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The secret innards of your dog's bed


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First of all, children don't have pubic hair. And second, Chinese hair would be black no brown.

I'll tell you what I told my gf since she said the same thing (I thought of it, too, but it's a joke... So, I didn't give a shit.)


Anyone under 16 is a child. Nobody said it was from a 5yr old.


Also, not all chinese have black hair. Racist. ;)

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Tell you what, I'll alter the joke. Here we go...


So, my girlfriend and I, in an attempt to "go green" have been saving our pubic hair to use for dog beds and various insulation. We've really made an event out of it taking the time to shave each other every so often when needed. We hope to fill this old bean bag in the living room by spring.


What have you done to help our Mother Earth this week? Remember, GO GREEN! The future counts on us!

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Lol, another thing is Asian people don't have a lot of body hair to start with. Pubic hair is considered to be lucky so no one shaving them. Girls that have no to little pubic hair would have hard time find husband.


As for being green, I tossed my son diapers to my neighbor yard to fertilize his grass. Does that count?

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Lol, another thing is Asian people don't have a lot of body hair to start with. Pubic hair is considered to be lucky so no one shaving them. Girls that have no to little pubic hair would have hard time find an Traditional Asian husband.


Fixed but odd because the Asian chicks I've seen that don't trim the lawn have fucking wild ass forests of growth that look like it would be equiv. to fucking a box of steel wool. No thanks. Good grooming is a must.

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I hear they are paying $1 a piece for pubes at the Pube Fair in Ft. Collins.

lol Just saw a rerun of that last week, I think. Ending is classic.


Fixed but odd because the Asian chicks I've seen that don't trim the lawn have fucking wild ass forests of growth that look like it would be equiv. to fucking a box of steel wool. No thanks. Good grooming is a must.

I guess he's just been lucky finding all the shaved ones. ;) Then again, you don't have a huge selection in Columbus to choose from; not compared to some place I've lived, ie; southern California, for example.

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