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Fuck you, red light cameras

El Karacho1647545492

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Right angle crashes down, rear enders up.


They can make the stats say anything they want, but at the end of the day the fact that the city is joining a lawsuit against something voters want signify just how much of a money grab this is.


Fuck RTS, and any other company that bribes cities to allow them to extort citizens in the name of safety.

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So they are indeed off for good? The ones on Sawmill are still up and the signs are in place?


In the end, I agree that they are simply a money grab. If they want to avoid the largest majority of issues, all they have to do is delay the lights so that for a few moments both lights are red. This way if anyone is blowing a yellow light there won't be anyone in the middle to hit.


That's where I see 99% of the "close calls" anyway is people busting yellow lights not blatantly running red ones. The latter folks you won't likely stop even with a camera.

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I had proof that I was not in the country when my car went through a red light. Since it's a civil ticket, I had to pay anyway.


:confused: So if I steal your car and run red lights all night racking up fines you have to pay them?


Yeah, that makes sense.

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So they are indeed off for good? The ones on Sawmill are still up and the signs are in place?


In the end, I agree that they are simply a money grab. If they want to avoid the largest majority of issues, all they have to do is delay the lights so that for a few moments both lights are red. This way if anyone is blowing a yellow light there won't be anyone in the middle to hit.


That's where I see 99% of the "close calls" anyway is people busting yellow lights not blatantly running red ones. The latter folks you won't likely stop even with a camera.


They're not gone for good, the law just says that any red light camera issuing citations has to be staffed by a police officer 24/7. Since, you know, in this country we have the basic right to face our accuser in a court of law.


City of Columbus is challenging the law, so they're leaving the cameras up there in the hopes that it goes back to the money-grubbing way it was.


EDIT This all goes into effect 3/23.

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So they are indeed off for good? The ones on Sawmill are still up and the signs are in place?


In the end, I agree that they are simply a money grab. If they want to avoid the largest majority of issues, all they have to do is delay the lights so that for a few moments both lights are red. This way if anyone is blowing a yellow light there won't be anyone in the middle to hit.


That's where I see 99% of the "close calls" anyway is people busting yellow lights not blatantly running red ones. The latter folks you won't likely stop even with a camera.


FWIW, the camera doesn't go active till the light has been red for 2 full seconds. At least that is what the ticket office told me when I went to fight one my parent's got in a rental car that was rented to me. It was kind of a bullshit ticket in that they made a no stop right on red in between when the light went from yellow to red and the green right arrow for that light lit.

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:confused: So if I steal your car and run red lights all night racking up fines you have to pay them?


Yeah, that makes sense.


Yes. Pissed me off too.


Since, you know, in this country we have the basic right to face our accuser in a court of law.


Not for a civil ticket. They can ticket and fine you, and the burden of proof lies on the accused.


FWIW, the camera doesn't go active till the light has been red for 2 full seconds.


Not true. I saw the video of my car going through the light. It was a full video from three different angles, starting before the car entered the intersection.



I was reimbursed by the person who was driving my car. :)

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Not true. I saw the video of my car going through the light. It was a full video from three different angles, starting before the car entered the intersection.


I guess I should have been clearer: the video is always running, but it doesn't trigger a notification to the office until a car breaks the beam 2 seconds after the light goes red. They pull the stills from the video.


In NY they are just simple cameras that take stills with no videos so my brain is still hardwired to refer to the capture event as "Taking the picture". FWIW in NY the fine is between $25-50 depending on the county, not $95.

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FWIW, the camera doesn't go active till the light has been red for 2 full seconds.


Not at Sawmill and Hard they don't as I drive that route daily and I see it all the time. The crossing post counts down the seconds and that corresponds right to the light turning yellow. I watch it and use it to gauge when i stop.


There have been plenty of times that I've watched the cars go through just as the light turns red as they truly are attempting to make it through and the cameras flash as they do so. There's no delay, there. Once that light turns red the only grace that's given is to those that have cleared the intersection /cross walk. Those don't get flashed. So in summary if you make it passed the markers you're clear but if not, there's no 2 second grace period that I've seen. Not at that intersection.


It's ironic as I've watch people turning left get flashed. The first 1-2 cars don't because they are typically across the line, but the third driver always gets nabbed.


Ironic because the first two drivers should technically be cited yet aren't.

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Ironic because the first two drivers should technically be cited yet aren't.

Right of way is given to those currently in the intersection to clear the intersection.

But ya they are not on a 2 second delay, that sounds like something gob't people would tell each other to make it seem like the public are all shitty people blowing through lights all the time.

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FWIW, the camera doesn't go active till the light has been red for 2 full seconds. At least that is what the ticket office told me when I went to fight one my parent's got in a rental car that was rented to me. It was kind of a bullshit ticket in that they made a no stop right on red in between when the light went from yellow to red and the green right arrow for that light lit.

False, the one I received on parsons showed me more than halfway through the intersection (in my opinion), and said on the sheet that the light had been red for 1.7 seconds at the point of capture.


Edit: saw your later post.

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...the first two drivers should technically be cited yet aren't.


The law in Ohio is that if you are in the intersection before the light turns red, you are legal to wait for your opportunity to progress safely. You have the right of way if you have to wait for cars coming from the other direction. If the light turns green on the other side, those cars have to wait for you to clear the intersection before they can proceed.


Edit: Since I know people will dispute what I said above, it's contained in ORC4511.13(A)1(a)ii, and 2(b).

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The law in Ohio is that if you are in the intersection before the light turns red, you are legal to wait for your opportunity to progress safely. You have the right of way if you have to wait for cars coming from the other direction. If the light turns green on the other side, those cars have to wait for you to clear the intersection before they can proceed.


Edit: Since I know people will dispute what I said above, it's contained in ORC4511.13(A)1(a)ii, and 2(b).


That's pretty much the law everywhere. If you are already in the intersection you may finish your direction of travel (including turns). Its in the standardized driver's ed materials as well.


I'll have to go back and look at my ticket and transcript to make sure she said 2 seconds. It's always stuck with me that it wasn't instant but I'm remembering something that happened a year ago. The light I got the ticket at was Sawmill and dublin granville.


I fought the ticket mostly because I wanted to see how the process works and if there was a way I could pick up side money fighting these tickets for people. In the end I decided that it wasn't worth it because the way in which that office operates is pretty one sided. They put on a big show and make a lot of effort to psychologically make you think you are guilty or it is not worth the effort fighting beyond their determination. They even offer you an appeal form at the end but as the attorney representing the city said, hardly anybody takes it. They bank on this because there are many things that I would take issue with as being contradictory to existing jurisprudence or just flat being wrong but they get away with because most people don't appeal.


For instance the rental car I had lent to my parents, well there were 3 other authorized drivers on that contract and it was impossible to know who was driving because 1) I left that morning and left all 3 other drivers access to the keys, and 2) none of them remembered being at that intersection at that time because none of them are from here and had no idea what I was talking about. Yet the government's position is a civil one that is based on nuisance laws which require clear ownership or clear use. The government can't establish that in this case because none of us owned the vehicle, 4 people had equal use authorization, and their camera equipment could not capture who was in the driver's seat. Yet they were happy as all get out to say none of that matters and I was on the hook because my name was first on the rental agreement. Do I have an appeal-able issue? I think so, but I was there for an hour arguing my point for naught and I would have had to continue to spend hours of time on a $95 ticket (and I value my time at more than $95 an hour).

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I thought all Traffic Cameras were going away including Speed....Not just Red Light Cameras?


sort of:



It is an action of economic feasibility. If the economic motivation is there they can continue using the camera. I like the above article because it makes a distinction that this is not a Ban where as all the other news sources use the word "Ban" when it technically isn't.


I highly doubt the speed cameras will go away, They will just assign an officer to it. It certainly will reduce the number of them. With an officer stationed it may jump from a civil to criminal proceeding as well and get the criminal penalties of higher fines and points.


A red light camera's safety protection is dubious. Technically a speed camera's safety protection record is dubious as well but the argument for them is stronger in the public opinion.



Remember when I said the violations office was basically a guilty rubber stamp?



He had to go through two different rounds of appeals to get to the constitutional question of these tickets. For every one guy like this there are hundreds that don't fight it this far and thousands who just pay it and move on.

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2 seconds cannot possibly be correct. Are you aware of how far a car can travel in that time? There would be almost no point in having a red light camera with a 2 second delay. Either your memory has slipped or whoever told you that has to be full of shit. I'm not the red light camera guy, but it doesn't sound legit to me. If you do go back and find something else, let us know.
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Don't run fucking red lights and you won't have a problem. Jesus


I didn't run a red light. I had proof I did not run a red light. I was found guilty even though they admitted I was not in the car and committed no crime. Sounds like a problem to me.


Thanks for your (incorrect and unsolicited) opinion.

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