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At what point do you say GTFA from my bike


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So I rode into work today, and every time I do I park my bike right outside the window of my office. I work on the second floor, but having my bike in my sight all day makes me feel better about it. There is very little foot traffic through our parking lot, but occasionally people do go by and a lot of people check out the bike. Well just a couple minutes ago someone walked up to my bike with a stride that would have made you think he owned it. He just stopped and looked at it but at one point I could tell he considered sitting on it. Then I got to thinking, what would I do if he did? I'm on the second floor, so it'd take me a minute to get down there. Then I'd have to as nicely as possible ask him not to sit on the bike, but I feel like that might make me seem like a dick no matter my demeanor. So where do you guys draw the line? What do you do to keep people from messing with your bike when you're not with it? and how would you handle catching someone sitting on your bike? When is it appropriate to say "hey, get the f* off my bike"

Obviously there are proximity alarms... but they're kinda $$$

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does your window open? i bet a few ballpoint pens thrown at his head would make him reconsider...:lol:

I've never had someone sit on my bike without asking first...if i did, i might ask them where their car was and just jump in the driver seat...

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  magley64 said:
does your window open? i bet a few ballpoint pens thrown at his head would make him reconsider...:lol:

... or kick it over.. no it doesn't open, so I can't yell out the window in old man voice "darn kids get off my parking spot!"

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I use lasers at night to move the kids away from scoping the cars. They run and never come back. It works so good, I bough a batch of cheapo lasers and handed them out to the neighbors, and told them what to do. Lasers work right through the window glass. For some reason, kids and bandits avoid this area...

No one should sit on your motorcycle without permission. No exceptions. Feel free to react in a nearly violent manner when they even think about it.

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  Reaper said:
i don't think i would ever walk up and sit on someone else's bike. Thats like asking someone to bang there girl. I don't even have a bike yet and i know that .

yeah... but there are a lot of things those freaking muggles don't know about bikes

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  Reaper said:
i don't think i would ever walk up and sit on someone else's bike. Thats like asking someone to bang there girl.

yeah, but with the girl, at least you ASKED right?

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  ReconRat said:
I use lasers at night to move the kids away from scoping the cars. They run and never come back. It works so good, I bough a batch of cheapo lasers and handed them out to the neighbors, and told them what to do. Lasers work right through the window glass. For some reason, kids and bandits avoid this area...

No one should sit on your motorcycle without permission. No exceptions. Feel free to react in a nearly violent manner when they even think about it.

Well thats the thing, I feel like it would be appropriate to chew someone out for it. Expanding on my above post though, a lot of people are ignorant of bikes and bike culture if they don't own one. I was guilty myself! I never realized how much I'd care for a stupid hunk of metal til I rode her

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  wrillo said:
Well just a couple minutes ago someone walked up to my bike with a stride that would have made you think he owned it.

he wants people to think he owns it, so when they see him loading it in a truck in 45 minutes, they wont think twice about it.

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  wrillo said:
... or kick it over.. no it doesn't open, so I can't yell out the window in old man voice "darn kids get off my parking spot!"

If he kicks it over, you pitch something heavier, like a computer monitor...

then ask, was it worth touching my bike?

Laser pointers would be fun, too, they have some pretty powerful ones now (though pricey) a potential squatter would likely move if they had an unexplained burning sensation on their forehead. http://www.superlasershop.com/

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  Reaper said:
i don't think i would ever walk up and sit on someone else's bike. Thats like asking someone to bang there girl. I don't even have a bike yet and i know that .

sitting on someone's bike w/o permission = banging someone else's girl

:lol: got it.

If you see someone on your bike, walk up to him say, "is that your bike?" wait for response, take it from there. I mean you could really go anywhere with that depending on your mood.

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  OsuMj said:
If you see someone on your bike, walk up to him say, "is that your bike?" wait for response, take it from there. I mean you could really go anywhere with that depending on your mood.

this could make for some interesting conversation...LOL

"is that your bike?"


"Mind if i sit on it?"

go ahead

"ooh, it fits me well, almost like it was made for me"


"can you start it up for me?"

no, i lost my keys

"i got one, maybe it will work, just to get you home"

(start bike)

"what are the odds that the key in MY pocket fits YOUR bike?"

stammering, unclear response

"i'm stealing your bike B!TCH"

(roll eyes and ride away)

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  OsuMj said:
If you see someone on your bike, walk up to him say, "is that your bike?" wait for response, take it from there. I mean you could really go anywhere with that depending on your mood.

That could be a lotta fun cause only one of two things are gonna happen. He'll say yes, and you'll know he is lying, or he'll say no, and you can make him feel like a tard for sitting on someone else's bike... hmmmmm... [mr. burns voice] exxcellent

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i think it depends on the person checking the bike out, adn the distance they are or aren't keeping.

kid under 16 - keep an eye on 'em, but stay silent. that's the vandalizing type.

male over 18 (well-dressed) "hey! -be careful. the pipes might still be hot." (he knows you're watching) male over 18 (dressed like hooligan) "is that your bike? looks just like mine."

female over 18 (check ID)... use your imagination.

I checked out 2 bikes in the parking lot today on my way back from lunch. one was a 1000RR, and the other was a new Ninja 250. Didn't look funny parked next to each other. hat's off to Kawasaki.

Edited by redkow97
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  cptn janks said:
he wants people to think he owns it, so when they see him loading it in a truck in 45 minutes, they wont think twice about it.

I saw that theft video, that's exactly what the guy did.

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  V4junkie said:
Wait a minute . . . someone looked at a 919 and still wanted to sit on it? :roll:

That would be some one European, and probably British or German. I can't account for American ignorance. Not my job, heh.

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There was an episode of Sons of Anarchy where a guy was sitting on one of the gang's bike getting his picture taken by his girlfriend.

The bike owner walked up and said "here, I'll take your picture", did, told him "before" as the guy looked at him, puzzled. The owner then proceeded to smack him across the face with his helmet a few times, kicked him while he was down, and took his picture again. "After". He then rode off with the dude's girlfriend.

That is how you respond to someone sitting on your bike. :)

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  redkow97 said:
i think it depends on the person checking the bike out, adn the distance they are or aren't keeping.

female over 18 (check ID)... use your imagination.

Has anyone on here ever had a chick check out your bike and gotten nervous?? I think most women don't invoke those sorts of feelings when they're checking out motorcycles. Its funny how a gender difference can change so much.

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