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Picked up another slow ride.


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Any issue with keeping tension on a chain that long?

Not excessively so. There's an idler under the seat for the power side of the chain, and a plastic (PTFE?) tube that helps guide the slack side. There's no chain slap and very little drag. But some people have upgraded to Teflon tubes and a return idler. I may do that in the future for fun.

How to instantly get a golden buckeye card... Get any type of trike.


Just messing. I understand if you have back or neck problems, I love riding and hope you get to put many miles on that thing.

I get constant old man jokes from my girlfriend these days. But my neck feels better. And my shoulders don't ache, and my seat doesn't get sore. It's like piloting a lawn chair. :)

Oh cool, your bought the nerdmobile 5000.




Now it really all makes sense.... ;)

On days I feel too cool I can put the flag up and rein it in.

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I was watching a video about these bikes today... apparently a school made a hybrid of this except that it has a body around it that makes it less wind resistant... top speed on it was 83mph... no down hill... just level ground.... holy shit, I couldn't imagine that I could pedal a bike to go that fast!
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I was watching a video about these bikes today... apparently a school made a hybrid of this except that it has a body around it that makes it less wind resistant... top speed on it was 83mph... no down hill... just level ground.... holy shit, I couldn't imagine that I could pedal a bike to go that fast!

The velomobiles can really get moving. On flat ground weight doesn't matter as much as aero for top speed. So they are super slick with really big gears. I think the record is around 93mph for a purely human powered vehicle.

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Here's a descent on a trike similar to mine:



From another forum:


I rode up Hwy 89 to the pass on Mount Lassen in northeastern California, then turned around and went down as fast as I could. The video only shows the descent since that is the fun part!


Some stats for the ride:


* 3,005 feet of elevation gain (the pass was at 8,500 feet)

* 1 hour, 45 minutes to ride to the top

* 18 minutes to ride back down

* 12.4 miles each way

* Top speed was 58 MPH....somewhere near the middle of the video

* Average speed on the descent was about 41 MPH

* The stop at the bottom was from 42 MPH to 4 MPH in under 2 seconds...and that did warp one of the rotors just a wee bit!


And a couple notes: I verified with a ranger that I did not need to slow down when going back past the entrance gate, so that is why I went flying on by without slowing. Also...the couple times I cut corners was only done in locations where I could see around the apex to see it was clear. Keep in mind that the camera had a lower perspective than I did.

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Hilarious. Looks like it would be a blast to ride!


It's funny. I used to ride all the time when I was young, then stopped riding when I got a car. About 8 years ago I picked up a bike to hopefully get some exercise, but hardly rode it. Then I got together with my girlfriend a couple years ago and we started riding regularly. While I liked going on rides with her, it wasn't until I got this trike that I started looking forward to riding again. We were going to go for a ride today, but she had to cancel. This is the first time I thought about going on a ride by myself since I was a teenager.


I can't put my finger on what it is about this thing that I find so enjoyable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
saw you driving down sawmill last weekend with this on top of the S5. Looked awesome haha.

Cool. The gf wasn't up for a ride so I went on a quick solo to see what I could do with it. The glass roof is great to keep the suction cups from scratching.

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Never knew these trikes were that fast. Considering the 70yr old taking up the entire lane and moving at the speed of molasses on Harrisburg Pike the other day , it's no wonder.


I always thought sitting in those and having to tilt your head forward would get real tiresome. Perhaps, I need to take another look at the way you really sit in them. Still, I'd prefer a regular bike though I'd like to try one of those trikes.

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Never knew these trikes were that fast. Considering the 70yr old taking up the entire lane and moving at the speed of molasses on Harrisburg Pike the other day , it's no wonder.


I always thought sitting in those and having to tilt your head forward would get real tiresome. Perhaps, I need to take another look at the way you really sit in them. Still, I'd prefer a regular bike though I'd like to try one of those trikes.

Most come with head rests, and you can get aftermarket ones for the ones that don't. Mine came with one, but I didn't like it so I changed it for another. What was killing me was holding my head at full extension upwards for long periods of time on my road bike.


The real speed demons are the two wheeled recumbents called high racers (a.k.a. "Stick bikes")



and low racers.



Near road bike weight with a fraction of the frontal area. Those are what all the un-faired speed records are set on, and why they are banned from UCI races.


I just like the trikes more and mine is already plenty fast for our rides. The idea of an off road trike interests me, and there's a shop in Utah that customizes trikes that has a 90 speed big wheeled trike that would be pretty cool, or a fully suspended one. But I think the classic style bike is better for its nimbleness.

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Have not ridin there yet have done P1 once and rode around with my boys a bunch but that's about it I may have to check out chestnut.


Do P2. It's more technical than Chestnut, but IMO, a little "easier"...the apple barn climb a few miles into Chestnut is no walk in the park.

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