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noPhoto says "screw you" to traffic cameras

El Karacho1647545492

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First of all, I'm in no way affiliated with this company, they just happen to be Ohio-based. Probably because we're the cross section of the only people aware enough of the crock of shit that are traffic cameras and the only people innovative enough to figure out a way around it.




Very clever. It in no way obscures your plate like a dark plate cover would, so it's less questionable in the eyes of the law.

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great concept... wonder how well it works in life...


I see a lot of the cameras up high, aimed downward. If the licence plate is recessed in the bumper/trunk, I can see the sensor being blocked from field of view of any flash... not to mention sometimes there may be no flash, or obscured/filtered by sunlight...

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awesome product, but $350 seems a little steep to avoid a $80 ticket


Doesn't seem so steep when you can avoid multiple tickets. However if you have to avoid multiple tickets, you may want to look at your driving habits.


Anyways, I wonder if the cost of the unit is for only one plate or two.

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awesome product, but $350 seems a little steep to avoid a $80 ticket


If/when the product gets popular, price will definitely decrease. Plus, I've gotten the $95 "administrative fee" for not coming to a complete stop on a right on red. Not a dangerous move, just one that I'd have no chance arguing in court.

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If/when the product gets popular, price will definitely decrease. Plus, I've gotten the $95 "administrative fee" for not coming to a complete stop on a right on red. Not a dangerous move, just one that I'd have no chance arguing in court.


you talking about Brice Rd and Scarborough Blvd? if so I always see that thing flash when someone is in the right turn lane barely moving, or if they stop in that cross walk it flashes.

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you talking about Brice Rd and Scarborough Blvd? is so I always see that thing flash when someone is in the right turn lane barely moving, or if they stop in that cross walk it flashes.


Bingo. I see that thing flash when there's not even anyone in the right turn lane. It's ridiculous.

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While I love ticket avoidance, especially when speeding...... Red light runners do kill a lot of people anually.


Yeah, I don't see the big problem with not running red lights. Avoiding a faulty camera is one thing, but how about people stop where they should?


(I'm not saying traffic cameras are a good thing, they aren't. They are better than people running through a red light and t-boning me though)

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Yeah, I don't see the big problem with not running red lights. Avoiding a faulty camera is one thing, but how about people stop where they should?


(I'm not saying traffic cameras are a good thing, they aren't. They are better than people running through a red light and t-boning me though)


I work right by the Brice/Scarborough traffic camera light. There is 1 camera at the intersection. It is set up on the side of the street that I used to see the FEWEST people run the red light. It is set up on the only side of the intersection that has a right turn lane with no dedicated arrow signal. It is reasonable to assume they did this not in the interest of public safety, but because it's the most logical position to get people doing the "California roll" through the right on red.

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While I love ticket avoidance, especially when speeding...... Red light runners do kill a lot of people analy.


Now back to the seriousness.....


The one in front of Mt. Carmel east does the same thing.

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They just need to make something (a liquid) that you put on your license plate that puts a thin film of something that allows cameras to not see it, would be sweet if it could work on highway cams too in other states.


There are some, but I would say it would be questionable weather or not it would work.

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While I love ticket avoidance, especially when speeding...... Red light runners do kill a lot of people anually.


Although it's wrong to say I don't want a ticket while speeding but deserve one if I run a red light, I understand and agree with the above statement. With that said camera tickets are bullshit and anything to prevent against them is a good thing. IMO it will not be long before we get cameras on highways for speeding and more local speed camera's (Dayton already has a few) They are very hard to spot and if your not local, almost impossible. That's what we need to protect against.

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Yeah, just dont run readlights. I mean there is enough safe guards in place to counter the ticket if you are wrongfully sited. I wonder how it works during the daylight since the flash is not emitted or at least not seen.

They still flash during daylight. I saw it today, took me a few to realize what the flash I kept seeing was at a red light.

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When I lived in DC there were speed cameras everywhere, but most of them were well known so you just slowed down. I only got nabbed once, and it was a $40 lesson in where that particular camera was. It'd take 9 of those tickets to pay for this device, and that's assuming it worked every time.


Still, that was a few years ago; if the UK is any indication, speed cameras are only going to become more pervasive. I wonder if they (the camera companies) can turn off the flash during the daytime and render this less useful.

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