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So, did this guy do anything wrong here?


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my question is do you think this woman has a right to file charges on him?


Reason i ask is because he clearly wasnt threatened by her, he had the upper hand and took his time to get out of the seat and rear back and go mortal combat on her chin.


I mean thats a brutal hit on anyone, specially a woman. Im not saying what he did was wrong, im just wondering if legally he did something wrong because he could have easly got up and walked off the bus or thrown her off.

He's the driver, he can't just leave the bus.

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Cleveland bus driver vs I am mother fucker in a celebrity death match....who you taking?


I am with the guy that said watching a girl get hit like that strikes a nerve, however I am with those that say if she wants to fight like a man she can get fought like a man. I can't tell you how many times girls I have had a girl start talking shit only to get told to shut the fuck up by me. I hate when girls think they can talk to people, especially dudes however the hell they want or worse start hitting on a dude and not expect to get punched back. You hit me, I will hit you back plain and simple.


I do think the bus driver was a little wrong when he started choking her ass once she got back on the bus, but even then I can sort of see it from his perspective, the chick was still fighting. Which leads me to my last point, either that bitch has an iron jaw or he has a pillow punch, cause she was still talking shit and trying to fight even after getting decked in the jaw Lu Kang style.


Haha I post this and then goto thisis50.com (best site to find dumb ass news) and whats the very first thing on the page? Shi'dea Lane (chick who got punched) on there in a video talking to the news about this. She said "“It’s amazing to see how a man would hit a woman that hard. Are you serious? You could have pulled me off the bus. You can’t really touch anyone, but for real? You really punched me?” said Lane. “It felt like I was on Mortal Kombat. It just hurted. It was almost like a ‘finish him!’ type of hit,”


Lmfao, you can see the video here: http://www.thisis50.com/profiles/blogs/woman-shi-dea-lane-who-got-uppercut-punched-by-cleveland-bus

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Did he do anything wrong? Nope. Although I wouldn't have thrown a punch. yeah she deserved it, but I could never bring myself to hit a woman unless I felt physically threatened by her to the point I felt it was absolutely necessary to throw a punch or whatever. i would have just thrown her off the bus and been done with it.


That being said, I thought the video was hilarious

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According to her Facebook page, Lane, the mother of a four-year-old girl, loves "2 go to church," and considers herself "a people person." In a May posting, Lane wrote that she was trying to get “famous and rich,” and referred to “being shot and stabbed in ma face,” which “prolly messed me up from tryin to model.”
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