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Water filters/purifiers...which do you use?


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After tasting the water from my parent's ProPur, I got a Berkey with the flouride removal filters added. All chemical taste is gone. The water is incredibly smooth, and I actually enjoy drinking water, which I never did before.


I am also considering getting a Katadyn so I can filter stream/pond/rain water and not have to worry about microbes. Maybe do a double filter setup since water through a Katadyn has an off-putting taste. Put it through the Katadyn first, then through the Berkey.


Which filters/purifiers do you use, and why?

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I have a water line tapped into the main in my basement. There is an inliine prefilter, and that line leads to my fridge that dispenses water. The fridge itself has a filter built in. The water out of this twice filtered dispenser tastes much better than strait from the faucet.
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We have one of these Puronics things with a water softener but I have no idea if we even really need it. The quality is great and I actually enjoy softened water.






Great water.

Entire house is filtered.

Lifetime tank warranty.




They will want to do all sorts of expensive service all the time on it. Used to be every 2 years now they are saying every 8 months for a family of 4. (lol)


But... compared to new expensive refrigerator filters all the time it probably evens out (not counting the initial cost of the system.)

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Reverse osmosis is the way to go.


Care to explain why? My research seems to show RO leads to demineralization, some of those minerals, your body needs, such as calcium. Also, RO requires water pressure. Lose pressurized water pressure, and you lose filtered water.

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I like it in my coffee In the mornings for my pour over. Gives a great clean cup. It tastes great. You set it up with a separate faucet in your house so no filling up Brita or pur filters or whatever. Filterse last a year or more depending on amount of use. A good chunk of what you lose you can find in other places.


If your gardening with it you can add your own nutrients. If you have a fish tank you have RO at your house.

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