seen anything like it in my life. About 3 seconds later a MASSIVE motherfucking fireball erupted a good hundred feet in the air, then about 3 seconds after that KA~BOOOOM! a massive shock wave hit.


After recovering from the pure awesomeness I had just witnessed (took me about a minute, shit was intense) I figured I should probably call 911. Tried calling 911 for 5min straight but the call kept getting disconnected, finally got through to the sheriffs office who informed me that the 911 system had been overloaded by errrboddy calling in.


Judging by the magnitude of the fireball/explosion I guesstimated to 911 that it had occurred maybe a few blocks East of my location (Riverside and 5th ave) when in fact it had occurred 5+ miles away....

Edited by acklac7
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was just watching this on the news... appears a train de-railed and caused a ruckus. inb4errbodyturnsintozombies/secretgovtchemicalshit.


I'm not fucking with you in the least when I say I got seriously worried about a potential terrorist/nuclear attack after i came to my senses. For a minute there I seriously contemplated alerting family/friends in the Columbus area. The only thing I can compare it to was footage of a Nuclear Bomb detonation...I tried to run several scenarios through my mind (Natural gas/Tanker-Truck/Factory Explosion) but none of them would jive with the scale of the explosion, again, insane.

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I guess 610 had people calling in all the way from Centerburg asking WTF was going on because of the sky


Picture this, only at night.


The coloration was absurd, pure, deep orange for as far as you could see in any direction. Footage of the Tsar bomb is a little bit of an exaggeration, but not by much...


Probably one of the coolest things i've ever seen, hence why i can't sleep.

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In UA, slept like a baby last night.


This made the national NPR news feed this morning though...


I slept like a baby until my phone chimed in with a news alert from NBC4 and woke me up :fuuuu: I say up, thought about it possibly being the one by us in worthington off Linworth but once I found out it was down by the fairgrounds I said F-it and went back to bed.

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Ronnie Clark - worst photo journalist ever, find a different career.




"Look, fire trucks!"




"An explosion... maybe I should point the camera at it... Naw! I want to go over there first. Who cares about a big fireball in the sky?"

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Ronnie Clark - worst photo journalist ever, find a different career.


Don't worry, he didn't catch a thing worth watching, just some lame secondary blast. The initial blast was eerily identical to this (more or less exactly how things went down).


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Nothing at 315/270. Didnt even know until i heard it on the radio this morning. My apartment is literally within a stones throw of a set of high traffic rails. If one decided to derail while barreling down through there at 50 MPH surely id be dead if i was home.


Those tracks run right by my parents house is Lewis Center. I doubt they'll be seeing much train traffic for the next few days.

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