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Eastsiders - traffic question


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This morning, I drove from downtown east on 670, down 270, off on E. Broad to drop off tax info for my CPA. Went back downtown the same way...


Srs question: We live in Columbus, Ohio...not Chicago, not NYC, not LA, not DC...how do you NOT gouge your eyes out, cause a self-inflicted gunshot wound, or stain the cloth seats of your low-end SUV with the blood from your slit wrists as you drive in the morning?!?


I just spent the last two days driving around NE Ohio for business and the traffic was NEVER as bad as it was on 270/670 on the eastside. Someone needs to stop developing the land out east with condos and strip malls until people start using hoverboards or jet packs to get around. The only thing stopping a**holes from driving on the shoulder (people were trying) was the truckers and the broken-down hoopties. Madness, I tell ya...MADNESS.



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I couldn't stand it either. It seemed every few days it was a standstill on 270 for some reason or another.


Now my commute is 2 miles. (I can even ride my bike! We are getting showers installed at work so when it is hot out I can still ride.) I may never leave this job because I am never moving again.

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This morning, I drove from downtown east on 670, down 270, off on E. Broad to drop off tax info for my CPA. Went back downtown the same way...


Srs question: We live in Columbus, Ohio...not Chicago, not NYC, not LA, not DC...how do you NOT gouge your eyes out, cause a self-inflicted gunshot wound, or stain the cloth seats of your low-end SUV with the blood from your slit wrists as you drive in the morning?!?


I just spent the last two days driving around NE Ohio for business and the traffic was NEVER as bad as it was on 270/670 on the eastside. Someone needs to stop developing the land out east with condos and strip malls until people start using hoverboards or jet packs to get around. The only thing stopping a**holes from driving on the shoulder (people were trying) was the truckers and the broken-down hoopties. Madness, I tell ya...MADNESS.




Because the east side is basically a free zone to do whatever you want.

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I will never complain about the traffic in Columbus again. I LONG for the days of putzing away on 670....


We have it easy in the 'bus.


Living downtown and working outside the belt is ideal, I drive against traffic everyday. 15 miles in 15 minutes :megusta:

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I commute from Perry county to Dublin M-W-F and Downtown T-Th. On my Dublin days I either go 70 all the way to 270 on the west side OR I jump on 270 on the east side and go south all the way around. (Look at a map...it makes sense when you realize 70 isn't straight and doesn't cut the circle in the middle like we picture it in our heads). Every once in a while I take 37 up to 161 to 270 north around to Dublin but that adds like 10 minutes. The only way I stay sane is I leave the house before 6 and leave work before 4. Next year I will be Downtown every day and that will improve life. However...it is the section of 70 from 256 to the 71 split that is the biggest problem. All you can do is hit it as early as possible. Anything after like 6:30 is maddening. Be prepared for a slow crawl surrounded by the stupidest humans you have ever come in contact with. At least I don't have to take 33 up from Lancaster...that is the most fucktarded stretch of commuting in central ohio.
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We have it easy in the 'bus.


Living downtown and working outside the belt is ideal, I drive against traffic everyday. 15 miles in 15 minutes :megusta:



yup, this is it. live in grandview heights, work in westerville. :megusta:

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I just ram my vehicle into cars blocking my way, catch it on video, post it on youtube and watch the forums light up debating if I'm an ass or is are the ones I'm hitting asses for clogging up the road and intersections.
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Live in Dublin, work in Delaware. Minimal traffic taking riverside all the way north to 42.


Two nights a week i have to drive downtown for school. Usually take 315 which is against the flow, so it only takes me 20 minutes from my parking spot to parking spot.


The columbus traffic is one of the reasons the missus and i are looking to find a house out towards Ostrander, Radnor, Waldo, or Ashley. Zero traffic ever.

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Clay - that's caused by the fact that Americans are never taught or never aware of the "zipper rule" for merging (like in Germany). The interchange is way, way too complicated for an average American driver living in Ohio.


PS: that ramp belongs in triple-digit category should your vehicle is capable of sustaining such cornering speed.

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Clay - that's caused by the fact that Americans are never taught or never aware of the "zipper rule" for merging (like in Germany). The interchange is way, way too complicated for an average American driver living in Ohio.


PS: that ramp belongs in triple-digit category should your vehicle is capable of sustaining such cornering speed.



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If you go on 315, the zipper rule is generally in effect. As much as one could ask from the U.S. Good point though, Tom...


There is no joy in the 270/670 curve. Eastonistas are clogging up 670 W. By the time you gain speed it's all over. Better off faking the exit to Cassady/Stelzer and bomb back in at the last minute. THERE I GO, I'M ONE OF "THEM" NOW...:no::no::no:

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I just want to kill myself now.


I commute from Lancaster to Columbus during peak hours (unavoidable as I'm a teacher)


33 is a clusterfuck now because of Carrol building a new interchange and they changed the fucking timing of lights. Now Winchester Rd can trip the lights ANY TIME now when before it was timed to allow 33 to flow freely for a good period of time (about 5-6 minutes if not longer) but now it changes every 2 minutes.


begin rage mode


Now Hill Rd exit/merge, 674 exit/merge, and 317/270 exit/merge sends me right over the edge.


FUCKING raging mode activated


70/71 is basically unavoidable but everything before that, THERE'S NO FUCKING REASON WHY IT HAS TO TAKE SO FUCKING LONG.

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Next person that gives you the finger/horn combo convince to pull over. When they get out of their car punch them in the face. Make an example for the rest of traffic to see. Assert your dominance and nothing bad will happen.
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