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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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I already made it clear. Shot the "Phaggots" as you called them or man the fuck up and kick some ass or take a ass beating like a man.


Ok kimbo slice. I'm sure you would stick around not knowing how many people they had and being weaponless.. because you can shoot targets and brag to your gun club buddies how fast you can draw a gun and shoot doesn't mean you are Super man. This wasn't the first time I been jumped. I know when and where to pick my battles and sometimes it's best to get out of dodge. Please do tell how you would of popped out a can of whoop ass while you blew On your thumbs to make your arms bigger or how you would of bust a cap

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You showed those skill very well in the other thread.....


Bench racing is one thing.. Real life is another. If Your someone takes me serious in regards to talking trash how corvettes are the most superior car than they need alife of some sort besides getting worked up over the Internet. It's not like I went to there personal Facebook and post on there wall my vette's going to walk that ass. I used Facebook as an example because that's the most leading drama site.. A lot of shit gets stirred over that but this being a forum site one must expect trolls and people to talk trash but nothing too serious or personal. We're all grown men here gents ;)

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Ok kimbo slice. I'm sure you would stick around not knowing how many people they had and being weaponless.. because you can shoot targets and brag to your gun club buddies how fast you can draw a gun and shoot doesn't mean you are Super man. This wasn't the first time I been jumped. I know when and where to pick my battles and sometimes it's best to get out of dodge. Please do tell how you would of popped out a can of whoop ass while you blew On your thumbs to make your arms bigger or how you would of bust a cap


Im for sure Kimbo. I clearly said if it came down to a ass beating its one that I would have taken. Im not gonna run to my brother and his butt buddies to protect me while I dont even know where my wife is. Im not in a gun club either. If I had been in the situation that you were in(even though I dont hang out with trashy drug sluts) I could have ran away like you and then drawn my weapon and protected myself. You just keep back peddling dude. First you had time to run away and get in the house, then you wouldnt have had time to get a gun out. Your a fucking half retarded illiterate story changing fuck. I seriously watched you on every forum make a fucktard out of yourself. You need to just sit back and use the forums for emergency purposes only unless you want to be laughingstock instead of imstock.

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So my mom called me to let me know a detective is looking for me. So I started counting my stones and checking twice to make sure I need to lawyer up. Well I called the detective and he informed me he caught the guy who jumped me a while like 4 months ago. I was talking to my wife, she was in the truck and this dude came around the front of my truck and asked who I was.. I told him my name and then he swung nun chucks at me.. I blocked it with my left arm but 1 stick hit me in the back of the head. I went to hit him and his boy came from the back of my truck with a wooden base ball bat so I threw the guy out of my way and ran to my brothers house about 5 houses down with these phaggots hot on my trail.. I ran inside and so happen we had a few friends there and we all grabbed weapons n shit and ran outside to find this kid and his friend busting out my brothers windows in his truck. We had a little stand off with me trying to get him to drop weapon and fight fair. They jumped in their car and left rather fast.. I didn't realize it at the time but my phone and keys to the vette fell out of my pockets.. The guy grabbed them um and proceeded to harass my family/friends n shit. Had all my bank info and other important shit. I made a police report and had many witnesses.. Well it turns out the kid was jealous because his ex gf liked me a lot and we was friends and he was on some heavy drugs during the time. He lived somewhere in Columbus but never lived in one place. I didn't know the guy at all but he was like 29.. Well he has like 6 accounts of armed robbery/BnE, some assault charges, domestic shit from beating his mom, gf's, I.d theft/fraud and then the shit against me added.. I learned this when I talked to her the other day. Now here's my question for ya guys. I want this phaggot to pay for this.. He stole my phone,keys to my truck,house,car. How would I go about getting all that money spent changing locks, new iPhone, harassment,pain and suffering, and emotional destress. My brother is getting him for busting his windows out and shit. What would you do?



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Idiots like me would have knocked the fuck out of both of them and protected my wife...Not run to my brothers like a little bitch. Save me brother save me!!!!!!


Why didnt you just drive off?
exactly. 4000 pound truck> random crack head with nonchucks.... tard
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Well they don't shoot back my friend.


I got shot at by a squirrel once. He was using an assault rifle. AK47 type even.


i see what you did there.


doesn't quite work the same, but nice effort


I try. I figure they've become synonymous. The Buster...imstock2...The Bustock2.


I had no idea how many people he had with him or what he was capable of. He came around the front of my truck while I was talking to my wife. She was like who's that? I looked over and he asked me my name and then swung. Next thing I know his buddy comes running around the back side of the truck. So cowboy even if I had a weapon I wouldn't of had enough time to pulled it out. And say I did after I got away.. And they turned around and went back to their car for their guns, by that time my brother and his 2 buddies would of been running down there to help. That wouldn't of been good. Or They would acted like they was leaving and do a drive by or something. Nobody knew these guys or where they lived besides his ex gf who didn't confess it.. She kept giving us the run around afterwards and I gave up the search. I can see your view of ccw and I respect it but in this situation a gun wouldn't been a great outcome on my part.


Here's what blows my mind aside from the obvious that was mentioned. Why didn't your bro or one of his buddies call the cops while the rest of you armored up and protected the castle?


IQ=Crash and burn




This wasn't the first time I been jumped. I know when and where to pick my battles and sometimes it's best to get out of dodge. Please do tell how you would of popped out a can of whoop ass while you blew On your thumbs to make your arms bigger or how you would of bust a cap


1) If you're getting jumped on the regular, move. I here Burma is nice this time of year.

2) Running to your brothers and then REconfronting them isn't "picking your battles" in the sense you're using it. You went back out to fight once you had numbers on your side.

3) Does blowing on your thumbs really make your arms bigger? Do the ladies love this?

4) Profit???


Also, this.


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So you have a wife, and this guys girlfriend "likes you a lot"? makes me think you might be hitting it on the side? just saying you might want to avoid situations like this in the future in order to keep angry boyfriends from tearing you up with nunchucks'n'shit
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