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The show is splitting off too much.


I missed the very beginning last night, but caught Darrel and Glan meeting Bob and him joining them. When did Darrel and Glan meet up, WTF? Then no glen the rest of the show, but Darrel with with Beth, until they split.

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The show is splitting off too much.


I missed the very beginning last night, but caught Darrel and Glan meeting Bob and him joining them. When did Darrel and Glan meet up, WTF? Then no glen the rest of the show, but Darrel with with Beth, until they split.


Darrel and glen was a flashback from when Bob joined the group.

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I can't find the link at the moment but one of the cast members (Maggie I think) stated in an interview that they knew the second half of the season would be different because Gimple (show head and lead writer) that they were going to do episodes more like an Indy film so they can develop characters better.


I am all for character development and in some cases it has worked (see season 3 episode Clear as an example) but a whole half season of it is annoying.


That said, I did like last nights episode and the previews for next week were great. The one shown on Talking Dead was creepy as HELL! The music playing in the background and the little girl playing with what may or may not be a walker... sooo creepy. Looks like it'll be a Carol episode but looks like it may be good.


There's been too many weeks since Herschel being Tyreese'd since somoene has died. I have a feeling that when that moment or moments come in the final three episodes it's going to be a doozy of a death or deaths.


Too much quiet without loss... makes me wonder who is going to (pardon the pun) bite it.



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I just read a spoiler on another forum with the episode synopsis and main key points. This source is proven reliable and is believed to actually be a show insider that leaks episode details. I usually dismiss these things but the spoilers have been right all season long and accurate to the detail.


That being said, if this spoiler release is correct and you even remotely like the show... watch this week. Some seriously brutal stuff is coming. I'm not saying what here but if you really want to know go over to spoilthedead.com and sign up and go into the spoiler section. It's right at the top.


I know what's coming and I can't wait until Sunday now. It's going to redeem the last few episodes in horrific and brutal way.



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That little girl was freaking crazy! Kodo's to Carol for stepping up and solving the problem.

In this show, all walkers should be killed. No sparing then if they aren't a threat to you. They still have the means to spread the problem faster than death.


Smoldering walkers was pretty cool.

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See? There is hope they will kill Carl off.


If he was the way he was in the comic no one would want that. Lizzie and whatever her sister's name was represented brothers from the comic and Carl killed the one that killed the other after the group couldn't quite decide what to do. He's awesome in the comic.

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If he was the way he was in the comic no one would want that. Lizzie and whatever her sister's name was represented brothers from the comic and Carl killed the one that killed the other after the group couldn't quite decide what to do. He's awesome in the comic.



truth! my guess in the comic is simple, Carl is the next Rick, so Ricks day will be coming, probably right around issue 200 which gives them a lot of time to plan it & write it

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If he was the way he was in the comic no one would want that. Lizzie and whatever her sister's name was represented brothers from the comic and Carl killed the one that killed the other after the group couldn't quite decide what to do. He's awesome in the comic.


Yeah aving Carl do it could have redeemed him some in the show; for now he's still a whiny little pissant everyone hates.


That was one of the best parts of the comic. All the adults are paralyzed and don't know what to do. Carl just puts the psycho down with no hesitation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

they've done what they always have (and needed to). they did just enough in the last episode of the season, and in the 1st episode of a new season to hook you again.

every episode should be this way. alas, they never will be.



i'll be waiting for October

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