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Last night's episode kicked butt. About to do an encore in a min.

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I hope when Jon Snow tries to recruit northmen, they lop his head off for breaking his oath to the night's watch. No one would believe him coming back from the dead and would just assume its a cop out to leave his vows. Ned and Robb stark got gruesome deaths, so I can only assume that Jon will next since he's the new fanboy favorite.
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I hope when Jon Snow tries to recruit northmen, they lop his head off for breaking his oath to the night's watch. No one would believe him coming back from the dead and would just assume its a cop out to leave his vows. Ned and Robb stark got gruesome deaths, so I can only assume that Jon will next since he's the new fanboy favorite.


You're applying logic to a show that gave it up a while ago.

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Man last night's episode was great - a whole lot of crap is about to go down.


I cannot wait to see Ramsey get his.


How great was it when Brienne explained how she knew about the ghost -" Stanis told me before I executed him"

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I hope when Jon Snow tries to recruit northmen, they lop his head off for breaking his oath to the night's watch. No one would believe him coming back from the dead and would just assume its a cop out to leave his vows.


He has witnesses, including Sir Davos, some of the KW brother's, and the Red Priestess. He isn't the only person to have been brought back from the dead. Not in the books, or the show.


Man last night's episode was great - a whole lot of crap is about to go down.


I cannot wait to see Ramsey get his.


How great was it when Brienne explained how she knew about the ghost -" Stanis told me before I executed him"


Ramsey needs to go...but that is why I bet he stays a while longer. Same reason Joffrey was there so long...they love to have a character that makes people feel uncomfortable. As for Brienne...she is awesome...and I was cracking up at how Tormund kept checking her out.


You guys just gonna gloss over the bewb scene in the end?
Yup. Bewbs unimportant. Everything else that happened in that scene...very important.
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2 seasons after this one, My predictions: Ramsey doesn't die until next season, next season the mother of dragons comes to Westros everyone has to unite at the end of it, and last season winter comes. Cliffhanger will be whether Ramsey lives or dies this season, and hopefully Sansa gets to torture him somehow.
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I bet the series ends with Little Finger just slithering off unnoticed. That guy is such a bastard...but I doubt I will have the pleasure of seeing him meet his end. Though him and that little Sh*t of the Vale falling through the moon door together would be glorious.
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You guys just gonna gloss over the bewb scene in the end? Those were HERS btw.


Don't care about the bewbies when her elbows are that pointy. Plus all the press and interviews with her lately makes me wish those fucking dragons would eat her in the next episode.

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He has witnesses, including Sir Davos, some of the KW brother's, and the Red Priestess. He isn't the only person to have been brought back from the dead. Not in the books, or the show.


True, but don't most northmen still believe in the old gods? They might see an issue with him being brought back by a red priestess. Not everyone believed it about Baeric either, more of a tale being spread (except obviously for the people that saw it)

Oh well, the more I read about this damn R+L=J theory twilight-esque fangirl bullshit, the more it seems like this show is taking a nose dive and hopefully doesn't end in suck.

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I personally think it is all different ways to describe the same "god." Even the 7 technically are one god with 7 different personality traits. Similar to how trinitarians try to say God is 3 separate beings (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) instead of just 3 different forms of one God.


There are some plot holes, I give the show that, but how many shows a literally flawless? It's one of the few things in life where I can just shut my brain off and enjoy.

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True, but don't most northmen still believe in the old gods? They might see an issue with him being brought back by a red priestess. Not everyone believed it about Baeric either, more of a tale being spread (except obviously for the people that saw it)

Oh well, the more I read about this damn R+L=J theory twilight-esque fangirl bullshit, the more it seems like this show is taking a nose dive and hopefully doesn't end in suck.


R+L=J is twilight?


So Rygar Targaryen kidnaps and rapes Lyana Stark and impregnates her and she bears Jon Snow and fucking dies in childbirth? How the fuck is that twilight?

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