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dog issue..


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So the other day our three year old was playing with our dog, 5yo min dachshund/brussles griffin thing, the dog ran in front of her and tripped her she fell on the dog who then bit her across her chin/ upper throat. She's never done this before always good with people, did snap at her a few days before this. Any ideas why it happened? The dogs always running under her feet its how the have played for almost a year now just chasing each other. Really don't want to get rid of the dog, our kid was upset more for the wife yelling at the dog than getting bit. She said "don't yell at her she's only little". Lol
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My dog 'bit at'/acted aggressive to my boy when he was ~1 y/o. I hit the dog HARD and held her to the ground, nose down, and yelled at her LOUD. She has never acted aggressive to my son, or my daughter ever again. Its all about alpha, and making sure the dog knows its role.
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Could've just been the result of an unlikely occurrence. Kid crushes dog, dog nips. When my mastiff was showing signs of thinking himself above my son (growling when he was too close to his bowl for instance) I started having my son seemingly handle all the responsibilities I use to. He'd feed him, filling the food bowl, and bringing it out to him, letting him outside, walking with us. Haven't seen or heard anything mildly aggressive since.


Not sure if similar would work in your case.

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My dog 'bit at'/acted aggressive to my boy when he was ~1 y/o. I hit the dog HARD and held her to the ground, nose down, and yelled at her LOUD. She has never acted aggressive to my son, or my daughter ever again. Its all about alpha, and making sure the dog knows its role.


This is exactly how my family has handled pets, they simply have to know who runs the house. People who don't do this can have similar results with children who think they can get away with shit.


Bye bye, nippy rat-dog.


This works too, but I don't care for nippy rat-dogs anyway.

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Theres CLEARLY some cat owners/ animal haters in this thread. Why is it the dogs fault that the kid fell on it and it nipped at them? derp logic. I have 2 twin boy infants and when they get older and fuck with my dog and he nips back i'm sure not gonna be all "herp derp stupid dog, time to throw you out or put you down." They will learn. Its not the dogs fault. If you can't realize that then you shouldn't own animals in the first place. But also like others said. You should claim alpha in the beginning in case he nips/acts aggressive out of nowhere. I have no problem snatching up my dog and putting him to the ground to show him not to do certain things or act a certain way. For the most part he's good.
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My dog 'bit at'/acted aggressive to my boy when he was ~1 y/o. I hit the dog HARD and held her to the ground, nose down, and yelled at her LOUD. She has never acted aggressive to my son, or my daughter ever again. Its all about alpha, and making sure the dog knows its role.


What Juiced said. Kids and dogs just don't mix. My wifes Shih Tzu bit my daughter in the nose one day when she was pulling his face in a way he didn't like. Let me just say that dog has never and will never bite another person again. I now make it a point when the dogs are pups to have my kids take their food, toys etc.. while I watch and immediately correct behavior. Now if the kids go to take something from them, they will spit it out.


It's absolutley about setting dominance.

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What Juiced said. Kids and dogs just don't mix. My wifes Shih Tzu bit my daughter in the nose one day when she was pulling his face in a way he didn't like. Let me just say that dog has never and will never bite another person again.


How is it the dogs fault that your kid was grabbing at the dogs face and it nipped her???? MORE FUCKING DERP LOGIC. ermagurd my kid was grabbing the dog on the face and the dog didn't like it so it bit back. THAT DOG WONT BE DOING THAT AGIAIN I GUARANTEE THAT!!!!! :dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:

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My dog 'bit at'/acted aggressive to my boy when he was ~1 y/o. I hit the dog HARD and held her to the ground, nose down, and yelled at her LOUD. She has never acted aggressive to my son, or my daughter ever again. Its all about alpha, and making sure the dog knows its role.


right or wrong I've done as silmiar thing to our male who very early on tested my wife and kids but made the mistake that I was in the room. A solid ass whooping to the point where he pissed himself put him in his place. He since tried it with my wife who the moment she raised her voice he coward.


Never an issue since. Our kids are respectful of the dogs but yes, occasionally they fall on them, etc... and the dog will yelp or run but both know that it wont ever be acceptable to growl or threaten one of us.

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How is it the dogs fault that your kid was grabbing at the dogs face and it nipped her???? MORE FUCKING DERP LOGIC. ermagurd my kid was grabbing the dog on the face and the dog didn't like it so it bit back. THAT DOG WONT BE DOING THAT AGIAIN I GUARANTEE THAT!!!!! :dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:


You're an idiot.


I have a pit/boxer mix... I dont care if its the kids fault, or what set the dog off... a small child will do small child things, like try to ride the dog like a horse, or pull its ears, or pull its face... that's what little kids do. I dont want it to happen ONCE, and certainly not twice so the kid can learn... because with a big dog, all it takes is once and you could have a seriously hurt child. Worse yet, what if family/friends come over, or a neighbor's kid plays with my dog in the yard, and hte dog does that.... That is a potential lawsuit waiting to happen. So for me, I am going to TRAIN THE DOG not to be aggressive to ANY human under ANY circumstance... because it is easier to train the dog than it is a small child.


Like said above, of course I tell/teach my kids not to 'pick on'/bother the dog... but anyone with kids knows they dont always listen, all the time, and you can never plan for someone else's kids.

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You're an idiot.


I have a pit/boxer mix... I dont care if its the kids fault, or what set the dog off... a small child will do small child things, like try to ride the dog like a horse, or pull its ears, or pull its face... that's what little kids do. I dont want it to happen ONCE, and certainly not twice so the kid can learn... because with a big dog, all it takes is once and you could have a seriously hurt child. Worse yet, what if family/friends come over, or a neighbor's kid plays with my dog in the yard, and hte dog does that.... That is a potential lawsuit waiting to happen. So for me, I am going to TRAIN THE DOG not to be aggressive to ANY human under ANY circumstance... because it is easier to train the dog than it is a small child.


Like said above, of course I tell/teach my kids not to 'pick on'/bother the dog... but anyone with kids knows they dont always listen, all the time, and you can never plan for someone else's kids.



You do what you gotta do to your dogs Mr. Potato.

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There are plenty of books on how to correct this behavior without beating the shit out of your dog. Those that do beat the crap out of their animals, the animal turns into a ticking time bomb with the clock missing. Much easier ways to establish dominance. I had a 90 doberman that people where literally shocked how well trained he was. Never had a problem with anybody until they threaten me our my family. He made a homeless guy piss himself and cry like a little girl at a park in whitehall on night. I would take my dob out to the park after i got off work so he could strech his legs. It was 3 in the morning and the guy wanted money and wouldn't leave me alone. The homeless guy never saw him until my Dob was 3 feet behind him growling.
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Theres CLEARLY some cat owners/ animal haters in this thread. Why is it the dogs fault that the kid fell on it and it nipped at them? derp logic. I have 2 twin boy infants and when they get older and fuck with my dog and he nips back i'm sure not gonna be all "herp derp stupid dog, time to throw you out or put you down." They will learn. Its not the dogs fault. If you can't realize that then you shouldn't own animals in the first place. But also like others said. You should claim alpha in the beginning in case he nips/acts aggressive out of nowhere. I have no problem snatching up my dog and putting him to the ground to show him not to do certain things or act a certain way. For the most part he's good. Also, make sure you spay and neuter your pets





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This thread is full of lulz, I've never had to hit my dog to correct actions, dogs still have wild animal instincts and when someone steps on it or does something it doesn't like it lets the individual know not to do that, it's their way of talking. It's easier to not have an std aka child IMO.
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I'm just curious why now though? She's done the same thing to the kid so many times let alone walks under our feet all the time. She's not fixed could she be in heat and just irritable more easily?


Why on earth is your dog not fixed. Dachsunds are notoriously snappy when in heat. (even snappier when pregnant or with puppies)

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