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So if you saw a drone with a camera in your backyard....


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Sorry to bump this but they released the video from the drone. Take a look for yourself. Minus the potato the rig filmed with you can clearly see where it was stalking this guy in his backyard.


"We don't know if they're pedophiles looking for kids, we don't know if they're thieves. We don't know if it's ISIS." - Local Hillview "The Drone Slayer" guy



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"We don't know if they're pedophiles looking for kids, we don't know if they're thieves. We don't know if it's ISIS." - Local Hillview "The Drone Slayer" guy




I'm sorry but if that is the "statement" he gives the press - there is a tin foil hat in his closet.


seriously all I can picture is him taking the shot and then running into the house screaming "Martha! I did it, I durn shot the UFO!" and then being disappointed it is a hobby copter and not aliens with butsex probes.

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I'm sorry but if that is the "statement" he gives the press - there is a tin foil hat in his closet.


seriously all I can picture is him taking the shot and then running into the house screaming "Martha! I did it, I durn shot the UFO!" and then being disappointed it is a hobby copter and not aliens with butsex probes.


We all know how long that drone was in the air. He sure didn't waste any time taking it out. Does he just walk around his backyard with a shotgun at all times?

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I'm sorry but if that is the "statement" he gives the press - there is a tin foil hat in his closet.


The interview he gave where he's on the front porch talking with the reporter he seems like a legit guy. Not at all a tin foil hat type.


We all know how long that drone was in the air. He sure didn't waste any time taking it out. Does he just walk around his backyard with a shotgun at all times?


not really, we only know what the owner presented. the neighbors stories back up the shooter but only time will tell for sure.

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The interview he gave where he's on the front porch talking with the reporter he seems like a legit guy. Not at all a tin foil hat type

No in that interview he comes off as some sort of privacy crusader, different kind of crazy, no less whackadoodle.


At the end of the day that was a residential neighborhood, not a rural back forty. He showed lack of common sense and a unique brand of stupid by discharging a firearm in those conditions. I have an easy solution, charge him with a felony. Hopefully he gets convicted and then guess what he can't own guns anymore and there for can't show the world how much of a stupid piece of shit he is. The selling t-shirts? Yeah this guy is an asshole.


I have zero tolerance for people whose first reaction to something unusual they don't understand is to shoot it. It isn't like these things can be flown from a remote bunker 50 miles away, it's a goddamn hobby copter, the operator was probably standing in the street outside his house.

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No in that interview he comes off as some sort of privacy crusader, different kind of crazy, no less whackadoodle.


Opinions; we all have them. I don't think he comes across as that at all. Lots of people here have privacy fences and concerns about people intruding on their space. don't believe me, come out with me sometime when I bring my 800mm lens you see in the avatar I have. It attracts about as much attention as these toys. Someone usually asks what I'm shooting. Never mind that a $400 bridge camera can reach 2000mm +


At the end of the day that was a residential neighborhood, not a rural back forty. He showed lack of common sense and a unique brand of stupid by discharging a firearm in those conditions.

He had bird shot loaded and there are no houses behind him, just open field. Not what I would do but his neighbors didn't seem to care when interviewed. To me their opinion on the situation is interesting.


it's a goddamn hobby copter, the operator was probably standing in the street outside his house.
Perhaps but we don't know. I agree with him in that you don't know what the operator was doing or is up to. I'm sure if his comment about him having a checkered past will eventually be brought forth. The story will no doubt get more interesting.
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He had bird shot loaded and there are no houses behind him, just open field. Not what I would do but his neighbors didn't seem to care when interviewed. To me their opinion on the situation is interesting.


Where are you getting open field from? It's one open residential plot and then a road, at least according to both the description in the link above and the view from the video.


I still don't get why you seem to want to defend firing off a gun in a residential neighborhood as responsible behavior. It isn't and it shouldn't be encouraged.

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Where are you getting open field from? It's one open residential plot and then a road, at least according to both the description in the link above and the view from the video.


There's a news site somewhere that shows the flight path map-view in google earth form on the owners iPad. He makes a compelling story that indeed his drone was shot down from about 150ft up. Other witnesses said it was much lower on passes previous to that, thus why the guy went to get his gun. In that video you can see it's a huge wooded area behind the homes there.


I still don't get why you seem to want to defend firing off a gun in a residential neighborhood as responsible behavior. It isn't and it shouldn't be encouraged.
I'm not. I said it's not what I would do and that the neighbors interviewed didn't seem to make a big deal of it either. Not condoning it. All in all the only info I have is what tidbits are out there so we're all making some assumptions. Edited by TTQ B4U
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video is now blocked, I can't see it... I still don't condone his behavior... firing off a weapon period at someone else's property... I can only see a screenshot of the video and I can tell you from the video, it's a lower end model that probably does not have GPS... Wind can play a HUGE factor in their flying... a buddy of mine took his low end model to the park last weekend and called me frantic because it got away from him... he found it 3 blocks over crashed in someone's yard... If the operator was trying to spy on the guy, he'd choose a better device than a cheap one with a cheap-o camera.


EDIT: I read the article and it say he was flying he DJI Phantom 3 which is not a cheapo quad... it also doesn't provide poor images like I see in the still screenshot...


Here's a still shot of the 2 which is only 1080p compared to the stillshot that was provided... something seems a bit fishy to me... regardless, I stand by the guy has no business discharging a firearm at someone's property... or in a residential area.



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I stand by the guy has no business discharging a firearm at someone's property... or in a residential area.


You can't shoot something because you don't like it. And that quad was not "coming right for us" at 100+ feet in the air.





When I was in elementary school I was big into building and setting off model rockets. I had one that took a few pictures with a 35mm camera before it came down. pdqgp you okay with shooting this out of the sky too?

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video is now blocked, I can't see it... I still don't condone his behavior... firing off a weapon period at someone else's property... I can only see a screenshot of the video and I can tell you from the video, it's a lower end model that probably does not have GPS...


The other video I saw shows it has a GPS. IIRC too the owner said he didn't find the SD Card and thus the only video he had was streamed to his iPad thus lower resolution.


There's always 3 sides to every story but I'm betting he's only releasing the videos he wants released. Thus why there seems to be a discrepancy between what he's stating and the people on the ground. His attorney probably told him to back off on the posting of stuff online.

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You can't shoot something because you don't like it. And that quad was not "coming right for us" at 100+ feet in the air. pdqgp you okay with shooting this out of the sky too?


I'm not okay with him firing a gun in his neighborhood. I'm not okay if he did all that IF the operator was simply flying it a couple hundred feet off the ground. I am saying that if the operator, a complete stranger, took it to tree level or lower over the guys yard as has been implied, etc. then that I have a problem with. My hunch is they are both stretching the truth though.


Overall, it's cool fun technology for sure, and I've used one just as Josh has, over a larger open area and over my place of employment which we own 10+ acres. I've not and would not hover it over my neighbors homes. Fly over, yes but not hover. And IF I were to hover it at tree level over a strangers house and it it was downed by said homeowner, I can't say I'd blame them.

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Here you have two conflicting beliefs, legal or not (and legal doesn't equal moral for any bootlickers out there). One is that this device is capable of flying in what is considered "airspace" therefore one is free to fly their toy wherever they feel like it(some restrictions apply clearly), no different than driving down a public road. The other is a homeowner's desire to have some privacy in one's own backyard.


The laws simply haven't caught up with the technology but sadly we shouldn't even need laws like this to prevent folks from being assholes. Sure, it's relatively minor, but it's not whether or not you think it's a nuisance or not, it's how the other party feels about the situation. As the operator I would imagine they got some inkling that the homeowner wasn't terribly thrilled about the device being above his property, prior to shots being fired. The obvious answer is to offer your fellow man some basic respect while, for all intents and purposes, being on his property.


If, for instance, you were sitting in your car taking pictures of my windows, house, family members, and so on, parked on the public street, you have the right to do that, but I will be paying you a visit and asking you what you are doing and why.


This situation is different of couse in that I would have no recourse to inquire as to what this is about, or why there is a focus on my property or family. I can empathize the homeowner's frustration in having no avenue with which to voice a complaint save a middle finger, which I can only assume likely happened anyway.


What this boils down to is this, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should, and some simple discretion would have avoided the entire situation. Nope, now we have lawyers, and police, and court fees, and lots of time wasted not relaxing in one's yard, and not piloting a quadcopter.


Now if the guy just saw a quad/drone/fuck you whatever it is, flying bye once or twice and just shot it because he's crazy then all that goes out the window.

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Tim sounds like the guy that never gives a neighbor kid back his Frisbee that accidentally flew over his large privacy fence into his yard. I don't understand you. Nothing positive comes from destroying someone's property. And a toy hovering even in your back yard close to your grass isn't destroying anything.
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Tim sounds like the guy that never gives a neighbor kid back his Frisbee that accidentally flew over his large privacy fence into his yard.


couldn't be further from the truth but if making such comments about someone you have never had a coffee or beer with then.....


I don't understand you. Nothing positive comes from destroying someone's property. And a toy hovering even in your back yard close to your grass isn't destroying anything.
doesn't surprise me as it's just text on CR you're reading. I'll try and make my point clear. We have a line of trees and some distance separating our lot with an open field whereby lots of drones and planes and kites, etc are flown in the summer. I've even seen them crash on our street due to wind, etc. no issues. I don't care if they fly over the house or area. Really doesn't bother me. In fact I often will grab a big lens and track / photograph them. I'm sure I have several pics of that too. Fun both ways.


However if one of those strangers decided to fly a drone into my yard below tree level without permission I would likely be paying them a face to face much like what Rob has noted he would do if I had my camera pointed at his house. Given the warning and instruction I'd provide, if that persons behavior continued, they'd lose a drone and no fucks would be given.


FWIW we don't have a privacy fence either. I don't need one as we have have a natural buffer with the housing community behind us and we can't see each others homes. But then Tom is a lawyer and a good guy too. Great neighbor.

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I am saying that if the operator, a complete stranger,


ah...not a "complete" stranger either. The Operator and the shooter were neighbors. Not next door neighbors, but the article states that the shooter's house has an unobstructed view into the operators back porch. The Operator seems to know who the shooter was by his comment and the shooter is making all sorts of comments about the operators character to the media.


This is why I think the shooter is batshit crazy:

1) he is making it out like he is some sort of privacy warrior based on his comments about pedophiles and ISIS as well as his invasion of privacy comments in the interview (have to be taken together, not separate)


2) he thought it was perfectly acceptable to casually use a firearm to solve a problem which likely had just about 1000 other solutions.


3) he is selling T-shirts as the drone slayer and making all sorts of comments about his neighbor's character which are not relevant to this case.


4) if you read this article apparently there was an altercation with the police he was "sorry" for meaning he was probably all cranked up and wanted to fight some more:

Meredith does regret how he reacted with Hillview Police.


"That officer did an excellent job of keeping a bad situation from getting worse," he said.



5) he's making comments about ISIS and pedophiles when in reality this was a hobby copter belonging to a neighbor he appears to know. and I have a feeling he knew exactly whose it was when he took the shot. I mean it is rare when people who live in a neighborhood don't at the very least know who they are.



I am not saying there probably wasn't bad blood between these two guys. There may be. Maybe the operator flew his drone a bunch of times over the shooters house over the course of the last month, and the shooter was just sick of it. who knows. Regardless though I don't think at this point, with the limited facts we have, you can say anything looks good for the shooter and his behavior.

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ah...not a "complete" stranger either. The Operator and the shooter were neighbors. Not next door neighbors, but the article states that the shooter's house has an unobstructed view into the operators back porch. The Operator seems to know who the shooter was by his comment and the shooter is making all sorts of comments about the operators character to the media.


This is why I think the shooter is batshit crazy:

1) he is making it out like he is some sort of privacy warrior based on his comments about pedophiles and ISIS as well as his invasion of privacy comments in the interview (have to be taken together, not separate)


2) he thought it was perfectly acceptable to casually use a firearm to solve a problem which likely had just about 1000 other solutions.


3) he is selling T-shirts as the drone slayer and making all sorts of comments about his neighbor's character which are not relevant to this case.


4) if you read this article apparently there was an altercation with the police he was "sorry" for meaning he was probably all cranked up and wanted to fight some more:




5) he's making comments about ISIS and pedophiles when in reality this was a hobby copter belonging to a neighbor he appears to know. and I have a feeling he knew exactly whose it was when he took the shot.


It wouldn't surprise me if there was some antagonism both ways. However, it's not the shooter who in this case was the instigator. Call him crazy if you like. Some people call others who have a CHL an carry all the time paranoid crazy people too. Not me. Personally, he's stupid for opening his mouth to anyone about the matter. Selling t-shirts....funny. Go for it. The operator is prolly mad he didn't think of it.


I mean it is rare when people who live in a neighborhood don't at the very least know who they are.
Meh....the view tells a different story of how close they were to each other. The operator can show "the video" he wants but no doubt isn't going to show all of them. Interesting that the other neighbors are stating he did in fact hover it over the yard much closer. Time will tell....




I am not saying there probably wasn't bad blood between these two guys. There may be. Maybe the operator flew his drone a bunch of times over the shooters house over the course of the last month, and the shooter was just sick of it. who knows. Regardless though I don't think at this point, with the limited facts we have, you can say anything looks good for the shooter and his behavior.
Meh....next time he should use a paintball gun or something else besides a shot gun. Either way, I bet the operator won't fly his drone over this guys house any more. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Meh....next time he should use a paintball gun or something else besides a shot gun. Either way, I bet the operator won't fly his drone over this guys house any more.


The droneslayer could have tracked down the guy, thrown a sack over his head and hit him with a half-full bottle of Jeremiah Weed, dragged him down to his basement, tied him to a dusty Chuck Norris Total Gym, sliced his scrotum open with the blade removed from a Lady Bic, and then sauteed his testicles on a hot plate with some organic onions, and then we could also say "I bet he won't be flying his drone over that guy's house anymore."


So I'm not sure what your point is. :p

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Out of curiousity, you guys that fly drones do you know how high you are agl? Is there An altimeter on these things? How high will they really go? I really don't want to plow into one on final into Delaware or Osu. I over fly lots of parks and schools lol.
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I played around with a few high end ones that track GPS back to your device. It will give an altimeter reading. If you look at the screen cap posted above for this drone the altimeter is showing a 274 ft max height for the route which is not a real time screen cap but there are ones which give you GPS coordinates in real time.


I think the low end ones are VFR only.

Edited by Geeto67
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