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Poll : Do you really believe there is a chance for a SHTF scenario in your lifetime


Do you really believe there is a chance for a SHTF scenario in your lifetime?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you really believe there is a chance for a SHTF scenario in your lifetime?

    • Yes
    • Maybe
    • Never
    • Choke on a dick

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You just answered your own question.


It matters because you need to plan for the worst.




I guess my sarcastic response didn't come across that way. Taking things like this seriously would drive me crazy seeing as how I'm somewhat obsessive.

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I think its funny how everyone talks about how they need assault Rifles... Look lets be realistic They are a blast to shoot and I do not feel there should be any such bans.. Bad guys don't care about laws.


BUT to think that you would fit back vs the goverment with your 1 AR vs FUCKING DRONES your stoned.

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BUT to think that you would fit back vs the goverment with your 1 AR vs FUCKING DRONES your stoned.


First, I don't think the gov't will ever be able to talk 18-25 year old guys into assaulting the public. Now, let's assume they will someday come after us.


Thorne, do you think there will be enough "FUCKING DRONES" to go attack the 1,000,000+ farms in our country, or do you want to admit that it would be feet-on-the-ground troops clearing these properties and attempting to take the weapons?


The vast majority wouldn't be fighting a FUCKING DRONE or a FUCKING stealth bomber or a FUCKING tank.

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My point was, your not going to fight back against the government. Once communications breaks down it becomes game over for any type of real planning.


The same could also be said about general populous not attacking each other.


Do you believe that? Do you believe that no American civilians would ever fight back against the government if they showed up on their properties and demanded certain things?


I think you need to step out into reality.

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I think its funny how everyone talks about how they need assault Rifles... Look lets be realistic They are a blast to shoot and I do not feel there should be any such bans.. Bad guys don't care about laws.


BUT to think that you would fit back vs the goverment with your 1 AR vs FUCKING DRONES your stoned.


In a SHTF scenario do you think an AR would be more effective against groups of looters?

Edited by 2highpsi
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^^ this. Obama is going to enrage people with his move on guns then we're going to fall off the fiscal cliff, hit an even bigger recession and the shit could really hit the fan. Maybe not, but I'm not waiting around hoping and praying.


Jesus fucking christ mate, I hate obama as much as the next guy but, to believe that everything thats going on right now is completely HIS fault is naive as fuck. I typically agree with you on most of your views but, quit blaming a single man for all of our problems. All the shit we are dealing with today has been in the works for a long time. And to think that "republicans" hold all the great answers to our problems is ignorant. This country was not intended to be two large groups of people fighting eachother over everything. Maybe try thinking with a more independent point of view. To sum up my rant.... republicans and democrats are fucking retarded. I am sick and tired of political party affiliations in this country. This is why we cant accomplish anything as a society. Whatever happened to free thought???


I think its funny how everyone talks about how they need assault Rifles... Look lets be realistic They are a blast to shoot and I do not feel there should be any such bans.. Bad guys don't care about laws.


BUT to think that you would fit back vs the goverment with your 1 AR vs FUCKING DRONES your stoned.


First, I don't think the gov't will ever be able to talk 18-25 year old guys into assaulting the public. Now, let's assume they will someday come after us.


Thorne, do you think there will be enough "FUCKING DRONES" to go attack the 1,000,000+ farms in our country, or do you want to admit that it would be feet-on-the-ground troops clearing these properties and attempting to take the weapons?


The vast majority wouldn't be fighting a FUCKING DRONE or a FUCKING stealth bomber or a FUCKING tank.


My point was, your not going to fight back against the government. Once communications breaks down it becomes game over for any type of real planning.


The same could also be said about general populous not attacking each other.


Do you believe that? Do you believe that no American civilians would ever fight back against the government if they showed up on their properties and demanded certain things?


I think you need to step out into reality.

Maybe Im just "special" but, I am one of the few who would absolutely stand up and fight back. Even if I knew with complete certainty that I would die, I would rather try and potentially sacrifice my life for my freedoms. I certainly do not want to live in a world where I dont have the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want.



Edited by nurkvinny
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