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College Football Thread v4.0


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Which btw, barring an upset those 3 should be playing in the playoffs for top 3 teams lol


Not enough SEC for ESPN.


BTW, IMO, Ohio State needs a solid post-season run (read: championship appearance without getting blown out, or a win) waaaaaaaaay more than Miller needs a Heisman. Am I the only one around here who doesn't think he's THAT good? Certainly not bad, and better than most QBs, but I really don't think his play thus far has deemed him Heisman caliber. Just my two cents. Hyde was more deserving last year.

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Agreed about Hyde, but his chances were over with the suspension. I would disagree about Braxton, he has what it takes athletically, but we need to win, and he can't get injured. I honestly don't care if he wins because last time a buckeye QB won, all our heads inflated and we forgot there was a game to play.
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Not enough SEC for ESPN.


BTW, IMO, Ohio State needs a solid post-season run (read: championship appearance without getting blown out, or a win) waaaaaaaaay more than Miller needs a Heisman. Am I the only one around here who doesn't think he's THAT good? Certainly not bad, and better than most QBs, but I really don't think his play thus far has deemed him Heisman caliber. Just my two cents. Hyde was more deserving last year.


I said this last year and the year before and got hated on by posters in this thread lol.

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It's all good though, FWIW our cats name is Braxton Miller (our 4 year old absolutely loves Braxton, the player). I think he has all the physical tools to be special, I just feel the stuff above his shoulders is where he is limited. That and he can't stay healthy to save his life.


BTW word is OSU is replacing N. Carolina with UNLV and Oregon State

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Not enough SEC for ESPN.


BTW, IMO, Ohio State needs a solid post-season run (read: championship appearance without getting blown out, or a win) waaaaaaaaay more than Miller needs a Heisman. Am I the only one around here who doesn't think he's THAT good? Certainly not bad, and better than most QBs, but I really don't think his play thus far has deemed him Heisman caliber. Just my two cents. Hyde was more deserving last year.



I find him quite sub par and will be glad to be done heaRing his name

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I find him quite sub par and will be glad to be done heaRing his name


It must be so painful hearing the name of the person who, in all likelihood, is going to hold the ALL-TIME OHIO STATE RECORDS for total offense, total passing, total TD's and passing TD's. He also has a really good shot at being the winningest QB in Ohio State history.


All accomplished after basically wasting away his freshman year under a staff with no head coach, no QB coach and not even really an average offensive mind on it.


I'm not sure which word would be best in this situation... dumb or spoiled.

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Name me a great OSU qb not named Troy Smith...OSU is not known for these amazing qb's, so for him to hold all the records, doesn't really do much for me. Travis Prentice held the NCAA rushing TD record for a while, does that make him elite? Does anyone get excited when his name is dropped? Hell, does anyone outside of me and Bicranium even know who Travis Prentice is? The point I am making is, while he may hold school records, it doesn't make him greater than he really isn't. The kid is a 5th round draft pick at best, unless he comes out this year and absolutely tears it up, proving me and the other doubters wrong. I have said this before and I will say it again, as an OSU fan I hope he does exactly that. However, I feel his best asset is his feet, not his arm.
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It must be so painful hearing the name of the person who, in all likelihood, is going to hold the ALL-TIME OHIO STATE RECORDS for total offense, total passing, total TD's and passing TD's. He also has a really good shot at being the winningest QB in Ohio State history.


All accomplished after basically wasting away his freshman year under a staff with no head coach, no QB coach and not even really an average offensive mind on it.


I'm not sure which word would be best in this situation... dumb or spoiled.


So basically, he will have put up mediocre numbers for 4 years while everyone else had 1 or 2 years, tops, of full playing time? MAYBE 2.5 years? Career numbers is a bleh argument in college ball in most situations. Apples to oranges.


Troy Smith's Heisman year has decimated everything Miller's done in his entire career. Even Pryor was a better QB, IMO.


Again, I don't think he's BAD, but I don't think he deserves nearly the Heisman-hopeful spotlight time he's been getting. How many times last year in clutch situations did we all agree that Urban should have given the ball to Hyde instead of let Miller try and make something happen? That's not very Heisman-esque.


But hey, I'd LOVE for him to prove me wrong and destroy defenses in the air and on the ground this year. :)

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Troy Smith (Heisman year):

Comp - 203

Att - 311

Pct - 65.3

Yrds - 2542

Y/A - 8.2

TD - 30

Int - 6

QBR - 161.9



Att - 72

Yards - 204

Avg - 2.8

TD - 1


Braxton Miller (20130):

Comp - 162

Att - 255

Pct - 63.5

Yrds - 2094

Y/A - 8.2

TD - 24

Int - 7

QBR - 158.1



Att - 171

Yards - 1068

Avg - 6.2

TD - 12


Pretty close pass pct, y/a is identical, Smith had ~500 more passing yards but ~800 less rushing yards. Smith had 6 more passing TDs but 11 less rushing TDs. Miller had just 1 more INT. QBR is only 3 points apart. Rushing goes to Braxton by a landslide.


If you call Smith OSU's standard for stellar QB's, Braxton is right there with him in the stats, or arguably better. You don't have to like him, but numbers don't lie. Miller has 1 more turn over but accounted for 5 more TD's and does much more on his feet whether it's a designed run or a scramble, all without sacrificing as much as people imply with his arm.

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So basically, he will have put up mediocre numbers for 4 years while everyone else had 1 or 2 years, tops, of full playing time? MAYBE 2.5 years? Career numbers is a bleh argument in college ball in most situations. Apples to oranges.


Troy Smith's Heisman year has decimated everything Miller's done in his entire career. Even Pryor was a better QB, IMO.


Again, I don't think he's BAD, but I don't think he deserves nearly the Heisman-hopeful spotlight time he's been getting. How many times last year in clutch situations did we all agree that Urban should have given the ball to Hyde instead of let Miller try and make something happen? That's not very Heisman-esque.


But hey, I'd LOVE for him to prove me wrong and destroy defenses in the air and on the ground this year. :)


You can't make an argument about time and be taken seriously if you're going to say Braxton has played 4 years full time. The guy he's going to be overtaking? Art Schlichter. A TRUE 4-year starter who was with the same offense the whole time. Braxton didn't start until the 4th game of a season where OSU had probably the worst offensive staff in OSU history. Then he missed 3 games last season where he could have put up disgusting numbers to pad his stats. He would already hold some of these records had he not been injured for SDSU, Cal and FAMU. Even missing those games he finished 9th in last year's Heisman voting.


As for moments where the ball should have been given to Hyde over Miller... there's 1. Either 3rd and 3 or 4th and 2 against MSU, Hyde should have gotten the ball. The play where Miller "failed" is a 10+ yard gain if Heuerman gets his block. I think slamming Hyde up the middle twice gets the 3 yards and likely a lot more every single time but I'm fine with one of those going to Braxton. On 3rd down when they swung Hyde out wide I about turned the game off. That shit didn't work all night and it wasn't going to work there. Herman outsmarted himself that game and conceded a good chunk of running to the MSU D's reputation.


yenner took care of the easy stats for me so I don't have to go there. Braxton is great. 99.9% of OSU fans realize that and then, for some reason, there's you guys on here... :lolguy:

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OSU easily loses 3-4 games in 2012 without Braxton Miller. Thanks to him they went undefeated. You people were allowed to witness only the 6th perfect season in OSU history thanks in large part to Braxton Miller. And there is a post on this page that says they will be GLAD to no longer have to hear their name. Like I said... dumb or spoiled... take your pick.
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