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how to recover data from sd card?


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Sad all of the pics of your ex might be gone?

If that's what I was after, I'm sure half of cr could send me those pics back.

iCare Data Recovery worked for me

thanks ill try that

So long as the card can be seen as a drive letter and doesn't get hot to the touch indicating a short, I can likely get them back. Just let me know if you need help and we can meet up.


PM me here.


noted. If I can't figure it out on my own ill pm you.

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It was nice meeting you so I could check out your SD car., I'm glad I can get a few pics back for you. Here they are in case you still wanted them.





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I'd hit it...


2 times, with a sack of hot nickles.


I was able to recover another one.



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This has come up a few times and it's pretty easy to deal with if you know how/what to do. Say you're out shooting and have a fullish card. You go to delete one image to make some space, but somehow you end up wiping the ENTIRE card clean. :eek: PANIC!!! OMG, I'M DEAD!!!! :diaf: I'm sure we've all done it, some of us just moved on with life and forgot about those shots. But sometimes you really NEED what's on the card right?


Well here's what you do.


yes, if this is you're only card, you're SOL, but you need to decide if what was on it is worth more than what you'll be shooting AFTER the incident if you only have one card...


2) Then go home and get some recovery software. Google is your friend here. If you're using Sandisk extreme cards they come with free software. There are a bunch of options out there that are all free to DL, just google memory card recovery utilities if you need help finding one.


3) DL/Install/Run the program, that's IT!!!


How/why does this work? When you erase a memory card it doesn't actually erase the data. It basically just removes the pointers to the files that were/are there. The files are still there, the camera/normal programs just can't see them. If you do shoot after the fact, you will still be able to recover some shots from the card. But which ones? Who knows, it's a total crapshoot. Also, it can be fun to run these programs on a card you've used for a while just for fun. You'll have the program already, "just in case" and you can see how they work. It's always interesting to see which images are left in an older card when you run the recovery tool.


if you didn't find any good software with step 2, try here: http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=670801






TestDisk 6.14

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