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Looking for a new cell phone - iPhone vs Samsung S3


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  1. 1. Phone Poll

    • Iphone
    • Galaxy S3

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I am in the market for a new Cell Phone.


I have had a Thunderbolt for 1/5 years now, and am on #3, and it has issues and should be replaced. My Wife has had an iPhone 4 for the same amount of time, and has not had a single issue.


Many friends and family members have iPhones all with similar experiences.


I know there are fanboys for both, but which is "better" and why?


I know that the iPhone cannot play Flash, but I do not think that bothers me.


Thanks in advance!



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heard the S4 is due out soon, may want to wait.


Edit: March 14th:



that being said I have liked each of my iPhones and I have owned every version. Rumor is that IOS is due for a huge shake up since Scott Forstall has been relieved of duty and will exit the company soon.

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Steve, I would suggest to mess with both of them side by side if possible. I think you will find that the Android is far more customizable, and an overall better phone. Try not to get too caught up on the size of the Note because once you use it for a while you will ask yourself why the hell all other phones are so small. Also, if you like the idea of free music("arrrr"), then go with Android. I gave the iPhone a genuine chance, and I chose the Note.
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It will look great in your murse


only if you have little bitch pockets in your skinny jeans




I've had a Galaxy S3 for about 5 months now. Nice sleek design, but is a bit large sometimes. Its nearly impossible to hold it and operate it with 1 hand. Your thumb doesn't quite want to reach the other side of the screen unless you have spaghetti fingers. Its quick, and stable. I don't think i have ever had a force close on it. (is that still an issue on some android phones?) So long as you dont load it up with bullshit apps that suck power you will easily see a full days battery life. Airplane mode over the weekend got me 2 days of listening to music.


The voice recognition on it is pretty awesome. Yeah sure it might not be able to tell me some lame joke, but its very accurate for getting directions, reviews, finding things on the internet, and even speech to text.


Id rate this thing a 9/10 overall. The 1/10 would have to be for the fact that its a tag big for my hands.

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I randomly bought an iPhone4 doing zero research on other phones. Two years later I got an iPhone5 because I could transfer all the apps and shit that I paid money for.. otherwise I may have got something else.


The Note2 is expensive, but looked cool, I guess. The screen was fucking big. All that Droid shit confuses me, probably because it's just not what I'm used to, so yeah.. iPhone if you want something fast, simple, and reliable. Siri is awesome. You hold the button and say "directions to <address>" and the gps pops right up. Say "scores of the <team> game" and it there it is. The talk-to-text shit works great, too. I use it while driving sometimes. Just say "text Mitch" and it pops up. Say shit and send it. I don't know if other phones have something like that, but it's convenient.

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heard the S4 is due out soon, may want to wait.


Edit: March 14th:



that being said I have liked each of my iPhones and I have owned every version. Rumor is that IOS is due for a huge shake up since Scott Forstall has been relieved of duty and will exit the company soon.


^^ This.


I chose and iPhone and many of my reps do as they are just plain simple and work. A couple people at the office have the new Note but it's fucking huge and IMO way bigger than a phone needs to be. I suppose if you like to surf on a phone it's cool. but for email and texting I like the 4s as I can use it with one hand and again, it's pretty simple.

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Love my Note 2. At this point I'd wait for the GS4 or the new HTC One. (Note: Samsung> HTC)


Also you should know that Flash is effectively dead. It's not supported in iOS or the latest versions of Android, and it's disabled by default in Windows 8.

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I went back and forth between an S3 and the iPhone5 when I was looking to replace my 3GS. I ended up going with another iPhone because I liked how it felt in my hand, the bigger screen, high-res camera and the updates to the iOs.


I almost went with the Samsung, but it was just too big for what I needed. I'm not on my phone that much other than a few phone calls, texting and checking personal emails. If I was going to be on it constantly, I probably would have gone with something bigger, but I'm very happy with my 5 and have zero regrets.

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I went back and forth between an S3 and the iPhone5 when I was looking to replace my 3GS. I ended up going with another iPhone because I liked how it felt in my hand, the bigger screen, high-res camera and the updates to the iOs.


I almost went with the Samsung, but it was just too big for what I needed. I'm not on my phone that much other than a few phone calls, texting and checking personal emails. If I was going to be on it constantly, I probably would have gone with something bigger, but I'm very happy with my 5 and have zero regrets.


now jailbreak it and let it be free!

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I have a Droid 4 for my personal phone and an iPhone 5 for work.... I can say without a shadow of a doubt, my Droid 4 is a superior phone in absolutely every way... other than the "stupid effect" and by that, I mean my wife, who has ZERO and I mean ZERO technical abilities and she can pick it up and use it yet she bitches about using my Droid.... I look at that as a positive though since she stays the hell off my phone and uses her own. Since you already have an Android phone, I'd said you'd be good to go.
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The voice recognition on it is pretty awesome. Yeah sure it might not be able to tell me some lame joke, but its very accurate for getting directions, reviews, finding things on the internet, and even speech to text.


Id rate this thing a 9/10 overall. The 1/10 would have to be for the fact that its a tag big for my hands.


It's so funny to show someone the Google Now and Voice Recognition and then hand the phone to them and watch them speak into it and have it work flawlessly and faster than they could type. I have sold 3 S3's to friends and family by doing that alone. The other features of Now are pretty amazing too. Like the translator and maps.


Or just saying things like call (any business name) and it not only finds you directions, phone number and everything else, it just fucking calls the business immediately.

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heard the S4 is due out soon, may want to wait.


Edit: March 14th:




S4 is definitely worth waiting to see, if you aren't in a hurry. My guess is it will have a 5" screen like the DNA and the power of the Note 2.

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That being said you can't really go wrong with either phone.


This is what I'm thinking. Was the S3 out sometime shortly before the 5? I was looking at the 5 versus some Android phone. IIRC I was looking at these 2 phones also when the 5 came out, and went with the 5 due to size and ease of staying with the same OS (came from a 3Gs).


But I agree with everyone, if the S4 is coming out very soon wait if you can. But if it's a few months, whatever. There's always going to be a new, 'better' phone coming out a few months later, especially in the android market.

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