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Let me show you how small you are.(pics)


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Found on another site so don't give me credit.






Multiply this depth by 12,000 and you have the diameter of the earth.


Now how does the size of the earth compare to other cosmic bodies?






And these are just the galaxies in the OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE. Even though there are 10^24 stars (10 followed by 24 zeroes of STARS) in the observable universe, the actual universe likely contains many many many more.








NOW HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS. Feces are about to be authenticated.








Everything that we've been discussing thus far are the stuffs that we are familiar with - elements like oxygen or iron; stuff like massive clouds of hydrogen and helium condensed into stars, or the more massive elements that planets and humans are composed of.


all of this stuff - all of the stars and planets and creatures and gas clouds and elements in the entire universe..... only make up 4% of the total mass that exists in the universe.


all of the elements and material that we are familiar with in the whole universe can all literally be compacted together to the size of a baseball.










... oh yeah and then there's the multiverse in which a universe could just be a single bubble in a foamy ocean of bubbles. never mind about that.

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