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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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Do you win money legally with your car, gary does because his car works. A 1.81 60 ft is a fun launch. Driving around on town with a mid 13 second car works trust me. I still think once. You get your holy grail vette done you two have 3 races based off of your supposed dial in. The winner is the closest over all three runs,and possibly a hot lap race.:masturboy:


We all know if there is a hot lap race that Gary will win. After all, he is the unofficial CR hot lap champion...right?

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Because tire swap? I could't launch past 1.4k rpm because wheel spin with winter tires. Your still yet to comprehend I had winter tires on the day I went to the track. What you think they're slicks or some shit? But you're right. Regaurdless of a piss poor excuse I should ran a record breaking pass within the 4 passes I made at the strip. Side note. I probity do have the fastest time with those tires on a c6


I thought you said you went with your nittos too, you said " you dont do a big smoky burn out at the track because you just barley turn them over on the street and they hook".

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Because tire swap? I could't launch past 1.4k rpm because wheel spin with winter tires. Your still yet to comprehend I had winter tires on the day I went to the track. What you think they're slicks or some shit? But you're right. Regaurdless of a piss poor excuse I should ran a record breaking pass within the 4 passes I made at the strip. Side note. I probity do have the fastest time with those tires on a c6


I thought you said you went with your nittos too, you said " you dont do a big burn out at the track because you just barley turn them over on the street and they hook".

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I thought you said you went with your nittos too, you said " you dont do a big burn out at the track because you just barley turn them over on the street and they hook".


I never been to the track with a dr on since I went h/c. Only reason I ran that day was because my buddies talked me into it. Why are we back peddling ?

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He hasn't answered yet because he's currently looking on EBAY for a 4.2L V6 TT kit to beat Gary.



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Do you win money legally with your car, gary does because his car works. A 1.81 60 ft is a fun launch. Driving around on town with a mid 13 second car works trust me. I still think once. You get your holy grail vette done you two have 3 races based off of your supposed dial in. The winner is the closest over all three runs,and possibly a hot lap race.:masturboy:




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anybody else bothered by someone on gov't assistance getting a tax return??


surely, he'll be wasting it on his shitbox, failed, abortion c6.


The only thing worse is he is only one of a few million getting a return and probably paying little to nothing... :dumb:


How is owning a Corvette fun when you have to park it at someone elses house and then when you drive it you get the car filthy driving down the driveway. Not to mention it seems like yours is always torn apart. While his car may be the meekly V6 powered Barney mobile, he gets to drive it and have some good times with it.


Also, his car is only 3000 pounds with him in it.


I'm starting to think the repo man is looking for it and he parks it at friends houses to keep them guessing... :masturboy:


agreed, but its a temporary problem. i'll go home, see my wife/kids/cars and immediately be happy again. your being a complete fucking unproductive moron/drain on society in general, is unfortunately for you, a permanent condition.



WINNING!!! :fuckyeah:

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Lol you fail so bad its not even funny. You can make fun of autos all you want, but at the end of the day, you look like the idiot.

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