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What's wrong with California


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I learned something... According to that vid we were still testing in Nevada in the `80's and early `90's. Funny because all that time I was a kid watching all the documentaries which only show the really old tests shot on film that now looks like its about to break.


Cool point, I still haven't seen a modern documentary with more recent film.

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The 1,280 by 320 ft (390 by 100 m) crater was created on July 6, 1962 by a 104-kiloton-of-TNT (440 TJ) nuclear explosion.[4] The device was buried 635 feet (194 m) below the desert floor in Area 10 of Yucca Flat and was the largest cratering shot in the Plowshare Program. The explosion created fallout that affected more US residents than any other nuclear test, exposing more than 13 million people to radiation and marked the end of the program.
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When did cancer become a huge thing, serious question... I am not old enough to know if it was a common thing in the 40's, 50's, 60's. I have always wondered what sort of things those test in the desert have done to our society. Wind blows, shit travels, people get sick, no one knows why.
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Cancer had always been a big thing. I don't think the modern name of cancer can to fruition till the 1900s though

The thing is due to modern medicine people are living longer and are not dying from tuberculousis and other horrible epidemics. The average life span of humans has almost doubled in the last 150 years

Edited by damreds
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Yeah cancer has always been there. It just appears more prominent now because people don't die from other diseases as much and live longer, long enough for cancer to show up. Another major factor is that detection of cancer is better. Some types were completely non-detectable in the past and throughout history many deaths were never attributed to cancer.
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