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Bad Wreck today at Nationwide race


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So is dude going to get in trouble for pulling a pit maneuver on the lead car? or is that just "part of nascar"?


No pit maneuver, front car #7 Clean Coal car driven by Regan Smith tried to block the 22 Brad Keselowski from coming around him, wrecking himself and the rest allowing Tony to win.


So no, Smith nor Keselowski is in any trouble. All legal racing at the end there.


Great race today.

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Looks like the wheel took the hub, upright and some of the front suspension with it, tether probably would have sheared off if they used them










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Daytona has security that walks the fence, telling people to move back as they pass. Of course, when the cars go by, fans will still run up to the fence if the guards are not there, like this lady in blue:




As the cars come down you can see in the fan-video she is running up to the fence to get closer.







I would say there is no excuse for her behavior, and she should have known better.





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Its only a matter of time before there is an accident that either kills thousands of fans or multiple drivers with the way these guys drive.


Unfortunately, with the "Arena" style of these tracks, crashes like this will continue to happen regardless, and the crowds will always be in danger of a car breaking through the nets. There's no run off or way to catch the cars on the banks. So an out of control car will always be sent back through the pack compounding the crash.


The only way I can see to improve audience safety is to put a second car catcher between the stands and the wall. That way any car that breaks through the first will not have the energy to break through the second.


But honestly, the worst place you can stand in a race is the outside of a turn. Any rally fan will tell you that. But short of cutting the stands by 2/3rds and putting them in-field, there's nothing that can really be done about that.


The only thing I can think of is to remove the restrictor plates and run the road course. That should string the field out and keep the speeds down.

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That "crash hurts spectators" - complete "shocking" video - pales next to airshow crashes.


Anyone saw the recent Reno Air Race where the P51 Mustang grenaded into the crowd?



lol Nascar "crashes"..... weaksauce


just looked up that crash. holy crap...


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