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What Game is Everyone Playing??


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I used to love getting on Call of Duty and having fun for a couple hours. Used to have a nice headset so I could sound whore and everything. I got a PS4 around Thanksgiving and mostly just have single player games for it and was thinking about picking up the newer Call of Duty, but I've heard the series has pretty much turned to crap and you can double jump and all that stuff. I really just miss the Modern Warfare games.


So what's fun, and what are you guys playing these days?

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bf4 is where it's at. The new call of duty is garbage.. not hardly worth the $40 I paid for it. It sucks trying to shoot people flying all over the fucking place. The campaign is pretty fun though, so there's that.


Also, if you haven't downloaded it yet, Resogun is a must for the ps4. I always find myself falling back to that game after a few matches of the above.

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vid of resogun.. it looks like "one of those games" but when I went to best buy to test the waters between buying a ps4 or xb1, they had this setup for ps4 and some homosexual tennis game for xbox.. played this for 10min and was sold. It's fuggin fun.


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GTA 5. So much to do that it's been keeping me entertained for a while now


I've been going through the single player and just dicking around, but online gets on my nerves because everyone is like level >9000 and just kills me as soon as I spawn.

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So wish i had a computer, i follow a guy who does videos and i love the game, yet ive never played it lol



I've been going through the single player and just dicking around, but online gets on my nerves because everyone is like level >9000 and just kills me as soon as I spawn.

just means u need to get better, if u were on 360 i would of helped you.

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I still play Black Ops II on 360 pretty often. I have GTA 5 and at some point I'm gonna start digging into that. Sometimes when my friends come over we play "drunk driver" MarioKart on N64.


I thought i was the only one who played the older COD games still. I have yet to buy the newest one and not sure if i would spend the 40-50$ for something i wont play all that often but damn I remember playing GTA back in the day and it was so much fun. I should just buy that.

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Pretty much hooked on Destiny on the One. If im not playing that, im running the campaign in Halo MC Collection.


CoD AW kind of sucks. Its better than Ghost, but both still blow in comparison to Titanfall. And all blow compared to BF4

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