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College Football Thread v11.0


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:lol: ^ haters gon hate



I can't wait to watch the short north rainbows play OSU this weekend. She be a tantalizing game and I bet the parade is going to be killer.


A ballerina should know all about that

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:lol: ^ haters gon hate



I can't wait to watch the short north rainbows play OSU this weekend. She be a tantalizing game and I bet the parade is going to be killer.


should give you some good material to work on for your buckeye victory dance choreography at the end of the year, ballerina boy. :dumb:

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I was really glad to see Braxton do well, as a buckeye. He had an unfortunate injury and as most people thought the combination of being a great athlete as well as excellent coaching staff he was able to make the switch to a different position.
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Also, polls are out. Obviously OSU kept the #1 spot in both. Even retained all of the first place votes in the AP. Bama and TCU flip flopped in each poll. ND moved up a couple spots in each. A&M is in the top 20 in both now. SEC has 10 teams in the AP top 25 and 9 in the coaches poll which is probably warranted. Tennessee smothered Bowling Green limiting the MAC powerhouse to just 550 yards and 30 points. Mississippi State had a dominating 34-16 victory over traditional power Southern Miss which gets the Golden Eagles off to a rocky start as they were hoping to improve upon an impressive 3-9 season in 2014.



lol... this is a good and funny read



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I'm a little late, but man did our offense looking deadly. Although VaTech was winning at halftime, I never felt like the game was in jeopardy. They were killing us with trickery and we were killing ourselves with crucial turnovers, along with a awful call on that fumble that was ruled incomplete (we likely go up 17-0 or go for it on 4th and go up 21-0, probably win the game by however much we want at that point).


Braxton somehow exceeded expectations and could very well be our #1 guy at receiver (but most likely will stay Thomas).


Cardale played well, made some big plays. I hated the read option with him though.


Elliot doesn't get a carry until what, the 3rd drive and houses it for 80. Kid is special.



I was on Hawaii's football message board (Yes they actually have one lol). They were mostly being sarcastic about beating us, but the legitimate comments were saying how they want Coach Chow to limit the starters due to the likelyhood of the entire team getting injured....srs.


Excited to see Marshall and Bosa come back. Wilson and Smith...meh

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Amen about that catch being ruled incomplete. I was bitching about that well into the third quarter. It should have been reviewed and, had it been reviewed, it would have been ruled a catch, a fumble, and a recovery by the receiver. We would have been in - what? - 4th and 2 and easily could have gone for it or made it a much more manageable field goal. Rather, we missed the long field goal and that was the switch in momentum that VT needed. Still kind of sour about it.


Cardale didn't look all that good to me. He makes dumb decisions sometimes - like throwing it into coverage when he should just throw it away - and he throws too many jump balls. However, I think he was the better choice against VT, given his size and VT's defensive strengths. Meaning, I think JT gets tackled more often and has even more passes battled down than Cardale had. So, while Cardale didn't look good, I think JT would have looked worse. (Of course JT came in and looked like Steve Young, so what do I know.)


LJ, I thought more about what you had said about VT selling out, and I think you're absolutely right. They seem to be a high risk, high reward type of defense. They leave the DBs out in man coverage and then just throw everyone else at the line of scrimmage. So, when it works, they drop the QB or running backs for losses, but then it doesn't, then give up 6. I get it. Thanks for the insight.


It's great to be an Ohio State fan. Our potential is through the roof, and we are set (at least on paper) to have a historic-type of season. Staying sufficiently motivated will likely be difficult at times, given the snoozer of a schedule lined up for us over the next couple of months. I love that we have Meyer at the helm versus someone like Tressel, as I know Meyer will give zero fucks and straight hang 70 on people on the regular. Stats should be padded over the next couple of weeks and we should try our best to monopolize the early Heisman talk (with whoever, just pick someone) and continue to solidify our stranglehold on a playoff spot.

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This view of Mike Thomas shows you just how dirty he did one of, if not the top rated DB in the country



I probably watched that 20 times when it went up. I had to figure out if the thumping sound was actually Thomas' feet hitting the ground. For the sound of his stutter step to be loud enough to get picked up there he must have put so much force into it.


Also, VT fans are all convinced Fuller wasn't 100% for the game since Thomas beat him several times. Got him on the slant early, drew the PI in the end zone and then just embarrassed him with the stutter step. This series definitely made me dislike VT fans quite a bit.

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Also, VT fans are all convinced Fuller wasn't 100% for the game since Thomas beat him several times. Got him on the slant early, drew the PI in the end zone and then just embarrassed him with the stutter step. This series definitely made me dislike VT fans quite a bit.


Their main fan site, The Key Play, has been full of excuses too. It's pretty sad.

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