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What Game is Everyone Playing??


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My little monk. At some point I need to dig through the pages of shit I've collected to squeeze out a bit more damage but I'm lazy.





Nice. A monk is what I'm using when her and I play. I have a witch doctor that I play until I catch up with my monk and her demon hunter. I've also been dabbling with the paladin (or whatever he's called, I've never really used those guys) and a barb which is my lowest level and I hope gets better. Love my little witch doctor.

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Picked up gta5 for 360 last night. Anyone else?


New to the console world. Fuck i suck at operating the joysticks on a controller.


I have it on 360. Haven't played that game in awhile. I could play with you some night if you want to rush and level up your character. I used to do quick 1 lap races with a few friends and we would take turns winning. If we can get 4 people I think? you can bet on each other. If we rotate who wins each time we can make money and experience a lot more quicker than doing the long missions.


PM on here if you want to play.


bang it up on 360.

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Just a heads up. Battlefield 4 is available in the PS store for $12 until tomorrow and $30 for the edition that includes all the map packs


Thanks man! I picked it up last night. And Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes for like $7.

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Thanks man! I picked it up last night. And Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes for like $7.


I snatched up Ground Zeros too and that 16 bit looking horror game that was I think $4. I can't remember the name of it, but the reviews I looked up were good and I figured I've spent $4 on worse shit

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Nice. A monk is what I'm using when her and I play. I have a witch doctor that I play until I catch up with my monk and her demon hunter. I've also been dabbling with the paladin (or whatever he's called, I've never really used those guys) and a barb which is my lowest level and I hope gets better. Love my little witch doctor.


Paladin = Crusader. I haven't started one yet but I've seen some higher-level ones just plain wreck shit, but like the barb they look boring to play. I have a somewhat built DH but he just dies so easily. The leader boards are full of DH's, as their damage is the highest out of all chars, but I imagine they struggled with dying A LOT before getting that high. Playing online with barbs and other tanks probably eased that path for them.


I like monks because they're 2nd best at everything across the board like health and damage.. very maneuverable, too, like being able to jump over walls with dashing strike. They're the most fun to play as, imo.

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Picked up gta5 for 360 last night. Anyone else?


New to the console world. Fuck i suck at operating the joysticks on a controller.


I play daily. but im in a bad sport lobby so I cant play with you till im out which is another month :lol: fml.

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Paladin = Crusader. I haven't started one yet but I've seen some higher-level ones just plain wreck shit, but like the barb they look boring to play. I have a somewhat built DH but he just dies so easily. The leader boards are full of DH's, as their damage is the highest out of all chars, but I imagine they struggled with dying A LOT before getting that high. Playing online with barbs and other tanks probably eased that path for them.


I like monks because they're 2nd best at everything across the board like health and damage.. very maneuverable, too, like being able to jump over walls with dashing strike. They're the most fun to play as, imo.


The monk has been pretty fun to play. I like the witch doctor for playing alone at this point since I can watch a show while my slaves, I mean my pets, do most of the work while I occasionally blindly lay down some acid rain here and there. :p

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Dragon Age Inqusition, If you liked Skyrim, its right there with it so far, I am am 8hours in. Besides that been playing a little bit of everything. COD:AW, Titanfall, Minecraft, Destiny (Not that into it though) and Lego:Marvel Super Heroes (Great Game awesome co-op for friends/family)


Playing all the titles on the XBone

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Dragon Age Inqusition, If you liked Skyrim, its right there with it so far, I am am 8hours in. Besides that been playing a little bit of everything. COD:AW, Titanfall, Minecraft, Destiny (Not that into it though) and Lego:Marvel Super Heroes (Great Game awesome co-op for friends/family)


Playing all the titles on the XBone


I've really wanted to try out Dragon Age. I hear so much awesome about it. Wouldn't mind trying Destiny at some point, either.

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