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Help me spend $30-40k even $45k on a new ride...


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Looking at something 1-2 but will go 4yrs years old for the sake savings and not having something too far out of warranty. Open to ones with CPO longer warranties though if I find the right car.


  • Domestic or Import
  • 4 doors or Wagon
  • Auto or Stick with a pref. towards an auto as it's a DD that will see busy cities
  • Sporty - No Accord'ish snoozers
  • Sexy
  • AWD or RWD --> really like AWD as this will be a DD in snow
  • Reliable - no known issues of significance to have to deal with
  • Less than 30k on the ODO
  • In the $30-40 maybe $45k Range. I'm flexible. No higher though
  • Nothing Previously modded or beat on - save that for me

Some examples that I'm considering:


CTS-V- Wagons still out there?






Infinity something?


yadda yadda....


No doubt will be dealing with Jet Auto....



Edited by TTQ B4U
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If you go S4, no turbos no care. As far as the CTS-V's go, get the wagon if you can :megusta:. They are very sexy imo (and I don't even like wagons). The rest to me are meh.


Would love to find a CTS-V Wagon. Will research a bit while on plane ride. S4 with the 3.0T are Supercharged and IIRC faster and better than the older Turbo no? Jones?


B8 s4, dsg, sport differential and with the refresh b8.5 gets crown gear awd. No big issues, especially with an extended warranty. Runner up would be e90 m3 dct, then third would be ctsv.


^^ Absolutely pimp and in my top list. Even over the CTS-V due to the AWD factor. Remember, this ride will see snow. Any issues with the 335 or M3 series engine wise? I'm leery of BMW for some reason....



Panamera would be pimp. Probably a bit more cash though right?


Probably way over price range. Just can't see putting that much into a box that goes from A to B.


What about a SRT Cherokee? Sitting up high is way worth it IMO.


Totally dig them but the MPG's would likely be pretty irritating....

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Any issues with the 335 or M3 series engine wise? I'm leery of BMW for some reason....



Not really.


N55's have been pretty reliable with minimal issues. Same with S85. The V8 drinks gas likes it free. 2 different beast though. Any sort of random expensive failures BMW will almost always step in and assist. The 335 might be a better daily but I would choose the S4 if I had to chose between the two. I personally wouldn't want the M3 as an only car in Ohio.

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Aaron's suggestion is spot on. Yes the new ones are supercharged S4 hasn't had turbo since B5


Panamera is outside the range but if you have never driven one and are even slightly considering one go for a test drive they are kinda ugly but awesome in every way.


I think wagons are cool. A 'V wagon would be pimp


As much as love M cars I think in the E9X generation your money is better spent on a 335

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Aaron's suggestion is spot on. Yes the new ones are supercharged S4 hasn't had turbo since B5


Panamera is outside the range but if you have never driven one and are even slightly considering one go for a test drive they are kinda ugly but awesome in every way.


I think wagons are cool. A 'V wagon would be pimp


As much as love M cars I think in the E9X generation your money is better spent on a 335


Great insight all. My Rankings thus far.


  • S4 is in the top spot
  • CTS-V (Wagon then Sedan just be different) and family....
  • 335 (AWD) would put it 2nd though

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You know I support the CTSv wagon choice but the other car I keep looking at, as much as I want to hate it, is the Dodge Charger SRT8 or the Chrysler 300 SRT8. I love the looks of them. I have not started driving anything yet myself as I am waiting until spring. No idea how they drive but they look cool. Not near as classy as the imports but look fun at least
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I would suggest a 2012ish BMW 550i Xdrive

V8 check, AWD check, class check




^^ Sexy for sure. Classy for sure. Wondering if my personality and love for sporty feeling cars would be sacraficed in a larger 5 series that's not an M vs say a pimped out 335 or M or S4? I'm thinking while I'm still in my 40's I go with the smaller more spirited car loaded up. Open to being edumacated on the above though. Just looks to me like something I might graduate to when I have more gray hair and in my 50's.


You know I support the CTSv wagon choice but the other car I keep looking at, as much as I want to hate it, is the Dodge Charger SRT8 or the Chrysler 300 SRT8. I love the looks of them. I have not started driving anything yet myself as I am waiting until spring. No idea how they drive but they look cool. Not near as classy as the imports but look fun at least


haha. I know what you mean. I could toss a Powell/Dublin comment out there but won't. Pretty sure our new house will be more BMW/Audi or Caddy than Dukes of Hazzard ;)

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Tilley can attest to the fact that the 5 series seems to drive much smaller than it's actual footprint would make you think.


The 550i is quicker in a straight line, although the S4 might feel better around the twisties.


The 3 series is a GREAT car. I just personally prefer the 550i ( and I'm only 32 ;) )



I'll save my anti Audi rants for the chatbox. :lol:


I can most certainly get you one, if that's what you want. They are not a brand I will ever recommend again though, for what that's worth.



Yours truly,


A former Audi owner

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2015 genesis

AWD, 311 HP


New and I know where one can be scooped up for under 40k....


Would never buy a Korean make brand new. Nothing brand new really with a handful of exceptions due to abuse. However, Korean....no way. Way too much depreciation in the first two years.


Good thought though. If I leased, I might do something like that.

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If you go Lexus a GS350 is poverty, and an LS430/460 is not sporty at all. Anything Lexus is a Lexobarge.


haha on the Lexus thing. I don't know why, but I kinda dig teh GS350. Nice inside for sure. haven't driven one just been in one as a passenger.


I'll drive one just to compare though.

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